Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue were very excited and very devout to Jiang Feng, and they did a very large kneeling bow.

Wang Zaiyu was originally Jiang Feng's apprentice, so this matter was taken for granted. As Wang Zaiyu's master, it was normal for him to teach him.

But Bai Zhanxue moved him even more. He was just a disciple of Xuanxiaozi's faction.

Jiang Feng picked up two 903 people and said to them: "I am not doing this for your own good, but to allow more people to defeat this shadow."

Jiang Feng thought in his heart that so many men in black could not be defeated by him alone, but to defeat this thing together with many people.

They absorb the filthy power after the death of the human body, and they are also very disrespectful to the dead.

Moreover, their current thoughts are so evil, they want to occupy the cultivation world, and they want to kill all the people in the Central Plains. How could he allow these things to happen?

[-] "Blank" Jiang Feng and Bai Zhanxue gave an order and told them, "Go down and rest first, and when you come back to me at night, I will teach you all seriously. both."

After the two left, Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone and called Wang Ye, Dingfeng, Xuan Xiaozi, and all three of them.

In the past, these hidden sects, they all seemed to exist like gods, and there was no such thing as a telephone to use, but now Jiang Feng has slowly infiltrated into their lives, just in a special hurry. time to call them.

Their mobile phones are specially used to receive Jiang Feng's information.

Soon the three people's phones were all connected one by one.

Jiang Feng said to Xuan Xiaozi, "I'm in the north of Xinjiang now. There are some dark forces in this place. Come and help me."

Jiang Feng opened his mouth and said what he meant directly, and Xuan Xiaozi didn't hesitate. Because Xuan Xiaozi knew that although he was very idle, if Jiang Feng hadn't encountered trouble, he would not have looked for him.

Xuan Xiaozi said to Jiang Feng without any hesitation: "Okay, I know, I will be there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Jiang Feng called Wang Yeye again. Wang Ye is now in the sect and is in charge of many things, so when he answered the phone, he heard Jiang Feng say the seriousness of the matter without any hesitation.

He still knew the seriousness of the matter, agreed with Jiang Feng's words to let him help Ling, and said to him, "I'll arrange the things in my mid-length shoot, and I'll go tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Dingfeng also answered the phone. When Jiang Feng called, listening to the other end of the phone, he seemed to be talking to the elders in his sect.

The elders looked at Dingfeng in astonishment and picked up a phone. Their sect usually doesn't have such a thing.

Dingfeng listened to Jiang Feng repeating what he and the first two people had said.

He said to the elders below: "I have something to do now, and you can handle the next thing yourself."

Then, with slender legs, he walked towards the outside of the sect, leaped and flew out of the sect's mountain forest.

Chapter 601 Teaching

He is about to go to the Qiangbei area right now and get up to help Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng received a definite time, because it would take two days for him to teach Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyu kung fu, and this talisman paper was not so easy to draw.

His final answer to the three was the same: "Anyway, you should come as soon as possible. There really is something here that needs to be resolved as soon as possible."

Yun Yi is now the Great Elder of Tiangong, so Jiang Feng is not here now, and he has a lot of things to deal with every day.

I asked Jiang Feng and said, "What big thing happened, so I even left Tiangong, I want to tell him, come on anyway, very strange things happened here, we will talk about it in detail when the three of you arrive. I can't even tell."

After a few people hung up the phone, they were all worried, because if Jiang Feng did not encounter any major incident, he would not let them all call together, and they were all the heads of various schools. .

In the realm of self-cultivation, it is considered to be relatively powerful. If Jiang Feng had not encountered any difficult things, why would he have called all three of them to the northern region of Xinjiang?

After the three people arranged everything in their hands, they rushed over to what Jiang Feng said ~ the northern region of Xinjiang.

On Jiang Feng's side, it was already dark. Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue had already arrived at Jiang Feng's room after dinner.

The two of them were very excited. Jiang Feng was about to teach them new exercises. Thinking that he was going to become a particularly powerful cultivator, he was very happy.

Jiang Feng had eaten dinner and was cultivating with closed eyes in the room, watching two people have come in.

Jiang Feng said to the two of them, "The two of you go and prepare your own swords."

Wang Zaiyu didn't leave his hands every day, and took out the sword directly from behind him.

Bai Zhanxue watched him pouting his mouth, and then very quickly, ran back to his room and took his long sword.

Although his speed was a little slower, it was fortunate that Jiang Feng hadn't taught them any knowledge yet, and the two of them were still sitting there waiting for him every time he went.

(blank) [-]

Jiang Feng saw that the two were ready, and said to the two, "Tonight we will practice the specific drawing of this talisman paper in the room, and tomorrow we will find a secluded place to practice the function of this talisman paper. "

Both of them were very humble and eager to learn, watching Jiang Feng's guidance to them.

Jiang Feng's instruction was actually very simple. He took out the sword like they usually draw talisman paper.

......... 0 ......

However, the drawing method of this talisman paper is the same as those that are not special, and there are some differences. The two of them learned it very seriously, and pressed Jiang Feng's key strokes to draw little by little.

This talisman was drawn very quickly, and a talisman suspended in mid-air was really magical.

Jiang Feng looked at the talismans of the two people. Although it was not quite correct, the foundation of the two of them was still very good, and they learned things very quickly. As long as they practiced more, they would become better and better.

Jiang Feng said to them: "Today, learn how this talisman paper looks like and how to describe it. After tomorrow, we will find a quiet place in the forest to practice on the infuriating energy into the talisman paper." Qian.[-] [-]【Linglong】

Chapter 602 Retire

It's already midnight for this study.

Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyu have been studying hard, but they didn't expect it to be so late.

Wang Zaiyu said to Jiang Feng, "Master, then you should rest early, we will leave first."

Bai Zhanxue also bowed respectfully to Jiang Feng and said, "Mr. Jiang Feng, please rest first, I will not disturb your rest, thank you for your teaching of "Nine One Zero", we will meet again tomorrow morning consult."

Jiang Feng looked at the two and said to them, "Then you should go back to your room and practice more, just follow the method I taught you, until you are proficient in drawing, if there is something you can't do tomorrow, we will continue. practise."

The two said to Jiang Feng in unison: "I see, we will definitely practice more when we go back."

The two walked out, Jiang Feng sat on the bed again, closed his eyes, and cultivated his infuriating energy. Because he had to hurry to cultivate, his infuriating qi also spent a lot on this day.

If he doesn't make up for all the zhenqi that has been spent, he is really afraid that he will lose to the man in black, because the strength of the man in black is really weird.

On the second day, when Jiang Feng just walked out of the door, he saw that there were two people squatting outside his door today.

Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyu didn't even eat food in the morning, so they squatted outside his door and waited for them.

Jiang Feng was really dumbfounded. These two were really good students who were eager to learn.

Jiang Feng said to them, "Let's go, let's go to dinner first, and then find a secluded place after dinner, and teach you two how to instill infuriating energy."

When Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyu heard Jiang Feng say this, they immediately stood up and followed behind Jiang Feng, saying all kinds of nice words to Wang Feng along the way, and walked towards the cafeteria.

The three of them walked to the entrance of the cafeteria in a lively manner. Just after entering the cafeteria, the soldiers were eating in an orderly manner. It was very quiet. There was only the sound of dishes and chopsticks when eating in the cafeteria. Well trained.

Jiang Feng looked at a table from a distance, sitting Wu Yating and Xu Beibei.

Jiang Feng led Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyu, without any hesitation, walked directly towards the direction where Wu Yating and Xu Beibei were sitting... 0

Jiang Feng sat directly at their table without hesitation, while Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyu were very filial to help Jiang Feng make breakfast and bring it back.

Wu Yating and Xu Beibei asked Jiang Feng, "Do you have anything to do today? Our interviews here are over."

Jiang Feng asked them to come here so that they could help him earn more shock points.

Jiang Feng said to Wu Yating and Xu Beibei: "What are you interested in? Go and shoot some videos yourself. We won't be with you today if we have something to do. You can move freely."

The two girls obviously do not want to be separated from Jiang Feng, because every time there is Jiang Feng, 4.2 must be very exciting, and netizens also like Jiang Feng very much during the live broadcast, and every live broadcast is very successful.

The two girls said to Jiang Feng, "Then we don't have anything to film today. We have already finished filming the life of the army."

After speaking, he seems to be very sad and distressed, there is nothing to do today, alas.

Chapter 603 The Rune Paper of the Art of Fire

Both of them were very low and very boring.

He asked again: "Let's see what you are doing today, is there any video to shoot."

The two girls were very curious and asked Jiang Feng what he was going to do today. If there is a good subject for shooting, the two of them will definitely make a lot of money by following him today.

But the most important thing is that every time you follow him, something new will happen, and netizens like to watch it very much.

Jiang Feng thought about the fact that he had the two of them filming with him. In fact, it was okay. If he could have more shock values, it would be good for him.

He said, "Today I will teach Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyu to draw the spell of the fire bathing technique."

Wu Yating's eyes suddenly lit up. Originally sitting opposite Jiang Feng, she immediately got up and sat beside Jiang Feng.

Pulling Jiang Feng's arm, his big eyes flickered, as if he could speak.

Wu Yating said to him: "Then the two of us can shoot a video of your live teaching today. We have never started this live broadcast before, and there will definitely be a lot of netizens wanting to watch it."

Xu Xu Beibei agreed very much as soon as she heard it. Wu Yating immediately nodded and said, "We'll start this live broadcast today. Friends must like it very much."

Jiang Feng really can't help, these two grind people, Jiang Feng believes that if he does not agree with the conditions of these two girls, today is not a good day, and the two of them will definitely fight with him to the end.

There was no way, Jiang Feng said to the two girls: "Then if you don't have anything to shoot today, you can go if you really want to."

Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue are a little embarrassed, because the two of them are not very mature in their studies now. If all netizens see the two of them learning clumsily, will they laugh at them.

Two people, you look at me, I look at you, and understand the meaning of each other's eyes.

Wang Zaiyu said to Jiang Feng: "Master, if we let others see the teaching, will it affect our plan?"

Jiang Feng shook his head and said, "It's okay, these are all methods of cultivating the truth. If you don't clarify where the real method is, others will not know."

"And you already learned it once yesterday, even if others want to learn it, you can't learn it."

Jiang Feng was still very relieved about this.

Besides, Jiang Feng is not a stingy person. If there is really such a genius in the live broadcast room to learn from, he will accept him as an apprentice in the future, which may be helpful for the future invasion of the Ten Thousand Races.

After all, the art of fire bath is not so easy to learn 910, if it is easy to learn, anyone can learn it, and it has long since become a particularly basic exercise.

Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyuting had no choice but to nod, "Alright then."

No matter what, you must perform well today, or you will be embarrassed, but it is really a big loss.

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