There are so many netizens, millions of people every time the live broadcast is launched, it really puts a lot of pressure on them to study.

Wu Yating and Xu Xu Beibei danced happily, and kept praising Jiang Feng, saying, "Jiang Feng, you are the best."

"You are really the best to us. After this live broadcast is over, we will invite you to dinner when we go back.".

Chapter 604 Teaching

After a few people had breakfast, they walked towards an old forest in a deep mountain behind the unit. It was very quiet and very suitable for a few of them to study without affecting the soldier's training.

Jiang Feng saw that the surrounding environment was very quiet, and he was already far away from this unit. Moreover, this area was full of bamboo forests, and it was also very wide. It was especially suitable for teaching him the art of lust.

Xu Beibei and Wu Yating were so excited that they didn't start the live broadcast at the beginning, but were on the side, like a small audience, watching how Jiang Feng taught Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue.

Jiang Feng said to Xu Beibei and Wu Yating, "The current cultivation level of the two of you is really too low, and it's not suitable for doctrine. You two should start a live broadcast."

The two still shook their heads, like a curious baby, and said to Jiang Feng, "Let's just take a look and see. If we can learn, of course we also want to learn."

Bi Jing Jiang Feng had taught them some paintings before, very simple ones, those were runaway talismans.

That is, when two people are in danger, they can save their lives.

However, if they learn this kind of advanced talisman paper painting method, the two of them have too poor comprehension ability, and they are not suitable at all.

Jiang Feng ignored the two little girls. Since they were willing to watch, let them watch.

Jiang Feng said to Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue, "Do you still remember the way to draw talismans that I taught you two last night~¨?"

Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyu both nodded in unison.

Of course, they all remembered that the two of them basically didn't sleep much last night, just practicing the drawing method of this talisman paper.

For fear that he could not learn well, Jiang Feng stopped teaching himself.

Wang Zaiyu said to Jiang Feng very respectfully: "Master studied very seriously last night. I think it's almost the same as what you painted, and there is not much difference."

Jiang Feng said, "Then you can draw it first, and I'll take a look."

Sure enough, Wang Zaiyu took out a long sword and pointed it at the void, and began to draw very complicated strokes on paper. As Wang Zaiyu himself said, his paintings are still very good now, otherwise Jiang Feng Nor will he accept Wang Zaiyu as his apprentice and learn from Wang Zaiyu.

Wang Zaiyu's spiritual roots are still very high, and he is also very hardworking.

Jiang Feng looked at Bai Zhanxue again and said to Bai Zhanxue, "々' Draw your method of drawing the talisman paper again, and I'll take a look too."

Bai Zhanxue didn't bother, just took out his long sword and started to draw it facing the void, just like Wang Zaiyu's painting method, but there is an interesting difference between Bai Zhanxue's painting method and Wang Zaiyu's. Yes, not as good as he draws.

Jiang Feng also nodded. Bai Zhanxue's paintings are actually very good. After all, they have only studied for one night (Nord's), so how could they have such high requirements?

Jiang Feng said to Bai Zhanyu: "It's also very good, but if you want to have a stronger combat power in the future, you still need to continue to practice how to draw this talisman."

Bai Zhanxue bowed to Jiang Feng very respectfully and said, "Thank you, Mr. Jiang Feng, I will definitely study hard."

Jiang Feng said: "Okay, okay, let's start learning now.".

Chapter 605 Reiki Injecting Talisman Paper

Seeing that Jiang Feng was about to start teaching, and the method of the talisman paper they just started sending out, Wu Yating and Xu Beibei didn't understand what was going on at all.

It seems that the spiritual roots of the two of them are really too low, and they can't understand Jiang Feng's high-IQ learning method.

Wu Yating said to Xu Beibei: "Okay, okay, the two of us won't be allowed to watch it. Let's start the live broadcast quickly. This thing really cannot be learned by the two of us."

Xu Beibei was also very sad, feeling that the whole person was wilted.

He also said to Wu Yating: "It's true, I didn't understand anything at all after watching it. Let's make 910 live and earn money seriously."

So the two took out their cameras and started preparing for the live broadcast very seriously.

Just opened the live broadcast room, there are already tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room within a few minutes.

As soon as Wu Yating went online, there were so many people. She didn't expect that there were so many people in the live broadcast room these days.

Wu Yating greeted all the audience and friends in the live broadcast room very enthusiastically.

"Hello everyone, I'm Wu Yating. Welcome to Xianshan's show. Today we're going to introduce you to Jiang Feng's method of calling two apprentices to speak a spell."

Xu Beibei also greeted all the audience friends, "Hello everyone, I'm Xu Beibei, welcome everyone to the Xianshan show, today everyone is watching our exclusive live broadcast, this live broadcast is delivered by Jiang Feng Our apprentices come to learn."

"I hope that if you have someone with a particularly strong understanding ability, you can find a way to cultivate from here."

Various netizens in the live broadcast room began to frantically pick up gifts.

In a flash, a rocket was sent out.

A dashing life gave away a sports car.

I'm a boss, sending out a cloud-piercing arrow.

The girl with no makeup gave away a sports car.

One by one sports cars, one by one rockets, all kinds of gifts, and [-] "blank" began to frantically brush up in the non-live broadcast room.

Wu Yating and Xu Beibei have actually begun to get used to the current situation of gift-giving in the live broadcast room, so even though they are very happy, they are still very calm.

In the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room, all kinds of comments are even more varied.

Meteor said at the moment: "I'm going, is this the boss wanting to teach on the spot? I must study hard."

The unrestrained life said: "I think my spiritual roots must be very high, and I must be able to learn it."

The old song of the years said: "I hope the boss can accept my knee and let me worship him as a teacher."

That smile said, "He's been my master for a long time, okay? It's just that my wisdom is too low and I haven't learned it yet."

Everyone was talking about all kinds of jokes, and they all wanted to see how Jiang Feng taught.

The live broadcast room here has only been open for a few minutes, and the number of people has risen from tens of thousands to 50 people. Don't increase it too fast.

Many netizens are waiting for their live broadcast this time. The live broadcast these days has deeply shocked netizens.

Jiang Feng looked at Wu Yating and Xu Beibei and started to work seriously.

And Jiang Feng continued to look at Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue, and said to the two of them: "Now I teach you two how to penetrate the spiritual power into the meeting.".

Chapter 606 Void Drawing Talisman

Then use the common drawing talismans facing the void, and inject your spiritual power into it, and a talisman paper with damaging power will be formed.



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Click on the link to join the group chat [novel exchange group]: Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyu, although they have learned the method of cultivating self-cultivation, but listening to Jiang Feng speak , this kind of advanced talisman paper is still confusing.

Jiang Feng said to them: "I know you can't understand it yet. You can see me do it for you first."

At this moment, Jiang Feng held a long sword in his hand and began to draw in the void, using the method of complicated spells.

?|?|? ?|??~???[~empty_white-] is much faster than walking the dragon and snake. Looking at the golden talisman paper in the air, it suddenly burns up, like a golden yellow The flame of the flame is like a flame. With Jiang Feng's brushwork, the painting becomes larger and larger, and a square flame is drawn like this-.

Jiang Feng's flame is still glittering with golden light, with a huge flame power.

The audience and friends in the live broadcast room immediately watched with enthusiasm, and all kinds of gifts were madly swept up.

And the people in the comment area where they spoke also became very few, because the commentary delayed the effect of their watching the video after all, so only a few friends in the live broadcast room were swiping their own remarks.

I believe there are gods. He said, "My God, I saw something, I saw it. It's really amazing that Mr. Jiang Feng used his self-cultivation energy to draw the talisman paper there."

Just say happy: "I want to learn from Jiang Feng, this method is really domineering."

The girl without makeup said loudly, "I want to learn, I want to learn."

All the students in the live broadcast room are also making various comments.

And Jiang Feng's side is still copying, and after it is common, he draws it little by little, and as the talisman paper has drawn Jiang Feng's hand, he pushes it forward.

The two forces collided, like a golden fireball, and Jiang Feng's talisman was shot forward, hitting the bamboo directly in front.

"Bang!" There was a sound of fire.

The bamboo tree was directly burned into wood by Jiang Feng's talisman paper, and it was generally crackling with sparks and smoking. It was quickly seen that the green bamboo just now turned into nothing.

The burning speed is really amazing. The audience and friends at the scene did not expect that Jiang Feng's talisman paper is really too powerful.

(blank) [-]

After Jiang Feng finished painting, this move was all over, and asked Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyu to say, "Do you two understand what I did just now?"

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