Bai Zhanxue shook his head. After all, it was the first time he had come across this matter, so he didn't particularly understand it.

......... 0

Jiang Feng said that he couldn't, so he told Bai Zhanxue, "Don't be discouraged, this thing has to be learned slowly, it will take two or three days for the two of you to be able to touch a little, and the method is considered to be very good. Okay."

And Wang Zaiyu is really suitable for cultivating. He nodded slightly and said to Jiang Feng: "I seem to understand a little bit about what it should be."

Jiang Feng didn't expect Wang Zaiyu to be so smart, and after seeing a little of the method, he became a friend.

Said to Wang Zaiyu, "Then you can try it first."

Sure enough, Wang Zaiyu took a common talisman in his hand and faced the void, like Jiang Feng just drew a line. Although it was golden, the light was not like a talisman paper. Eight.[-] Two [Linglong]

Chapter 607 Stunned

Moreover, the color of the talisman paper drawn is lighter than the talisman paper that Jiang Feng just painted, and the size of the talisman paper is also smaller.

Although he just understood it, for beginners, Wang Zaiyu is already very powerful.

The live broadcast room was swiping, "Jiang Feng's apprentice is really amazing."

Liu Xing said: "I know his '[-]' apprentice, who used to be one of our staff."

Years are like songs, and he said: "It's really amazing, even the former staff members are now Jiang Feng's apprentices."

"How high is Jiang Feng's level?"

Netizens in the live broadcast room swiped comments one by one.

As for Xu Beibei and Wu Yating, they were already stunned, they didn't have time to interact with the audience in the live broadcast room, and they didn't have time to talk to the audience about the questions they asked.

Xu Beibei gently pulled Wu Yating's arm beside him, and said to Wu Yating, "I just saw something, that talisman paper is really amazing, did it burn down all the bamboo trees?"

Wu Yating nodded blankly and said, "I saw this scene too, and it felt like I was dreaming."

The two were chatting to each other to themselves, completely forgetting that the two of them were still streaming live.

At this moment, Wang Zaiyu's talisman paper had been drawn, and he pushed forward with a piece of paper in the void. The two forces collided, and the talisman paper rushed forward, although it didn't look as big as Jiang Feng's just now. Momentum, but still the same.

The talisman directly hit a bamboo tree, and the bamboo tree emitted black smoke, like a flame that was about to get up early, but slowly the bamboo also burned.

But it is not as vigorous as Jiang Feng's bamboo burning, Wang Zaiyu looked at Jiang Feng with joy.

Jiang Feng nodded and said to Wang Zaiyu, "I didn't expect your ability to understand, so Zhengqiang's first test has been successful. If you practice more and work harder, I believe you will succeed."

Jiang Feng was really happy. He never thought that Wang Zaiyu would be able to draw such a talisman for the first time.

Because you have to think of a way to inject your self-cultivation spiritual power into the sword, and then inject the spiritual power into the sword tip of the talisman paper, so that the talisman paper can be successfully transformed... 0

Wang Zaiyu said to Jiang Feng, "I just learned a little bit. Thank you Master for your teaching."

Jiang Feng looked at Bai Zhanxue and said to him: "Don't be discouraged, you must think about injecting the spiritual power of your own body into your hand, and then inject it from your hand to your sword, and then the sword Refer to the talisman paper drawn by the void, let him have the infusion of spiritual power, and finally push it forward, so that you can succeed, try it a few times yourself, and slowly you will find this feeling."

Jiang Feng said that Bai Zhanxue was no longer discouraged, but worked very hard and began to draw there.

Sure enough, as Jiang 4.2 Feng said, although he is very unskilled in painting, he already has a little bit of feeling.

His heart was overjoyed, and he worked harder to draw there, and he drew the first talisman paper. After Jiang Feng's praise, his confidence greatly increased.

Draw the second one, the speed of the talisman is much faster, and the size of the talisman is also much larger.

Chapter 608 Apprenticeship!

Bai Zhanxue's heart Yixi was still very serious, and he continued to draw there according to Jiang Feng's teaching method. Sure enough, the effect this time was much better.

After he finished painting, the other hand pushed forward, one copy threw forward, and the bamboo in the distance suddenly burst into flames, and his talisman paper was successfully drawn.

The talisman paper of the Art of Desire has such power, and there are only flames with righteousness on it.

Therefore, the long flame can defeat all darkness.

The method taught by Jiang Feng was very shocking in the live broadcast room. I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

In Jiang Feng's mind, although he was watching Bai Zhanxue 30 and Wang Zaiyu, they were practicing their own way of drawing talismans.

Ding ding ding, ding ding ding sound had already started to sound in his head, this is the sound of his own shock value.

When he received the fragrance, the two were shocked.

Received the disinfecting of life, 4 shocks.

Received the years like a song, three shock values.

Then a smile, ten shock values.

I'm the grimace behind, two shock values.

One shock after another rushed towards Jiang Feng's mind.

Jiang Feng was really overjoyed. He never thought that he would earn so much shock value by opening a live broadcast.

It seems that he will have more confidence when he fights against the man in black in the future.

Jiang Feng was very happy when he received so many shock points.

Looking in the direction of Xu Beibei and Wu Yating, he waved to them both.

They were still in a daze, as if they were like all the audience in the live broadcast room. Xu Beibei and Wu Yating, who were watching the play, passed Jiang Feng's wave and immediately realized that they were still opening the live broadcast room.

Xu Beibei is very professional and said to all the audience in the live broadcast room: "Thank you for watching this time, the scene of the scene is really shocking, so forgive me and Wu Yating for forgetting to talk to our audience. Friends interact."

Wu Yating immediately came back to her senses and said to everyone in the live broadcast room: "Mr. Jiang Feng, it's really great. The way of drawing on the rune paper just now really made our jaw drop."

As soon as the live broadcast room saw two beautiful anchors coming up, it became even more lively.

Years like a song said: "It's true, I've been shocked by my chin."

The dashing life said: "Jiang Feng still accepts apprentices, I can go and worship him as a teacher."

That little bit said: "Yes, yes, I want to worship him as a teacher."

I said behind my back, "Yes, yes, I want to worship him as my teacher."

If you are happy, you can say: "I also want to worship Jiang Feng as my teacher. He is really handsome. He is really handsome. Not only is he handsome, but his strength is so strong. My 910 days."

"It feels like he is like my male god now. Saying he is a male god is not enough to express our current mood."

"Boss, hurry up and take our knees."

The friends in the live broadcast room are swiping their various nice words and their own shocking words.

They really don't know how powerful Jiang Feng is, and it has already reached this point, but it is true that all of them are subtly influenced by Jiang Feng and begin to exercise hard.

The years in the live broadcast room are like a song: "Hurry up, hurry up, the two female anchors quickly step aside, we have to watch how Jiang Feng teaches.".

Chapter 609 The Three Heads Are Coming

Wu Yating and Xu Beibei really have black lines on their faces. They didn't expect that the audience and friends of the two would like them so much. Now, in order to see how Jiang Feng taught, they disliked themselves in front of the camera.

Xu Beibei laughed and said to everyone in the live broadcast room: "Now let's see how Jiang Feng teaches. Don't say that I didn't interact with you."

He was just joking, and all the netizens were really saying: "We will see the results of teaching right now."

On the other side, Jiang Feng was still looking at Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue, drawing on the talisman paper.

It is indeed that the more the two people draw, the better, and the talisman paper that Wang Zaiyu has already drawn.

The skill is getting bigger and bigger, and the talisman paper is pushed out, and the flame is more vigorous.

Jiang Feng is very satisfied. Wang Zaiyu's apprentice, seeing that Bai Zhanxue can now draw, just like Wang Zaiyu's first withdrawal from the talisman paper, Bai Zhanxue's talent is really very high.

Jiang Feng said to Bai Zhanxue, "I didn't expect that you have already succeeded in painting. If you work harder, you will definitely succeed~¨."

Jiang Feng said to the two of them: "I have already finished teaching the teaching methods that I should teach you, and then it's up to you two. That's it for today's teaching methods."

Jiang Feng had other things to do when he went back, so he didn't run in with the two here any longer.

Wang Zaiyu said to Jiang Feng, "Thank you for your teaching, I will definitely practice hard."

Bai Zhanxue also bowed his hand to Jiang Feng very respectfully, and said to Jiang Feng, "Thank you for the teaching of Jiang Feng, I will definitely work harder."

"If Boss Jiang Feng goes to investigate that strange black gas, I will definitely help you."

Jiang Feng nodded and said to the two of them, "You two should practice hard, and I'll leave first."

Then Jiang Feng walked to the live broadcast room of the video and said to Wu Yating and Xu Beibei, "I have finished teaching now, are you two going?"

Wu Yating looked at the live broadcast room of the video. Many viewers and friends were still madly swiping various words and various gifts there.

Seeing Jiang Feng coming, the swiping comments got even higher.

When Jiang Fengping interacted with his friends in the live broadcast room, there were also a lot of them. He walked to the camera and watched. There were a lot of comments on the screen, and he simply answered a few.

Years like a song asked Jiang Feng, "々' The drawing method of this talisman paper is really difficult, is there a simpler one that you can teach us to draw on the spot?"

Jiang Feng also answered them very patiently, "If you have the spiritual power of a cultivator, then you can draw the audience at the scene. If you are interested, I can teach you later."

And the audience was even more enthusiastic.

Immortals in my heart said to Jiang Feng, "Now (Nuo Dehao) I have found a little bit of a cultivator, the method of cultivating spiritual power. I hope that I can gradually become a powerful boss like Jiang Feng."

Jiang Feng said to everyone: "As long as everyone works hard, I believe that one day everyone can become a cultivator."

After Jiang Feng and everyone answered a few questions, he said to them: "Okay, today's show is over here, I still have things to do, so thank you for watching.".

Chapter 610 Close the live broadcast

Wu Yating and Xu Beibei immediately took over Jiang Feng's words.

Xu Beibei said first: "Thank you, everyone, for interacting with us today and entering the Fairy Mountain show."

Wu Yating also treated everyone very tenderly and smiled and said: "Thank you everyone, watch our live broadcast today, say goodbye to everyone now, we will see you tomorrow."

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