Although these viewers in the live broadcast room watched the live broadcast for two hours, they were still reluctant to part.

But Wu Yating and Xu Beibei have turned off the live broadcast.

Jiang Feng said to the two of them: "I'm going back, are you two going back?"

He's almost finished school now, so he doesn't need to stay in this 913.

Wu Yating and Xu Beibei said, "Let's watch it for a while, can the two of us learn some simple copy painting techniques?"

Jiang Feng said, "Didn't I teach you to simply copy and paint before?"

Wu Yating pouted her mouth and said to Jiang Feng, "Those are all talismans that escaped, they are really too weak, how can they be so handsome?"

Jiang Feng said: "Okay, with your current spiritual power, it is already very powerful to be able to learn these talismans. I have friends who want to come, so I will leave first."

Then Jiang Feng didn't wait for the two of them to speak, and directly hung in the air with [-] "blank". He made a very handsome movement in midair and flew forward. Although the speed was not particularly fast, it made people look real. It's too handsome, and it feels like a fairy.

Jiang Feng flew to the vicinity of the troops, then fell down and walked on the stone road beside him.

All the way back to the gate of the army.

When he just walked into the army gate, there was a falling sound from behind.

Jiang Feng's current ability of consciousness is already very high, so as soon as he heard the sound, he knew that a cultivator flew and fell to the ground.

Sure enough, Jiang Feng turned around and saw Wang Ye.

Jiang Feng adjusted his handsome eyebrows and said to Wang Ye, "I didn't expect you to be the first person to come. You really give me too much face."

Wang Ye disagreed, walked in the direction of Jiang Feng, then patted Jiang Feng on the shoulder and said, "I didn't expect you to ask the three of us to help this time. It seems that something big has happened."

Jiang Feng said: "Yes, wait a moment, when the two of them come, I will speak with you."

Then Jiang Feng and Wang Ye walked towards the army camp.

When the two had just sat down, a soldier called and asked Jiang Feng from behind, and said, "May I ask a man named Xuan Xiaozi who wants to see you Jiang Feng. Did you invite him?"

When Jiang Feng heard that it was Xuan Xiaozi who had arrived, he took the phone and said to the other side of the phone, "That's my friend to let him in."

Then the soldier was very respectful and said to Xuan Xiaozi: "Okay, you can go in."

Wang Ye said: "Xuan Xiaozi has arrived now, and Dingfeng is just short of it. When Dingfeng comes, we can discuss countermeasures together."

When Jiang Feng and Wang Ye were just chatting, Wang Ye asked him to talk to himself first about what troubles they encountered, but Jiang Feng didn't say anything.

Xuan Xiaozi had already walked into their door. Seeing that Wang Ye was also in Xuan Xiaozi, he said, "I didn't expect you to come earlier than me."

Wang Ye didn't care and said to Xuan Xiaozi: "Of course, my spiritual power is so strong that I can fly faster than you.".

Chapter 611 Turn into nothingness

Xuan Xiaozi usually doesn't like to hear such words. He feels that he is the most powerful other than Jiang Feng.

He said to Wang Ye, "You are closer than me."

Just as the two were arguing, the phone rang again.

As soon as Jiang Feng answered the phone, the soldier said, "There is a person named Dingfeng who wants to see you."

As soon as Jiang Feng heard that Dingfeng had arrived, he said to the part of the phone, "Quick, let him come in, our people are already together."

After a while, Kung Fu Dingfeng entered the room, laughed, looked at them and said, "I didn't expect us to meet again in such a long time." "

Jiang Feng said to them: "This time it's a bit troublesome, I have to discuss it with your three heads."

All three were seated, and Wang Ye also complained to Dingfeng and Xuan Xiaoru: "I just asked Jiang Feng to tell me first, he has to sell it, and he will wait until the two of you come. "

Then he looked at Jiang Feng and said to Jiang Feng: "Okay, let's talk quickly, don't hang the appetite of the three of us anymore.-"

After Jiang Feng heard this, he stopped joking with the three of them, and sat in the right seat.

Said to the three leaders: "Everyone, please sit down, I really have a very important thing to tell you."

Then the three of them saw that Jiang Feng was serious, no longer joking, and sat on the chair.

Jiang Feng said to them: "This time I found the place north of Qiangbei is an extremely dark place, there is a very mysterious sect there, I don't know what kind of existence, but I can confirm that they are very evil. , is to rely on all the filthy power in the body after the death of people, to absorb the only remaining true qi left by them, for their own use."

Jiang Feng's words really shocked the three of them.

I never thought that there is such a wonderful way of self-cultivation in the world of self-cultivation.

Wang Ye said to Jiang Feng, "How did you find out that there is such a thing?"

Jiang Feng told how he flew forward in the Qiangbei area, and then fled into the ground, watching how the men in black worshiped reverently, and said everything about that brand.

(blank) [-]

After listening to it, several people were also very shocked. They didn't expect such a dark place.

Jiang Feng said to the three of them: "These are nothing, the most important thing is those people in black. They said that they have to find a way to eliminate all human beings, eliminate all cultivators, and take away the true qi left in us. Absorb them all, and then compliment yourself for occupying our Central Plains and the cultivation world."


Listening to Jiang Feng's words, the three of them became even more angry. It was such a big breath that they wanted to kill all the people in the Central Plains and all the people in the comprehension world, and then recapture and absorb the remaining spirits from them. It's really abominable to let yourself absorb this kind of person.

Wang Ye and Dingfeng said to Jiang Feng together, "We must eradicate such people."

Although Xuan Xiaozi next to him spoke a little slower than the two of them, he was also very angry and said: "We must find a way to eliminate this kind of person, otherwise he will really threaten the whole cultivation. From the world, he is the scum of our cultivation world." Qian.[-]【Linglong】

Chapter 612 Black Robe

Jiang Feng said: "Yesterday, I fought with one of the people in black robes and black clothes. I found that they were very afraid of the spells of the fire bathing technique drawn by our cultivators, so I taught two apprentices to draw these today. The way of the spell."

Jiang Feng looked at Xuan Xiaozi again and said, "Your apprentice Bai Zhanxue is also with me. I have given him the method of drawing spells today."

Snow White.

Xuan Xiaozi didn't expect that "September [-]" Bai Zhanxue was actually beside Jiang Feng, he stared at Jiang Feng.

Said to Jiang Feng: "My apprentice, I will tell you to teach something nonsense yourself."

Jiang Feng said: "This is a business, don't quarrel here. I teach them how to draw this spell, which can defeat those black people."

Xuan Xiaozi had put out the fire like this and said to him, "I said that this little girl can't see how she can see it recently. It turns out that she revolves around you every day, so can you teach my apprentice to know?"

Jiang Feng didn't want to quarrel with him and said to him: "Okay, okay, I have already told the three of you what happened, and that's about it, it's too late today, and we will be together at noon tomorrow. Go up there and check it out."

The strength of the three people is very high, so they can quietly go to the dark place to check, and let no one find out.

The three of them all nodded together. This matter is a serious matter and also a very big matter. As experts in the cultivation world, they must put this matter in the first place.

Jiang Feng's people said: "You are tired from running around on the road, you guys should go and rest."

Although the skills of several of them are very powerful, but they arrived here from a particularly far place, and they flew here with their own self-cultivation techniques.

That's why Jiang Feng said this. The three of them were welcome, and they got up and prepared to rest.

Jiang Feng said to one of the soldiers outside: "Go to the place where the three elders will rest,"

There are quite a lot of places to live in the barracks. Although the conditions are not particularly good, they are all very clean and tidy.

Soon all three had a place to stay.

In the back mountain of the forest, Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue are still diligently exercising their painting skills... 0

Jiang Feng saw that the sky was slowly getting dark, and then he got up and headed towards the back mountain. As soon as he left the army and flew away, he soon saw Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue.

He Wanshan was discussing with each other how to practice the drawing method of talisman paper. Jiang Feng was very relieved, but he did not expect that the two of them were really eager to learn.

Jiang Feng just landed and said to Wang Zaiyu, "How can I practice?"

Wang Zaiyu nodded and said, "I feel that now I have slowly mastered the method of drawing spells."

He said: "Bai Zhanxue is also practicing very well now."

But Bai Zhanxue had some, and said embarrassedly, "No, I'm not as good as Wang Zaiyu."

Jiang Feng said: "Okay, the two of you will show me 4.2, and I'll take a look."

The two of them started to draw with their hands in the void, and a spell was quickly drawn, with a golden edge and the power of flame.

Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyu moved forward, and the two spells galloped towards the two bamboos.

Soon the bamboo in the bamboo forest caught fire because of the power of the talisman paper, and slowly turned into nothingness.

Chapter 613 Exploring the Darkness Again

Jiang Feng nodded and said to the two of them, "The two of you practiced very well today. You will learn how to use this spell after you practice more and become more proficient in the future."

Jiang Feng really didn't hide anything from the teaching of the two of them, so the two of them learned very quickly.

The two said to Jiang Feng, "Let's practice for a while, master, go back to dinner."

Jiang Feng shook his head and said, "No, Bai Zhanxue, your master is here. I'll meet your master later. 30"

Bai Zhanxue did not expect his master to come so soon.

Ri Zhanxue said to Jiang Feng, "Okay, then I'll go back to see my master first."

Then Bai Zhanxue trotted forward and went back to find his master.

Wang Zaiyu wanted to continue practicing. He had already used a lot of self-cultivation abilities this afternoon, and he was very tired now.

Jiang Feng said to him: "Everything has to be a combination of work and rest. Let's rest first."

Wang Zaiyu listened to the master and nodded. It was true. All things must be combined with work and rest, and it must be consolidated every day. It is not enough to eat a fat man in one bite.

Wang Zaiyu said to Jiang Feng, "Master, are you going to investigate again tonight?"

Jiang Feng said: "Tomorrow at noon, when the sun in the Jiangbei area is in the middle at noon, the darkness will be less, and these things are very strange."

Wang Zaiyu nodded, agreeing that Jiang Feng's statement was indeed the case. Detecting the particular danger of these strange black mists, Master's thoughts were indeed more thoughtful.

Jiang Feng and Wang Zaiyu returned to the army.

That night, Jiang Feng did not discuss anything with the three chiefs, but just let them rest.

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