Yoshizawa Funo looked at this scene and felt extremely aggrieved in his heart.

What about international conventions?

What about diplomatic immunity?

Seeing that the firearms were handed over, Ding Muyu said again.

"Everyone bowed their heads."

"Captain Leng, you send someone to watch them!"

"Others guard all the important points of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, trespassers, arrest!"

"The rest, rush in with me!"

Leng Feng made a simple gesture, and the special forces scattered and quickly rushed into the darkness.

Immediately, he took someone and rushed in with Ding Muyu.

At the press conference, Hattaro was unable to contact the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"One tree in Chuanshan! One tree in Chuanshan! What about people!"

Kawayama Ichiki rushed in from the outside.

As soon as he saw Kawayama Iki, Hatotaro asked, "Why is there no signal again? Is it the main broadcaster?"

"No no... No. Hattaro-kun, the people of Yoshizawa Funo have been taken down, the people of the Celestial Dynasty, here we come!"

There was an uproar in the foreign media below.

At this moment, Ding Muyu walked in with someone.

With a wave of her hand, the special forces behind her filed in and surrounded everyone inside.

The foreign media were so frightened that their hearts were pounding, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

Hattaro forced his composure and scolded: "Who are you! Why are you trespassing in my Foreign Affairs Department!"

"Military aircraft office, perform official duties!"

"Performing official duties? It can't be performed in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs! According to international conventions, you have no right... We are protected by international conventions!"

"Protect? I didn't shoot you right away, it's already a lot of face for the international convention! Take it away!"

Immediately, several special forces stepped forward and subdued them directly.

Looking at Hatotaro being subdued, Ding Muyu said coldly.

"When you are engaged in espionage and insurgent missions in the Celestial Dynasty, no contract can save you!"

Hearing Ding Muyu's words, a trace of panic flashed in Hatotaro's eyes.

He had to explain, Ding Muyu said mercilessly.

"Don't bother, you are mentioned in the top-secret documents brought back by the anchor and in Xu Dayang's confession."

"Baga! The anchor, it's that damn anchor again!"

And those foreign media reporters looked at Hatotaro with an incredible look.

They can't imagine that a major person in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is actually engaged in espionage work?

Thinking about it again, will the heads of the foreign affairs departments in their country also be...

Thinking of this, their backs were cold.

Toyo, really can do anything.

At this moment, not far from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a strange man was holding a mobile phone and was constantly taking pictures.

Immediately, he sent the photo to a mysterious person.

After a while, 8000 yuan arrived.

"The speed of making money is really fast."

He smiled smugly, and just as he was about to receive it, a big hand snatched the phone away.

"Gan! Who is so special to rob the old man..."

Before he finished speaking, the man looked at the heavily armed special forces in front of him, his calf trembling with fright.

He sneered and said, "A few of you rob my phone...what are you doing?"

At this time, the lizard came out from the side, looked at the content on the phone, and sneered.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the seller is seeking glory?"

"Take it back and torture it, no surprise, this kind of thing has formed an industrial chain."


"General Bureau, Hattaro has been captured!"

"Okay! Bring it back for interrogation!"

Hanging up the phone, the General Administration turned its attention to the live broadcast room again.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, there is a list, which records the goals accomplished by the hackers.

The first line is impressively the five major commercial TV stations in Toyo!

[Toyo TV: It has been black! 】

[Toyama TV: It has been black! 】

[Chaodong TV: It has been black! 】


Today, five commercial TV stations have been hacked, and there is only one official TV station left in Toyo - Toyo Public TV!

At this moment, Su Ming said.

"The Toyo commercial website has been hacked by one third!"

"Once all commercial websites are completely hacked, we will attack the official platform!"




Chapter 154

When Su Ming said this, his tone was calm, but it fell into everyone's ears, like thunder.

The crowd was excited.

How long has it been, so many commercial websites of Toyo have been hacked by one-third, and two-thirds are left!

After hacking all of Toyo's commercial websites, do you still want to attack the official?

It's just... so inspiring.

Countless netizens swiped the barrage excitedly.

"Hahaha, this news is very heartwarming!"

"Come on anchor, we support you!"

"Anchor, take care of them! Let him know that if they dare to invade us, there is a price to pay! This price depends on whether they can bear it!"

"Anchor, you must leave an indelible memory to Toyo-!"


The General Administration did not expect that the hackers led by Su Ming would progress so quickly.

"General Administration, the anchors and their efficiency are too fast."

The Captain of the Nightmare Combat Force sighed with emotion.

"Civil hackers, although they have no rules, but under the leadership of the anchor, they have exerted unparalleled combat effectiveness!"

"On this point, Toyo's cyber combat troops are far less efficient than the anchors."

The General Bureau nodded, and his heart was quite shocking.

"What if you were the main attacker before, and the anchors and those civilian hackers guarded their homes?"

The other party was silent for a while, then shook his head.

Although he didn't say anything, the General Bureau already knew it.

"Don't take it too seriously! Civil hackers are already omnipotent, and they are led by the anchor, so naturally they are ruthless!"

After that, the General Administration issued a barrage.

[Anchor, according to the spy information you provided before, we have successfully captured a very influential spy!Hattaro! 】

[This person, the deputy director of the Toyo Foreign Affairs Department, has been involved in many instigation incidents!As soon as he is arrested, our group of international students, you should have more snacks.I am worried that they will jump over the wall and do things that are contrary to humanitarianism! 】

Looking at the barrage sent by the General Administration, Su Ming said.

"Don't worry, intrusion into the internal network and monitoring of the Toyo Police Department is also in my plan!"

"If our people are hurt, they will be repaid a hundredfold!"

【In this way, I am relieved!Anchor, when will this expedition end?I also have a bottom in my heart. 】

"End? Expedition once every 20 years, how can it end easily?"

"We have put a Trojan horse virus on a specific network platform! Once the Dongyang people enter, they will be invaded by the Trojan horse virus!"

Su Ming sneered and said.

"Our expedition has just begun! We will continue to fight until Toyo fully admits defeat!"

After he finished speaking, Su Ming stopped talking.

For a while, the barrage area of ​​the live broadcast room was quiet. Su Ming shocked them so much that they didn't know what to say.

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