Listening to Su Ming's answer, the General Administration is very big.


In the headquarters office of Toyo TV, a middle-aged man was making a phone call with a relaxed expression.

Suddenly, the female secretary hurriedly pushed open the door and walked in.

"President, something happened!"

"There's something wrong with our TV station!"

The middle-aged man put down his phone and asked, "What's the situation?"

"I don't know! We were just broadcasting a news, but suddenly, the screen went black! Maybe there is a problem with the background system, and we are sending someone to repair it!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the staff of the radio technical department rushed in.

"President! All the data in the backend database have been artificially deleted!"

"We tried restarting the server, but it didn't work! All the data was lost!"

"Not only that, the official website of our TV station has also been hacked! It can't be opened now!"

The middle-aged man quickly stood up and walked out: "What's the reason, have you found it?"

"From my experience, our TV station should have been hacked!"


Hearing these two words, the middle-aged man hurriedly stopped.

He glanced into a certain office and saw that those employees were anxiously fiddling with their computers.

And the computers in the office are all implanted with Trojan viruses!Not under their control at all.

One office, two floor, all the computers in the offices were out of control.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man shouted in fear.

"Quick! Contact the official! Just say our radio station was hacked!"


The same scene was staged all over the East.

For a time, Dongyang people panicked.

Soon, someone posted a message on social platforms.

"Excuse me, who knows what happened to Dongyang TV? I was watching the news at home, and suddenly there was no picture!"

"I tried to open other news sections, but I couldn't read any of them! What the hell is going on here?"

"Commercial TV stations are too bad!"

As soon as this news came out, countless people liked and commented below.

"Me too! I was watching a TV show at home, but the sound and picture disappeared! I thought it was a TV problem. Then I tried it on my computer! As a result, I just opened the TV station website, and the computer reminded me that I was infected with a Trojan horse virus! Gan!"

"Who can tell me what's going on? Why is the webpage suddenly gone when I'm chasing at home? When I try to log in again, the computer just goes black?"

· · Flowers · ·

"Poisoning, jumping the screen, solving!"

One-third of the websites of commercial interest have been hacked, which has affected the lives of most netizens in Toyo.


Toyo Spy Headquarters, Ohashi Hisa and his teacher Fukuda Toshio, learned that the call was from the cabinet Yamashi Daimyo, and they couldn't sit still.

They don't know what the other party's attitude will be.

Yamashi daimyo, among the oriental right-wing elements, has a very strong background in strength.

After half a ring, an old voice rang from the other end of the phone.

"Daqiaojiu, are you responsible for the affairs of the Celestial Dynasty?"

Even across the phone, Ohashijiu nodded solemnly.

"The name of Shanzhi, that incident was initiated by me."

"You're too hasty! Sooner or later you'll get into a big disaster."

.... .. 0

Yamashi Damo clearly said accusations, but his tone was quite calm, and he didn't mean to blame the other party at all.

Obviously, in the other party's heart, it is tacit consent.

Ohashihisa and Fukuda Toshio were both cunning and cunning, and naturally they could hear each other's voiceovers.

The two looked at each other with a hint of joy in their eyes.

They know that Yamashita is behind them.

"I already know the situation! I can tell you clearly, the cabinet, I will handle it! I will tell you about the shogun."

"I only have one request, I must never disgrace the people on the right! I must never disgrace Toyo! I must never disgrace the heroic spirits in the temple!"

"If you fail! You kill yourself to thank the Emperor!"

Yamashi Damo's voice was cold and contained a strong murderous intent.

"Hi! Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

After hanging up the phone, the bridge took a long sigh of relief.

"Right now, with the great name of Shanzhi supporting us, I persuade the council to have more confidence in those hometown Hus!"

"Teacher, leave it to me here, and I will ask you more for the rest!"

Toshio Fukuda nodded, turned and walked away quickly.

The bridge has stood in place for a long time, with great ambitions!

"I want to be famous in the history of the East! My name will definitely be engraved into the Hall of Valhalla!"

As soon as the idea emerged, a man in black stumbled over.

"Jiujiu Daqiao, something has happened! Our six major TV stations and five commercial TV stations have all been hacked! Moreover, their online platforms have been artificially implanted with Trojan viruses."

"Everyone who has opened those web pages will have their computers poisoned!"

"Now, the whole network is in panic!"


Hearing this news, the bridge suddenly changed color for a long time.


Chapter 155

"Here, let me see."

Ohashijiu grabbed the document in his hand and flipped through it.

There are some big events in the record above.

[Toyo TV was hacked by mysterious hackers, and it can no longer broadcast normally!Be careful, don't click on the message on the official website of Toyo TV, the virus will be implanted in the background!A careless easy to poison! 】

[Toyama TV headquarters, all computers are collectively black!Toyama TV, which was halfway through the broadcast, suddenly stopped broadcasting...]

[A game platform has been mysteriously hacked, all players please pay attention, do not open the game!Do not open the game!The game is artificially implanted with Trojan virus, which will cause property damage! 】


Looking at the shocking news, the bridge has been buzzing.


"how so!"

"How long before and after did they cause so much damage?"

Ohashiji was dumbfounded. Compared with the fourth-generation ghost team in his hands, he felt very ashamed!

My subordinates have conquered it for so long, with little success.

As a result, as soon as they made a move, they directly passed five levels and cut six generals, and no one could stop them.

"Hashijiu-kun, at this rate, I'm afraid our Toyo network will be completely paralyzed!"

The man in black murmured softly.

"At that time, all walks of life will be greatly affected."

"Baga!!" Daqiao raised his hand for a long time and slapped him, "When will it be your turn to tell me?"


"Hi!" The man in black slowly backed out.

The bridge has been holding the documents in his hands for a long time, and can't wait to tear them up!

Returning to the War Department, he pulled out the katana that was stuck on the ground, held it tightly, and walked down from it.

His eyes were wide, and every time he passed a person, he stared at each other, observing the changes in their expressions.

Anyone who shows a guilty conscience will be greeted with scolding and threats from him.

"Ohashi-kun-kun, what's wrong?" Kobayakawa asked.

"What's wrong? I'm so embarrassed to ask me what's wrong!"

Daqiao smiled coldly with anger for a long time, and then strode to the front.

Xiaobayakawa looked at the figure of the other party's departure with a clear expression on his face, and doubts arose in his heart.

Several other captain-level people, realizing that something was wrong, all looked at the bridge for a long time, waiting for his orders.

Walking to the front, the bridge held his samurai sword for a long time, and his sharp eyes swept over everyone.

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