Soon, Gao Tianlong ordered the kitchen to prepare a table of food, which was very rich.

"Duke Dingguo and Minister Gao should also eat together."

Wu Zhao looked at Gao Tianlong and Gao Feng and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace."

They both thanked him.

But Gao Yang had already shown off directly, which made Gao Feng's lips twitch several times, but he still endured it.

Wu Zhao had no other reaction.

Gao Yang was different from ordinary ministers, she always knew this, and she would always be more tolerant of Gao Yang.

"No, there's a fire!"

"Come quickly, there's a fire!"

At this time, a series of voices rang out in the mansion.

Wu Zhao was startled and was about to stand up.

Gao Tianlong and Gao Feng were also shocked.

But Gao Yang was very calm, "Your Majesty, this is normal, failure is the mother of success."

"But I still have foresight. Fortunately, I didn't let Your Majesty go. Otherwise, it would burn Your Majesty. Who would be responsible?"

Wu Zhao: "..."

Gao Feng and Gao Tianlong looked at Gao Yang. This kid, he burned his own house.

How could he be so calm?

Soon, the flames went out, leaving only some thick smoke.

Gao Yang ate more and more deliciously.

Gao Tianlong couldn't hold it anymore. He said in a cold tone, "Your Majesty, how can you eat without someone to help you, wicked grandson, I will hold a horse spear and learn from you!"

Gao Yang almost spit out a mouthful of rice when he heard this.

As soon as he saw the coldness on Gao Tianlong's face and his powerful aura, he said, "Grandfather, I know I was wrong."

Gao Tianlong said to Wu Zhao again, "Your Majesty, please don't blame me. I just don't like this wicked grandson. It is my duty to serve the country."

Wu Zhao also said, "I know the loyalty of Duke Dingguo, but this place is really not good. People coming in and out disturb Duke Dingguo's rest. I will send people to move it tomorrow."

Gao Tianlong immediately bowed his hands, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Then, Wu Zhao said to Gao Yang, "Since I am here, I will ask you how the strategy for strengthening the country is going?"

Gao Yang put down his chopsticks and said, "I have thought about it, but are you sure you want to listen?"

When Wu Zhao heard this, she raised her eyebrows.

"Since it is a policy for governing the country, why can't I listen to it?"

Gao Yang saw this and said without hesitation, "My first move is to nationalize salt and iron and prohibit private ownership."

As soon as he said this, not only Wu Zhao and Shangguan Wan'er were shocked, but even Gao Feng and Gao Tianlong looked at Gao Yang.

Salt and iron have been lucrative since ancient times, and there are extremely complex power entanglements behind them.

They didn't expect that Gao Yang would point to salt and iron right away!

"As long as people are alive, they must eat salt. This involves survival, and the same is true for farming. Farming requires iron tools, which is also a rigid demand that no people can avoid."

"As long as Your Majesty nationalizes salt and iron and prohibits local private ownership, there will naturally be countless wealth. With money, the court will be strong, and it can gradually reduce the power of the vassal states!"

"But this move will harm the interests of the people and compete with the people for profit!"

Wu Zhao's expression moved.

She didn't expect Gao Yang to give her a hard time right away.

Nationalize salt and iron!

Curbing the rigid demand of the people and making money from it.

"How is this bad for the people?"

Wu Zhao did not answer immediately, but asked.

Gao Yang smiled faintly, "The reason is very simple. Although salt and iron are rigid needs for the survival of the people, if private ownership is allowed, competition will be fierce."

"Which one is cheaper and of better quality in the market will be sought after by the people, which will force merchants to improve and lower prices. The court can also levy taxes from it, and all three parties will win. But if it is nationalized and monopolized, it will lead to price increases and quality declines."

"But if salt is expensive, you can eat less, and ironware can be used for many years. This method of boiling a frog in warm water will harm the interests of the people, but it will make Daqian strong."

"For the current Daqian, the essence of a strong country is to exploit the people, because compared with the noble families and wealthy families, the people have the largest base and are the weakest!"

"Your Majesty cannot take action against the vassal kings and noble families for the time being, so you can only take action from this aspect!"

"This method may not seem strong, but it is the most ruthless method for the court to make money and squeeze, because it includes everyone in Daqian!"

"As long as he is alive and wants to survive, he will be taxed by your majesty!"

"And your majesty can lower taxes on the surface, but in fact, after a while, the court

They also made a lot of money, because this was an invisible tax collected from every Daqian citizen. "


As soon as these words came out, Wu Zhao couldn't help clenching her fists, and she looked at Gao Yang in shock.

Shangguan Wan'er was also trembling inside.

Gao Yang is still the same Gao Yang. Either he can't use his tricks, or he can be earth-shattering once he does it.

If Wu Zhao really adopts it, it will definitely set off a storm in the entire Daqian, and countless people will have to pay for it. Even for hundreds or thousands of years in the future, the people will not know that they are also being exploited by the imperial court secretly!

After working for a whole year, the taxes are obviously not high, but there is no money in good years, and natural disasters make it impossible to survive. Where is my money?

In addition to taxes, these invisible taxes are gone.

Wu Zhao didn't speak, and the entire lobby fell into silence.

"If salt and iron are made state-owned and private ownership is not allowed, then there must be countless interests involved behind it."

"I'm afraid that there will be a huge resistance among the people, ranging from making trouble to causing uprising and rebellion under the instigation of thoughtful people!"

"Besides, as you said, once there is no competition, the person who cooked the salt and made the iron will be buried in his corpse. What should we do?"

Wu Zhao did not object, which showed her attitude.

It's just that the price behind this is too high.

Shangguan Wan'er also looked at Gao Yang. She was also very curious about this question.

Gao Feng's old face was a little embarrassed.

He was a minister of household affairs, but under Gao Yang's plan, he had no idea of ​​​​solving the matter for a while.

Gao Yang's eyes remained unchanged, "This is indeed a problem for Daqian, but it is not difficult to solve!"

"Isn't it difficult to solve?"

Wu Zhao looked curious.

Gao Yang took a sip of tea and said, "The imperial court only needs sales, not production, and this situation will be solved!"

"Everyone among the people can boil salt and make iron, but they are not allowed to sell it privately. The imperial court sets the standards and sells them. This is a concession!"

"Give part of the profit to the salt and iron producers, leave the production process to the market, and recreate competition. This can alleviate this contradiction and use sales instead of production. This situation can be resolved."

The words fell.

Wu Zhao suddenly became enlightened.

But the thought of competing with the people for profit made Wu Zhao feel somewhat conflicted.

At this time, Gao Yang threw a king bomb.

"Your Majesty, there are actually not many choices left for you. If I am not wrong, it will not take much time for the world to change drastically."

"If Da Gan cannot become strong quickly, it will suffer a devastating blow!"

After saying these words, both Wu Zhao and Gao Tianlong were shocked.

Wu Zhao clenched her hands tightly, her eyes trembled, and she asked in shock, "You mean... a war is coming?"

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