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When Wu Zhao's voice sounded, the entire lobby suddenly became quiet.

The eyes of several people were all focused on Gao Yang's face, with endless horror.

Gao Feng even said categorically, "You son of a bitch, don't talk nonsense in front of His Majesty!"

Even Gao Tianlong looked at Gao Yang with doubts and doubts, and it was obvious that these words set off a huge wave of panic in his heart.

Gao Yang looked very calm.

Wu Zhao took a deep breath and suppressed the fear in her heart. She looked at Gao Yang and said, "Gao Yuanwailang, this matter is not a trivial matter. Your words and deeds may even affect the direction of the entire Daqian."

"If you say that, what proof do you have?"

When Gao Yang heard this, his eyes did not change significantly.

He had read Daqian's history books and found that the historical process of this strange era was actually not much different from the previous life.

Just more confusing and complex.

What he wants to say next is the nature of capital and the nature of dynasty. From the perspective of capital, although he is guessing, he is 80% sure.

"Your Majesty, although I am just guessing, I am 80% sure that the great changes in the world are definitely not a lie."

The sentence of "80% certainty" made Wu Zhao's face become more solemn.

She was very clear about Gao Yang's caution, and his 80% certainty was only 100% certainty.

"Take alchemists and witches as an example. In ancient times, sacrifices were more important than anything else, even vaguely superior to the imperial power. At that time, slaves were prevalent and wizards had a transcendent status. It was a normal phenomenon to pray for God's good weather by offering life sacrifices."

"At that time, the lives of slaves were not even worth the lives of cattle, sheep, and livestock. But now, slavery has turned into dust, and everyone calls for beating wizards. How is this?"

This sentence suddenly stunned Wu Zhao and Shangguan Wan'er.

Gao Feng and Gao Tianlong were also stunned, and then started thinking.

Wu Zhao pondered for a moment and then spoke directly, "Because hundreds of schools of thought were born, people knew the etiquette and laws, and controlled their behavior with morality. Slaves were against the laws of heaven, so they were abolished."

"As for wizards, they are just a bunch of pretenders, deceiving the people and falling from the altar. Isn't this a normal change?"

Wu Zhao's voice sounded, and some people even didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Gaoyang Gourd.

What does the upcoming war have to do with the abolition of slavery that has lasted for hundreds of years? What does it have to do with wizards?

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask another question. If the world really changes, and we, Da Gan, and the Six Kingdoms fight continuously, the war will involve prisoners. If Your Majesty captures millions of soldiers, what should we do with them?"

One sentence made Wu Zhao's eyes suddenly change again.

Gao Tianlong's eyes suddenly became sharper.

Gao Yang continued to worry, "Is Your Majesty going to place these millions of prisoners in batches and send them into the army?"

"Or, trap, kill, and bury alive?"

As soon as these words came out.

The expressions of Wu Zhao and Shangguan Wan'er changed suddenly, and their eyes suddenly looked at Gao Yang.

Those were millions of prisoners, and they were buried alive?

Gao Feng couldn't help but said, "Niezi, those are the lives of millions of people, how can you kill them?"

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will take action against you."

Gao Feng had a sullen face and a serious expression. If these words spread, Gao Yang will be despised by the world's literati!

But Gao Tianlong remained silent, because he already knew what Gao Yang was going to say, and his deep eyes were full of complexity.

Gao Yang heard Gao Feng's words and said directly, "Since we have been fighting for years, the food consumption behind it is astronomical. Once the war drags on for a long time, even if we win, how will we arrange the dozens or millions of prisoners?"

"Placed in the rear, once they unite to rebel, whoever can bear the responsibility will be even less likely to return it to the six countries. Otherwise, the war will not be in vain. But with hundreds of thousands of mouths, how much food will be eaten in a day, and how much food will be supplied by the dryer?" Get up?"

"Kill them in a trap or bury them alive. This is the simplest and most effective way!"

When Gao Feng heard this, his body felt as if he had been hit hard. The sentence "Hundreds of thousands of mouths, how much food you need to eat in a day" directly silenced him.

Although this method may harm Tianhe, it is indeed the best solution.

Wu Zhao also understood Gao Yang's direction. Whether it was a slave or a prisoner, he was pointing to a core issue.

Food, land and...population!

But this is clearly an emperor's art, how could Gao Yang do it?

She had the slave's answer in her heart, but she didn't say it because it involved the way of the emperor!

"That old man you met in the mountains, which of the hundreds of schools of thought is he?"

Wu Zhao Noodles

Her eyes were solemn.

She dared to conclude that Gao Yang's set of tricks, whether it was the endless vicious schemes or the words that pointed directly to the origin of the emperor, were not simple at all!

Gao Yang smiled indifferently, "My teacher does not belong to any of the Hundred Schools of Thought. Strictly speaking, he is a self-taught school. The book he left for me is called "Das Kapital"!"

"Your Majesty can also be called a minister, a capitalist!"

Wu Zhao frowned and looked at Gao Yang deeply, "Capitalist?"

At this moment, in her heart, just Gao Yang's current performance, the horror of this capitalist is more terrifying than Confucianism and Legalism!

The salt and iron are nationalized, and they are sold instead of produced, and taxes are collected invisibly. Such means shocked her.

Capitalists are so terrifying!

Gao Tianlong couldn't sit still.

A capitalist was born in his Gao family?

Gao Yang continued: "My speculations, whether it is the war that will break out in the world, the abolition of slavery, the fall of wizards from the altar, and the large number of captives, can all be understood from the perspective of capital."

"I will tell you one by one, Your Majesty."

Wu Zhao looked at Shangguan Wan'er, "No one is allowed to approach within 20 meters."

This kind of capitalist means and theory can only be used by her. If it spreads out, it will be bad.

Gao Yang did not keep the secret and said directly, "In fact, the first problem in my mind is the problem of land and food."

Just a few words, Wu Zhao's heart suddenly tightened.

Gao Yang really understands the art of emperors!

"In ancient times, the people's method of cultivating the land was relatively primitive. They basically cut down trees with knives, burned them on the spot, and used the ashes of the plants as fertilizer for sowing. This primitive method is bound to lead to low efficiency and extremely low yields!"

"Since there is not enough food for yourself, you can rob it, which will lead to war, and there will definitely be captives in war!"

"But a new problem has arisen. Although food and land have been robbed, the food output is still certain. The royal family and dignitaries still occupy a large part of it, and a large number of captives cannot be supported at all."

"So from the perspective of capital, that is, the perspective of these royal dignitaries, why slaves were born is to rob others. The royal families wanted food and land for the people, but it was too cruel to kill the captives, and they couldn't afford to feed them if they didn't kill them, so they "kindly" made these captives slaves who were worse than livestock! "

"Slaves have no human rights and their lives are cheap. They can be used to farm, but the grain output is too low, so there is no need for so many people. The royal families don't care about their lives."

"Part of the reason for wizards is that the people are ignorant, and secondly, this kind of slavery must consume this part of the population."

"Later, the efficiency of farming improved, the grain output increased, the royal families could afford to feed a large population, and it was profitable, so slavery was abolished, and the status of wizards plummeted. "

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