The old man was sitting on the ground, and the old man was sitting on the ground.

On the top of Chang'an City.

Wu Zhao looked far away in the direction of the Chu army camp, and her noble face was a little nervous under the night light.

"Your Majesty, there is a mosquito on your body. Can I help you kill it?"

Gao Yang glanced at the mosquito that had been hovering near Wu Zhao's chest, and finally couldn't help it.

This mosquito must have a way to kill it!

Wu Zhao glanced at Gao Yang, and her face couldn't help but get colder.


"But if you can't kill it, I will kill you!"


Wu Zhao's voice was cold and without any emotion.

At this time, Gao Yang still has the leisure to care about mosquitoes!

This psychological quality is better than that of her, the emperor!

"I am curious, are the hearts of you capitalists so big?"

Wu Zhao couldn't help but say.

Gao Yang looked calm and looked into the distance, "Do your best and leave it to fate. What should be done has been done."

"Worrying can't change the result. It's better to wait a little longer."

Wu Zhao looked at Gao Yang for a while, she took a deep breath, and felt that this was very reasonable!

At this time, all the officials couldn't sit still.

It was August at this time. Not only was it hot and humid at night, but there were also many mosquitoes. Wu Zhao ordered them to the top of Chang'an City to enjoy the big show in the Chu army camp.

But now the big show didn't see it, but a lot of mosquitoes were fed.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late. The dragon's health is the most important thing. How can there be any big drama in the Chu army camp?"

"Please go back to the palace and rest, Your Majesty."

Xu Xuanji couldn't help it.

He stood up and spoke slowly to Wu Zhao.

Wu Zhao's face darkened. She was still waiting here, but the court officials were impatient. This reminded her that as soon as the situation improved, there would be a lot of memorials to negotiate with the Chu army.

Just as she was about to start scolding.



A shocking explosion came!

Then, flames suddenly rose and swept across the entire Chu camp!

Wu Zhao looked forward, her eyes full of horror and ecstasy!

"It's done!"

"General Lu did it!"

Wu Zhao's face was full of joy.

All the civil and military officials of Daqian also widened their eyes, looking at the direction of the Chu army camp, full of disbelief and horror!

"Your Majesty, this, this, this..."

Xu Xuanji was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

He was quite familiar with the explosion.

Lu Wen, Cui Xinghe and others were also shocked. They thought of the drama Wu Zhao had mentioned and couldn't help but speak.

"Your Majesty, was this done by my Daqian?"

Gao Yang silently stepped back and planned to keep a low profile.

Wu Zhao stood straight and said happily, "Yes, tonight I sent General Lu to raid the Chu camp with a surprise attack. The results were impressive. How was this drama? Are you satisfied?"

Wu Zhao's eyes focused on the faces of the civil officials who wanted to negotiate!

Lu Wen and other civil officials turned green.

Xu Xuanji felt more and more worried, and he said carefully, "This explosion is..."

"This thing is called gunpowder, which was made by Gao Yang of the Duke of Dingguo's Mansion. Its power is enough to blow the Chu army up to the sky!"

After this, Gao Yang could no longer hide. He could only face the officials with a kind smile.

"Please rest assured, my lords, the gunpowder is only for Daqian. I never bear grudges!"

But this smile instantly made Xu Xuanji, Lu Wen and others pale.

Especially the officials who had a grudge with Gao Yang, their scalps tingled. They looked at each other and took a deep breath.

Don't bear grudges?

Prince Rong and Wu Cheng believed it, but the grass on their graves was estimated to grow.

Wu Zhao was in a good mood looking at these officials who were frustrated and even kept asking for peace talks!

Gao Yang understood her too well!

Soon, Lü Zhen returned to Chang'an City with a happy face.

His face was full of black and gray, but the face that was extremely scary in the dark night was full of smiles that could not be concealed.

"General Lü, how was the result of the battle?"

Lü Zhen was excited, "Your Majesty, I have fulfilled my mission. The Chu army camp was in chaos and suffered heavy losses!"

"Some Chu soldiers were not even awake, and they did not believe in our surprise attack. They were thrown into the sky by our army with grenades!"

"And I also set a fire, and with the help of the east wind, the Chu army camp was burned. After this battle, the probability of our army holding on until the arrival of reinforcements is very high!"

Upon hearing Lü Zhen's words, Wu Zhao's smile on her face became even more intense, as if a huge stone in her heart suddenly fell.

Chang'an has really been revitalized little by little!


However, of the 800 people in our army, more than 100 were killed in the battle! "

When Lu Zhen said this, his eyes dimmed.

Wu Zhao's face was serious and he said seriously, "These are all good sons and daughters of mine. I will pay five times the pension to protect their families!"

When Lu Zhen heard this, his face was full of excitement.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Gao Yang also took another look at Wu Zhao. It seemed that he had some prejudice against Wu Zhao before.

Although this empress is ruthless, her advantages cannot be ignored.

"Your Majesty, speaking of sacrifice, I suddenly had an idea. Can I organize a death squad?"

Gao Yang suddenly spoke.

"Suicide Squad?"

Wu Zhao frowned.

Gao Yang smiled and said, "The so-called suicide squad, simply put, is a team that is not afraid of death or sacrifice. If you change the grenade into a more powerful explosive pack, tie it to its body, and then make it rush into battle!"

"The power will be even more terrifying!"

"Even if it doesn't explode, you can lure the Chu army deep and then suffocate them. As long as you estimate the distance well, you can throw the trebuchet and alcohol into the battlefield, and then ignite it with incendiary arrows to make the explosive package explode!"

"This will work wonders!"

One word fell.

All the officials, including Gao Yang, trembled in shame.

Suicide Squad, plus more powerful explosives?


The officials looked complicated.

This plan is so cruel!

Wu Zhao's hand trembled slightly, and then he hesitated, "But is this too cruel for a soldier?"

"Even if there are soldiers who are not afraid of death and are willing to die for the great cause, I can't bear to be such a good man!"

In response to this, Gao Yang patted his chest again and said, "This death squad does not necessarily have to be a lieutenant general in the army, it can also be a death row prisoner!"

"The prisoners on death row are not good men. They know they will die, but as long as they pay a lot of money and take care of their families, they can be used by His Majesty!"

"The two armies even faced each other, causing them to charge towards the location of the Chu army's general!!"

Baiguan's face trembled fiercely.

Wu Zhao also looked at Gao Yang with a strange expression.

This death row prisoner has been fully developed by Gao Yang.

If they heard this, they would probably be moved to tears.

A supervisory censor couldn't help but asked, "Master Gao, is this move too inhumane?"

Gao Yang took a look and had a profound memory.

This man's surname was Lin, and he recognized his face even if it turned into ashes. When the Chu army wanted to kill him for peace talks, this man had a righteous look on his face and said he was willing to sacrifice his life!

Gao Yang turned around and said, "When Da Chu wanted to negotiate for peace, I remembered that Lord Lin and all the imperial censors were not afraid of life or death, nor were they afraid of sacrifice, which made me admire them!"

"This death squad..."

Lin Yushi's eyes changed.

All the censors who had spoken before on the censorship platform all stared at Gao Yang in disbelief!

Damn it!

Lin Yushi cupped his hands and said solemnly, "I am a civil servant, not good at military strategy. Although I want to kill the enemy, I am unable to do so!"

Gao Yang immediately smiled and said, "Yu Shi Lin is overly worried. The death squads do not need military tactics. As the name suggests, just dare to die. When you get to the battlefield, just rush forward and wait for death."


Lin Yushi looked at Gao Yang.

All the officials looked at Gao Yang.

There was only one thought left in their minds, what if they agreed not to hold grudges?

If this is the case if you don’t hold grudges, then if you hold grudges, wouldn’t it mean that your ashes will be blown to them?

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