The night was quiet.

Dingguogong Mansion.

It was late at night.

Dong, dong, dong.

Luoluo knocked on the door with the foot-washing water.

"Master, can technician No. 98 Luoluo come in?"

"Come in!"

Gao Yang sat on the bed and called out leisurely.

Soon, Luoluo came in, with a pure little face and a long green dress.

The first time is new, the second time is familiar.

Compared with the previous time when she was deeply ashamed to shout it out, Luoluo is now used to it.

She put the foot-washing water on the ground with ease, and her white and tender little hands began to massage Gao Yang.

The hot water, the tired feet after running around for days, and the smooth hands of Luluo.

Gao Yang felt that every cell in his body was making waves of comfort.

"My Lord, are you satisfied with my strength?"

Luluo said as she pressed.


"But you can be a little heavier, don't pity me."

Gao Yang squinted his eyes comfortably and let out a long sigh.

Luluo's face turned red and hot, what kind of words were these?

But she increased the strength in her hands.

When she touched the Yongquan acupoint on her foot.


Gao Yang gasped in pain.

Luluo quickly reduced her strength.

She said carefully, "My Lord, am I using too much force? But I heard that the Yongquan acupoint can strengthen the kidneys and strengthen the yang. If it hurts when you press it, then there is probably something wrong with the kidneys. On the contrary, if you don't feel anything, then the kidneys are..."

Gao Yang's eyes widened when he heard this.

He immediately said in a tough tone, pointing at his big feet, "Press it, press it hard for me!"

"Use your best strength."

What is an open conspiracy? Knowing that it is a plot, but still willing to jump into it, this is it!

Even if he is a poisoner, as long as he is a man, he is no exception.

The next second, Luluo's little hand slowly exerted force, and Gao Yang's hand clenched the bed sheet, as if giving birth to a child.

This is so sour and refreshing, I can't believe it!

"Didn't you eat? Is this all the strength you have?"

Gao Yang tensed up and continued to shout.

Luluo glanced at Gao Yang again, and she finally understood that her Lord was soft all over his body, except for his mouth.

She gradually slowed down her strength.

Gao Yang also felt relieved and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Young Master, now the whole Chang'an says you are a great hero."

Luluo looked at Gao Yang, thinking of the discussions in Chang'an City in the past few days, her eyes were full of joy and admiration.

With 100,000 Chu troops approaching, Chang'an was in danger, and Gao Yang turned the tide with his own strength, which was a huge lethality for a maid like Luluo who was ignorant of the world.

Gao Yang glanced at the admiring expression on Luluo's face, and felt satisfied.

He leaned back and pointed to the calf area, and Luluo's little hand also massaged it.

Gao Yang narrowed his eyes: "It's nice to be a hero, but it's not easy to be one. Your son has offended half of the civil officials of Daqian this time."

Lu Luo was puzzled, "Why?"

"But with your intelligence, it shouldn't be difficult to turn things around, right?"

Gao Yang glanced at Lu Luo, his eyes deep, "This relationship can't be turned around. Sometimes offending many people is not a bad thing."

But noticing the confusion on Lu Luo's face, he smiled dumbly without too much explanation.

"I know all these, just massage my feet."

"To put it mildly, this is to relieve my fatigue, but to put it broadly, isn't this also a contribution to Daqian and Chang'an?"

Lu Luo felt that it made sense when she heard it.

"My lord, what you said makes sense!"

"But I think Chang'an will definitely win."

This aroused Gao Yang's curiosity, "Oh, why?"

"Because Chang'an has great heroes like you, and there are too many heroes."

"Although I don't understand the situation, I always feel that a country with so many heroes should not be destroyed."

Lu Luo said with certainty, her face full of pride.

"Too many heroes? For example?"

Lu Luo said without thinking, "Old Wang in the east of the city is nearly seventy years old and his legs and feet are not working well, but when he heard your majesty's request for shit, he responded actively."

"The whole Chang'an, the people are in a turmoil. The streets these days are full of stench and the crowd is excited."

Request for shit...

Gao Yang's mouth twitched.

"I also heard that teenage boys spontaneously formed groups and started to dig shit everywhere. There was even a little boy who was exhausted.

Fell into the pit."

"Even the brothels in Chang'an, some prostitutes, put up signs of 30% off for one person and half price for two people, and donated the money they earned."

"With the unity of Chang'an and the poisonous... brilliant plan of the eldest son, how could Chang'an be easily conquered by the Chu army?"

Luluo's voice was as a matter of course and affirmative.

Gao Yang was also surprised.

He had been busy with the casting of alcohol, gunpowder and other things, and naturally didn't know about these.

"The excrement boy fell into the pit..."

"The brothel women made money at half price and served the country."

His face was complicated.

He would have to mention these words in the court in the future. Would those cowardly officials be ashamed?

After a while, Gao Yang smiled and said: "Then Luluo, do you want to be a hero?"

Luluo's eyes lit up, and she immediately said, "Sir, can I also join the death squad?"

"I am not afraid of death! "

Gao Yang immediately made two "pooh" sounds.

"Die, what bad luck."

"Just focus on the massage. I have other candidates for the death squad. There are plenty of death row prisoners and censors."

"Have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow on the top of Chang'an City, I will take you to play something sexy, but you may have to sacrifice a little bit of your humiliation!"

Luluo's innocent face flushed when she heard this.

Sacrifice a little bit of your humiliation?

She understood!

Luluo said shyly, "Is this the unspoken rule you mentioned, and are you hinting that I should upgrade my service tonight?

To be honest, Gao Yang was very tempted.

He was very angry now!

But he finally resisted the temptation, "No, it's tomorrow on the top of the city, in front of hundreds of thousands of Chu troops."

The morale of the Chu army was completely lost due to the bombing, so it was time for him to play something sexy.

Luluo was shocked.

"Young Master, this is not appropriate, is it?"

Gao Yang just smiled and said, "Go get some ink and brush, call Chen Sheng, I have something important to tell you."

Soon, Chen Sheng entered the room.

"Greetings, Young Master!"

Gao Yang took out a letter, looked at Chen Sheng and said, "Send this letter to the palace as quickly as possible and give it to His Majesty!"

Chen Sheng took the letter and headed for the palace.


Wu Zhao, who was about to take a break, received Gao Yang's letter.

She frowned and opened the letter, and the expression on her face became more and more moving with the content of the letter.

Finally, a noble face was full of shock!

Seeing this, Shangguan Wan'er was full of curiosity.

"Your Majesty, does Lord Gao have another vicious plan?"

Wu Zhao nodded and looked outside the palace, as if she was struggling.

After a while, she spoke.

"Yes, Gao Yang has proposed another plan. He said that these methods have frightened the Chu army, and they will definitely want to stop while they are ahead. He wants to take advantage of the situation to pursue and completely break the morale of the Chu army and seize the initiative in this battle!"

Shangguan Wan'er's face was full of emotion.

"But why does your majesty look so ugly?"

Wu Zhao took a deep breath, turned around, and said to Shangguan Wan'er word by word, "This plan is called... Empty City Plan!"


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