At the same time.

In the inner house.

Gao Feng also stepped into Gao Tianlong's room. He took a deep breath and looked serious.

"Father." Gao Feng bowed respectfully.

Gao Tianlong was wearing simple home clothes, and he looked majestic without anger.

"Why, do you have something to say?" Gao Tianlong looked at Gao Feng with sharp eyes.

Gao Feng thought of Shangguan Wan'er's words a few days ago, and his face became more serious.

"I talked to Shangguan a few days ago, and I found Yang'er a little bold."

"Oh? How bold?"

Gao Tianlong also thought of the conversation with Gao Yang a few days ago, and he agreed with this.

Did Gao Feng also know?

"Yang'er once said to Shangguan that he wanted to peek at his legs. Shangguan is a close minister of your majesty. There may be a special relationship between the two. How could Yang'er covet Shangguan?" Gao Feng was very worried. But Gao Tianlong couldn't help laughing when he heard it. He looked contemptuous: "That's it?" Gao Feng was stunned, "Father, isn't this bold enough?" Gao Tianlong smiled disdainfully and then asked a soul-searching question, "Since ancient times, emperors have ruled the country with treacherous ministers and strengthened the country with reform ministers, but no matter whether they are treacherous ministers or reform ministers, how many of them can have a good end?" "But Yang'er gave me three plans. Do you know which three they are?" Gao Feng looked serious. He also realized that Gao Yang was a poisonous scholar. Although the poisonous plan was good, his reputation was also bad. When he was favored by the empress, naturally no one dared to provoke him, and he was powerful in the court. But once he loses favor, he is likely to be executed, and his entire family will be executed to appease the anger of the people.

This is a double-edged sword.

This wicked son of his actually thought so far-reachingly?

Gao Tianlong looked at Gao Feng, and he said word by word.

"The first plan is the doctrine of the mean, which makes Daqian strong, but keeps the six kingdoms alive!"

Gao Feng's eyes lit up, this method is not bad.

He continued to look at Gao Tianlong, waiting for the next words.

"The second plan is to capture the empress, make her fall in love, give birth to a son, and be devoted to her."

Gao Feng's face suddenly changed.


He took a breath of cold air.

I thought it was bold to covet Shangguan Wan'er, but I didn't expect that his vision was still small.

This wicked empress has set her sights on it!

But this is not over yet. Gao Tianlong continued to say quietly, "The third plan is to find a natural disaster and take the opportunity to deceive people..."

After this, Gao Feng's face suddenly turned pale, and he looked unbelievable.

Gao Tianlong looked at Gao Feng's pale face and stroked his beard.

He smiled and said, "Is it brave to still want to see Shangguan Wan'er's legs and have some covetous hearts?"

Gao Feng was silent suddenly after hearing this.

He never expected that his wicked son would be so bold.

He even thought about the empress.

He even thought about rebelling.

Although it felt crazy, when he thought about the empress offering him tea and calling him dad...

I have to say, this is still very exciting.

"This bastard doesn't have even a third of my charm back then. It's very unlikely that he can take down the empress."

Gao Tianlong glanced at Gao Feng and took a sip of tea, "Bastard, you must not be so shameless."

Gao Feng: "..."

He looked hurt, and these words really hurt.

At this time, a strange fragrance came, which made the two of them snort.

"Who is boiling lard in the mansion, and why is it so fragrant?"

Gao Tianlong said.

Fu Bo walked in from outside and hurriedly said, "Report to the old Duke, it's the eldest son who is boiling lard."

"I heard that he boiled more than ten pounds of lard, and it seems that he is going to refine something."

Hearing this, Gao Tianlong and Gao Feng's faces changed.


"This bastard boiled more than ten pounds of lard, what kind of food is he going to make?"

Gao Feng was angry.

The family tradition of the Duke of Dingguo has always been frugal, never extravagant or wasteful. Lard is precious, and Gao Feng couldn't bear to boil more than ten pounds at a time.

Flowers in the Rouge Pavilion are flowers, but food should not be cheapened.

Gao Tianlong's face was not good either.

He came from the famine years, and he witnessed with his own eyes that the people were extremely hungry, frantically swallowing Guanyin soil, and died with their stomachs bulging.

That was a real purgatory on earth.

Therefore, he was always full of awe for food.

But thinking of Gao Yang's various things, Gao Tianlong still took a deep breath and said, "Yang'er will not be so extravagant, you go and see."

Gao Feng snorted coldly and said, "I'll go and see what this evil boy is doing."

"If he really wastes money, the Empress's token

I can't save him either, I will beat him up. "

Gao Feng saluted and left in a hurry, his steps getting faster and faster.

Today, I should be able to beat this evil boy up, right?

Today he will beat this evil boy, and beat him in front of Li!


In the courtyard.

Gao Yang poured the liquid boiled in the pot into the membrane with spices, and after it was left to cool, the first soap was successfully born.

Gao Yang raised the soap in his hand and couldn't help but smile.

"Luo Luo, get a basin of clean water." Gao Yang was a little excited.

With this thing, my body will never be sticky again.

Luo Luo hurriedly got a basin of clean water, and Gao Yang handed the soap in his hand to Lu Luo.

"Wet the soap, wash your hands, and try the effect." Gao Yang continued.

"Does the servant use this soap? "

Luo Luo was flattered.

But when she saw Gao Yang's affirmative eyes, she could only silently follow Gao Yang's instructions, soaking the soap and hands together, and then rubbing them slowly.

Soon, delicate foam appeared, which made Luo Luo look curious.

Because she helped Gao Yang to boil lard, she was busy all day, so Luo Luo's hands were also stained with a lot of dust and dirt.

But when the clean water washed away the foam, an incredible scene appeared.

"My lord, it's clean, and I feel my hands are more delicate and white."

Luo Luo raised her hands with a look of surprise.

Although Daqian has pancreas and good cleaning power, this thing can only be used by the palace, and ordinary people just use clean water.

And it was Luo Luo's first time to use soap, so the effect was naturally excellent.

But looking at Luo Luo's delicate hands with clear fingers, Gao Yang deliberately walked forward slowly.

"Really? Let me take a look. "

Gao Yang grabbed Luluo's hand and examined it carefully.

"Yes, it is smoother and whiter." Gao Yang stroked it with his big hand and said with a sigh.

Luluo looked up a little proudly at first, and then realized something was wrong.

"Master, you are rubbing me a little painful."

Luluo's cute little face was a little rosy, and she said in a low voice.

Gao Yang let go immediately, with a righteous look on his face, "Don't think too much, I just want to check the cleaning effect of the soap."


Luluo's little face became more and more rosy.

"You are tired today, so I will give you this soap."

As soon as these words came out, Luluo raised her head instantly, with a look of astonishment on her face.

"Give it to me? ”

Although she had never used expensive soap, she was sure that the effect of this soap was definitely better than that of soap, and it could also leave a fragrance.

The price must be very expensive, and she was just a little maid.

“Yes, I’ll give it to you. It can be regarded as a reward for giving me a massage. Although there are still some flaws in the massage and it can be better, you are still working hard, so I’ll give you this soap.”

There is nothing to say about the foot bath of Luluo. The appearance and service quality are online, but she is too thin and weak.

Thinking back then, after his consumption was downgraded, he just found a foot massage shop on the side of the road. A female technician weighing 200 kilograms and holding a cigarette came up, and he didn’t dare to ask for a change.

The strength was simply transparent!

That time, the memory is still fresh.

After Gao Yang said it casually, he continued to do the same, planning to get a few more bars of soap.

Not only did he need it himself, but there was also a large amount of silver involved behind it.

He promised the empress to get more The money of the wealthy family.

Luoluo looked at Gao Yang's busy figure, her face getting redder and redder.

She understood.

She had already worked hard enough and tried her best, how could she go further?

The answer was obvious.

The eldest son was hinting to her that he wanted her to take a step closer and provide him with irregular services!

He even gave her a bar of soap.

But she didn't know how to provide this irregular service.

It seems that she has to borrow a copy of "Spring Official Picture" from an older sister to learn from.

Let's give it to the eldest son tonight!

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