I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 197 The G Commanded The Army To Move! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

North of De Reiss Rosa, inside the mansion of Riku Dolde III.

A group of members of the Ming army, including the commander of the Ming army Dongjun Axilu,

and members of the "rebels" including Cyrus,

Gathered together again.

"His Majesty King Liku, this opportunity is quite rare. If we miss it, I don't know how long we will have to wait for a similar opportunity!"

Axilu looked at the hesitant old King Liku, and tried to persuade him.

As Lin Xiao expected before,

After learning the news of the attack of the BIG MOM Pirates, the G Command Army,

Immediately became clumsy.

Just out of caution,

They didn't act immediately.

Instead, I chose to wait and see...

Until they confirmed the news that De Reiss Rosa Marine and all the cadres were dispatched,

"June 13" could not contain the ecstasy in my heart,

He went directly to the old King Liku.

"Yes, father-in-law, what Axilu said is correct!"

"Right now, all of Lin Xiao's troops have been dispatched to the open sea to fight against the BIG MOM pirates."

A frenzied light flashed in Cyrus' eyes, he stood up leaning on the table with his hands, and bewitched him eagerly:

"Nowadays, the domestic military force is absolutely empty, as long as we... no, as long as you seize the opportunity to raise your arms, with your prestige, there will definitely be a large number of subjects who will defect and surrender.

"And we only need to take down the king's highland and the palace, then we can secretly contact the BIG MOM sea group, and together with them, we will attack Lin Xiao internally and externally..."

The more Cyrus talked, the more excited he became,

As if victory was within reach.

The smile on his face also became ferocious and sinister.

After a short pause,

He continued smugly: "By then, Lin Xiao and his gang will be in trouble and suffer heavy losses..."

"Even if he escapes by chance in the end, we can at least take the opportunity to completely expel his forces from De Reiss Rosa!!"

Cyrus' words immediately resonated among the old ministers of the Liku clan.

"That's right, Your Majesty, we can't let that demon Lin Xiao continue to rule this great country!!"

"That's right, that guy is simply a stingy devil. He doesn't have the slightest sympathy for us veterans, but he treats those commoners kindly..."

"Your Majesty, if you don't act again, we veterans will almost starve to death!"

Several old men surrounded by righteous indignation denounced Lin Dao's various "crimes"

It turned out that after Lin Xiao overthrew Doflamingo's regime,

These good-for-nothing old guys,

Instead of being reused.

Instead, without exception,

All of them were stripped of their noble status by him,

reduced to civilians.

This caused a huge gap in their hearts.


For these guys who are used to glory and wealth,

The life of the common people is as cruel as hell.

They are lavish,

Soon the money in his hand was squandered.

However, these people have no skill at all,

Not even the basic means of earning a living.

It didn't take long before the downcast ones were worse than beggars.

So they shamelessly approached the reclusive Riku Dolde III.

out of old love,

Riku Dold III uses the money his daughter Violet gives him every month,

Secretly funding this group of vampires.

Otherwise, these people would have starved to death long ago.

So they will not hesitate to risk their lives,

He wants to put the old King Liku back on the throne.

and only in this way,

They can be as they were then,

Re-live a life of luxury and abundance.

"But... what if Xiao wins?!"

There was a bit of hesitation on the old King Liku's face.

It seems that he is afraid of Lin Dao's fierce reputation.

"As long as we cooperate properly, Lin Xiao should have no chance of winning!"

Axilu said with burning eyes: "Don't forget, his enemy this time is the most powerful BIG MOM pirate group in the Four Emperors.

"His Majesty King Liku, please make a decision as soon as possible... After all, the opportunity must not be missed!"

"Yes, father-in-law, don't hesitate!"

Without giving the old King Liku too much chance to think, Cyrus couldn't wait to say:

"If you are worried about being retaliated by Lin Dao afterwards, then I want to say that there is no need for it!"

“We can fully restore the status of [World government franchise car] after regaining the dominance of De Reiss Rosa.

"Then apply to Naval Headquarters to set up a Marine branch near De Reiss Rosa to prevent Lin Xiao or other pirates with ulterior motives from spying on this country."

"I believe that as long as we pay enough [Heavenly Gold], the World Government and Naval Headquarters will definitely agree!"

"good idea!!"

"As expected of Lord Cyrus!"

The people around responded loudly.

Even the old King Liku nodded.

Cyrus had a smug look on his face.

He glanced at Axilu without any trace.

This countermeasure,

Obviously it's not his kind of empty and brave,

But not as much as a guy with a brain can come up with.

all of these,

All of them were planned by Axilu, the female ruler of the g-hungry army.

to this end,

She did not hesitate to use her advantage as a woman to "sleep" to serve Cyrus.

For Mr. Long,

For the sake of the commanding army,

For the relief of De Reiss Rosa,

In order to avenge those comrades who died tragically at the hands of Lin Dao,

In Axilu's view, such dedication,

is totally worth it.

"Oh well…….….…"

Old King Liku nodded heavily.

"There is no delay, let's act now!"

"Let's split up and gather our own people, and then gather in the square in front of King's Heights!!"

Ashilu's eyes suddenly flashed with hot light.

I don't know if this mission is successful,

My position in Mr. Long's heart,

Will it surpass Bello Betty's 0.6, that defecting slut.


If only I could take the opportunity to replace her head with it!

After a while.

When everyone left the house,

In a dark corner of the basement,

The figure of Redfield walked out slowly.

He "participated" in this rebellious plan from beginning to end.

but no one,

aware of his presence.

This is the key to his being as famous as Roger and Whitebeard in the old days.

As long as he doesn't want to expose,

Except for Lin Xiao,

No one can detect his presence in the shadows.

"Hmph, a group of ants who can't control themselves, I really want to see how many ungrateful wastes like you exist in this country!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

Redfield's figure once again split into countless fishy red bats. .

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