I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 198 Want To Run? Laozi Hasn't Killed Enough Yet! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

boom boom boom

boom boom boom

On the surface of the sea, the sound of explosions and shouts of killing almost never stopped.

De Reiss Rosa Marine under the command of Zephyr,

The second stage of melee combat with BIG MOM Pirates has already started.

Since Bullet and Shiryu attracted most of the cadres,

In addition to the children of the Charlotte family who rushed to support,

I had no intention of fighting,

I just want to persuade their mother BIG·MOM to go back safely.

So in this naval battle,

De Reiss Rosa Marine clearly had the upper hand.

"For Your Majesty Lin Xiao..."

"For De Reiss Rosa..."

"For the sake of justice...go for it!!"

Stepping on the skillful [Moonwalk] under Betty's feet, she lightly landed on the mast of a warship, waving the battle flag in her hand.



The invisible fluctuations that can awaken the latent power in people's hearts swept out instantly, covering every Marine soldier who was about to fight the enemy.

"Ah, it's Betty-sama, the ability of [Encouraging Fruit] is really amazing, the exhaustion on the body and the fear in the heart seem to have disappeared in an instant!"

"That's right, it suddenly feels like the power is pouring out continuously?!"

"For His Majesty the Emperor..."

"Come on!!"

The two large ships had just collided with each other, and nearly a thousand Marine soldiers with high morale rushed forward like tigers descending a mountain.

The pirates facing them were immediately frightened by the bravery that erupted from them.

As one of the most powerful Four Emperors group in New World.

The members of the BIG MOM Pirates have always been arrogant and domineering,

I have never seen such a desperate soldier.

So the battle quickly became one-sided.

These elite Marines selected by Zephyr layer by layer,

Already had a decent combat power.

Now under the addition of [Encouraging Fruit],

It exploded even more,

Far beyond the previous terrorist combat power.

And Betty held the battle flag,

Use【Moonwalk】to wander around every corner of the battlefield.

Even if no one tells

She also made sure to keep her own casualties to a minimum.

Because every Warrior,

But all of them belong to His Majesty Lin Dao's precious wealth.

As His Majesty's woman,

She Bello Betty certainly has a responsibility and an obligation,

Take good care of your Majesty's property.


I don't know why now,

No matter what danger you are in,

Just thinking of Your Majesty,

There will be a sweet feeling in my heart.

This should be the "love storm" that Hancock's sister often hangs by the side, right?

Betty looked into the distance with her beautiful eyes.

That was the direction where Lin Xiao disappeared before.

Even if she couldn't see Lin Dao's figure at all with her eyesight,

On her pretty face, there was still a blush of admiration and sweetness.

"Damn, damned woman, it's all your fault that brought us into such a mess, Laozi killed you!!"

At the moment when Betty was stunned,

Suddenly there was an angry roar in the sky.

Immediately afterwards,

She saw a man in a dark blue suit,

A man with a pair of purple wings on his back swooped towards her from the sky.

It is the 24th son of the Charlotte family,

Charlotte Duckworth.

Although he only has the strength of Common Vice Admiral level.

but confident,

You can easily crush this hateful woman.

The long sword in his hand shone brightly under the sunlight,

The whole person is like a meteor falling rapidly,

It slammed into Betty.

However, what made him feel puzzled and extremely angry was that,

The woman standing at the top of the mast now,

After discovering his sneak attack,

Not only did he not have the slightest intention of dodging and escaping,

Instead, there was a look of disdain on his face.


turned his head away,

Continue to maintain the previous daze posture.

This Nima is outrageous, isn't it?

Could it be that the guys under Lin Xiao,

Are they all lunatics?

Especially the two monsters Bullet and Shiryu,

In front of all the Charlotte family cadres,

Dare to rush directly to the main ship and hack.

Is there any royal law in this?


Laozi has to kill this little bitch who gets in the way no matter what he says today!

However, just as his blade was about to approach Betty's head,

A sharp figure suddenly stood between the two of them.

"Isn't this... the former Whitebeard Pirates' second captain, Fire Fist Ace?"

"Why did his Yuexiong survive with such terrible injuries?"

Duckworth was stunned for a moment, and then roared ferociously: "Dare to be Laozi's way, die with me... Pfft!!"

His words were not yet finished,

Without any suspense, he was punched in the head by Sige.

facing attack,

Death song didn't even bother to hide.

Let the opponent's sword wrapped around Armament Haki slash at himself.

But it didn't cause any damage at all.

With the importance Lin Xiao attaches to Betty,

How could it be possible not to send someone to protect her in such an important battle?

The entire BIG MOM Pirates,

I am afraid that apart from BIG MOM and Katakuri,

Then no one is the opponent of Death Song.

After all, this kid directly "inherited" Garp's Armament Haki.


Betty pouted, then jumped up again and flew to the next ship.

And death song is still like a ghost,

Follow closely behind her.

"Your Majesty, there are really a group of amazing monsters gathered around you!!"

Zephyr stood on the deck of a large ship and said with emotion.

just that scene,

It has already been captured by him without a trace.

Betty's [Encouraging 203 Fruits] played a huge role,

It was simply beyond his imagination.

Even if it directly changed the direction of the war,

Not an exaggeration.

And Zephyr heard the reasons for Betty's surrender,

His jaw almost fell to the ground.

It's really hard for him to imagine,

Lin Xiao was actually before the Summit War,

It has already begun to prepare for today's large-scale corps.

Such schemes and plans,

Is it too much to change?

"Damn it, Duckworth was killed. We can't continue to spend time with them here. We have to find Mom as soon as possible and leave here first..."

The eldest son Pei Ross jumped up, the fruit ability was activated instantly, and endless purple syrup poured out of his hands and poured into the sea.

"Candy Waves!!"

The turbulent sugar liquid waves rolled up, forming a swamp-like barrier directly on the periphery of the De Reiss Rosa Marine warship.

Immediately afterwards,

Propelled by a giant sea Katsuyu made out of candy,

Big Mom's Pirates,

Start a massive retreat.

"Hey, you bastards with long tongues, are you trying to escape?"

"Laozi hasn't killed enough!!"

Shiryu's sullen voice suddenly sounded from behind Perot.

Immediately afterwards,

A huge lightning-like Slash Wave burst out of the air. .

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