I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 208 Enemy Of Pirates, The Common Enemy Of The Four Emperors! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


The new capital, Oni Island.

In the huge hole-head castle,

The moment was filled with a roar like thunder.

"Damn, are those bastards in Marine idiots?"

"That kid is obviously not a pirate anymore, so why increase the bounty for him?"

"And it has been promoted to a higher level than that guy Roger, I'm really mad at Laozi..."

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud "rumbling" sound of smashing things.

"Run, Governor Kaido is drunk again..."

"If you are implicated, you will die!"

"[Flame Calamity] Why did you tell the news when Boss Kaido was drunk?"

"That's right, doesn't he know that Boss Kaido's wine is the worst?!"

A group of members of the Beasts Pirates escaped from the inside.

Even the powerful [True Fighter] is no exception.

After all, when Kaido is angry,

But they are completely indistinguishable from each other.

"Hey, what's going on in there?"

A figure stood in front of everyone and asked curiously.

"It turned out to be Master Yamato, you must not go in now, Boss Kaido is getting angry about that boy Lin Xiao's bounty!"

A pirate replied with a gracious face.

"The bounty of Lin 11 Road?"

As soon as Yamato heard Lin Dao's name, Red's pupils suddenly showed surprise, and he hurriedly asked: "Quickly tell me, what's going on!"

"Let's see for yourself, we have to leave this area as soon as possible, otherwise if we are affected by the Kaido boss, we will lose our lives!"

After the pirate handed a newspaper to Yamato, he hurried away.


When Yamato saw the bounty amount of Lin Dao in the newspaper, he was almost slapped in the face.

This man's bounty is so terrifying!!

New World.

an island.

The big ship Red Force of Red Hair Pirates docked quietly on the coastline.

"Hey, Captain, this newspaper is fake, right? How can that kid's bounty surpass Lord Roger's?"

"If anyone in this sea can surpass Roger in bounty, it must be Captain Shanks!"

"That's right, that insidious villain Lin Xiao doesn't deserve such a terrifying bounty!"

"What the hell are those idiots doing at Marine?"

"That's right, why did you give that kid a bounty of 6 billion..."

The members of the Red Hair Pirates shouted out of righteous indignation.

In their view,

In addition to his own captain Shanks,

No one in the sea can reach the heights of One Piece Roger.

Not even BIG MOM, Kaido and the dead Whitebeard.

However, only Queen's Deputy Benn Beckman,

I saw the true intention of Marine's move.

"Shanks, Marine is probably trying to provoke conflict and war between us and that kid Lin Xiao!"

Beckman stared at the red hair and said earnestly.

In the whole pirate group,

No one knows Shanks better than him.

He knew that Roger was in the heart of this affectionate man,

What an important position it has.

So he was afraid of his own captain,

Unable to accept the fact that Roger's bounty was exceeded,

Thus fell into Marine's trick.

"Don't worry, I won't mess around...

Shanks said blankly.

to be honest,

He is really sour now.

In just under two years,

Lin Xiao actually stood at a place that others could not reach in their lifetime,

It can be called a miraculous height.


In this "others",

Also includes Shanks himself.

However, this is exactly what makes him feel depressed and annoyed.

After the disbandment of the Roger Pirates,

Shanks spent just 16 years,

From a former intern on the One Piece ship,

Transform into the mighty Four Emperors of the New World.

such a gorgeous transformation,

Simply stunning.

It is rumored throughout the sea that he is the successor to Roger,

The most promising man to become the next One Piece.


All this happened after Lin Xiao appeared,


But no matter how much Shanks hates Lin Xiao,

He also had to admit,

this young man,

No matter the means or the scheming,

Or to the extent of cruelty,

are far above him.


Lin Xiao,

You must not let Laozi take a chance.


Will kill you sooner or later!!


Cake Island.

BIG MOM is almost the entire ocean,

The last person to know that Lin Xiao's bounty reached 6 billion.

because before that,

She was in a coma the whole time.

"Marine's useless trash, why should they give that brat a bounty of 6 billion..."

"Lin Dao, you bastard, my mother must kill you

"I'm the One Piece, no one can sit in that seat except me!!"

"My face...my hair....ahhhhh..."

BIG·MOM stood in front of a huge mirror, looking at himself in the mirror covered with scars, large scars on his face, and burnt hair.

Suddenly, there was a terrifying roar like an ancient beast.

The mirror in front of him, as well as the glass of the entire castle, instantly shattered.

Countless Homiz fell to their knees trembling.

this moment,

Their queen was really angry.

"I... must kill you!!"

Uncontrollably flashing back in BIG·MOM's mind, the scene when he was teased by Lin Xiao before, and the momentum on his body also rose rapidly.

However, just as the children of the Charlotte family were about to escape from the castle,

A loud noise came from BIG·MOM's abdomen.


The unprecedented hunger in my stomach,

Instantly suppressed the anger in Big Mom's heart 400.

"I'm hungry, I want food, I want a delicious dessert..."

Big Mom shouted with bloodshot eyes.

"Mom, don't get angry, we have already prepared all kinds of desserts for you!"

Smoothie showed joy, and waved his hand outside quickly, and soon a dining cart full of delicious food was pushed in.

BIG·MOM didn't talk nonsense, and started to eat hungrily.

The scene was like a horror movie.

But the children of the Charlotte family breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really too timely for the craving to eat.

Otherwise Mom might have caused much havoc.


Lin Xiao's bounty actually surpassed that of One Piece Roger.

It's incredible!

To know,

He is only 20 years old this year...

Many children of the Charlotte family,

He looked at BIG·MOM who was eating like a bulldozer with a complicated expression.

At the beginning, I regretted not listening to Katakuri's persuasion,

Join Lyndau's side.

New World.

Blackbeard Pirates Station, Hive Island!

"Jie ha ha ha ha, I never expected that we would meet again in this way, but... this time, I think you should be interested in joining forces with me, right?!"

"After all, we have a common enemy!!"

Blackbeard looked at the figure on the opposite side with a very happy smile on his face.

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