I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 209 Luo's News, The Straw Hats Are Reunited! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

time flies.

Half a year passed by in a flash.

Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa.

In the royal training ground of King's Heights.

Lin Xiao is currently fighting fiercely with Bullet.

Neither has the ability to use Devil Fruit.

But by virtue of his strong physique,

and high-level Armament Haki,

A fierce frontal collision.

that scene,

Just like the two tyrannosaurs at the top of the food chain,

for the prey,

But the collision and killing are general.

"Sister Hancock, Master Lin Xiao is already so powerful, why do you have to fight so fiercely every day?"

Under the huge parasol, the little Shirahoshi timidly covered her big watery eyes with both hands, not daring to watch the bloody scene in the training ground anymore.

In the past two years.

Princess Shirahoshi who turned 18 years old,

Although there is no particularly obvious change in body shape.

Still maintaining that proud posture that can crush any woman.

But the tenderness between the brows,

But under the tempering of time,

began to fade gradually.

The innocent mermaid princess,

on that beautiful cheek,

It has quietly added a bit of mature charm.

And Shirahoshi always looked at Lin Xiao,

In those watery eyes,

There are always unspoken expectations.

She seemed to be waiting for a moment to come.

"Because my lord wants to be the strongest in this world, to reach the peak that no one has touched in 800 years!"

The empress held her fair chin and said with blurred eyes.


A dull bang suddenly came out.

Bullet's hill-like figure flew upside down in an instant, and rowed backwards a distance of more than ten meters, leaving a deep ravine on the ground.

But Lin Xiao took three steps back and stopped his figure.

"No more fights, no more fights!"

Bullet turned over and sat up, with an aggrieved look on his face, he said:

"Master Captain, you are not as bullying as you are.".!"

"Didn't you agree to practice with you for a day alone at the beginning, why do you only abuse me now?"

"It's not fair, I'm Bullet.....not convinced!!"

"Tch, fit bastard, you don't know what to do if you stay there!"

Shiryu sarcastically said at the side: "It's your good fortune that the captain finds you as a training partner, and you keep talking non-stop. Could it be...do you have any complaints against the captain?"

"I wipe?!"

Bullet was shocked when he heard that, and hurriedly looked at Lin Xiao, and after finding that there was nothing unusual on the other party's face, he pointed at Shiryu angrily and cursed:

"Big chin, you bastard, how dare you set me up?!"

"Sun thief, do you dare to repeat what you just said?"

"See if I can beat you until the captain can't recognize who you are!"

Shiryu first took a few steps back indiscriminately, then leaned his neck to the side, and said in a proud tone:

"Filtered bastard, don't scare Laozi there, if it's not for the captain's face, Laozi must show you my newly developed killer move today!"

"Then you are fucking here!!"

"Laozi doesn't want to go..."

The two immediately started their daily chatting mode.

"My lord, you've worked hard, I'll leave it to you to dress up for such trivial things as wiping sweat!

The female emperor rushed over like flying, carefully wiping every drop of sweat for Lin Xiao.

Wiping her while swallowing.

It seems that in her eyes,

happy sweat,

They are all rare and delicious in the world.

The white Qiong nose kept sniffing the masculine scent exuding from Lin Xiao's body,

Immediately there was another burst of dizziness.

No more, no more!

Just smelling the scent of adults,

The heart was already thumping and was about to jump out of the throat.

"Good job, my little Hancock!"

Lin Xiao pinched the empress' fair chin, and immediately gave her a suffocating deep wen.

"Your Majesty, there is urgent information from Master Taofang!"

Betty held a copy of the message she had just received in her hand, and rushed over in a hurry.

In the past six months.

Lin Xiao relied on the [Peachy] information network created by the entertainment city,

Has matured day by day.


It is not inferior to the existence of [Happy Street] of CPO member Stussy.

Even the two forces are in the dark,

There were also several contests between spies.

Both sides win and lose each other.

No difference.

"Okay, let's talk now!"

Lin Xiao will fall into the "intoxicated state" of the empress, and said softly back under the parasol.

"Master Momousagi has received reliable information that the Heart Pirates have appeared on Huangquan Island in New World and are temporarily resting there."

Betty said solemnly: "When the news came, Momousagi-sama had already personally brought the [Portal] to Huangquan Island."

The so-called 【Portal】,

It was Charlotte Te Bray, the ability user of [Mirror Mirror Fruit],

Created using the ability of Devil Fruit,

no matter how far apart,

A special mirror that allows her to walk freely in the "..mirror world".

It was Lin Xiao after the battle with BIG MOM Pirates half a year ago,

Manufactured by special request to Katakuri supervision.

In almost every intelligence agency point in the outside world,

All are equipped with such a special mirror that is enough for adults to pass normally.

on the one hand,

It is to better deal with possible emergencies.

In order to,

to the greatest extent,

Ensure the personal safety of spy personnel.

on the other hand,

It is used for strategic operations such as assassination, sneak attack, and assault.

It can be said,

Lin Xiao has used all the potential of 【Mirror Mirror Fruit】,

All were dug out.

With such an efficient and convenient "channel"

Dre's (of) Throza's military operations,

While the mobility is greatly improved,

has become deadly,

And mysterious.

"Has Kid Rona finally appeared?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiao's dark eyes lit up immediately, and he ordered:

"Send Katakuri and Charlotte Bray right away, I want to go to Huangquan Island myself!"

"Your Majesty, there is another message from the Sabaody Archipelago!"

Betty did not leave directly, but immediately opened another message and read aloud:

"Straw hat Luffy, who was successfully rescued in the Summit War, and his pirate crew have successfully assembled on the Sabaody Archipelago, causing a major riot.

"Intelligence personnel predict that the next move of the Straw Hat Pirates is to enter the New World.

Lin Xiao's corner raised a disdainful arc, and he immediately waved his hand and said, "Don't pay attention to them for now, that kid never forgets to make troubles no matter where he goes!".

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