I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 218 Robin, I'm Coming To Pick You Up! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

Time flies by.

in a blink of an eye,

A week has passed.

New World.

On the rough blue sea,

Luffy sat cross-legged on the head of the Gold lion on the prow of the Thousand Suns,

He gazed firmly at the sea ahead.

In the past few days,

The Straw Hat Pirates successfully crossed the deep sea channel,

After arriving in New World,

They rushed directly to De Reiss Rosa without stopping.

Although Jinbei and others had repeatedly persuaded Luffy on the way,

With their current strength,

He was no match for Lin Xiao at all.

But the surname is so reckless,

Luffy who does things without thinking about the consequences,

How could it be so easy to change what he decided.


Finally, in desperation,

Members of the Straw Hats,

And had to be forced to accompany him,

Started this "journey to death"

"Boss Jinbei, what should we do?"

"That bastard Luffy, I can't listen to persuasion at all now..."

Seeing that it was about to arrive at the Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa, the uneasiness in Nami's heart also became more restless.

11 If you rush over without a plan like this,

There is almost no difference from sending to death.

They don't have Luffy's completely fearless personality.

After hearing that Lin Xiao had killed Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors,

And after Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji,

These people have been scared out of their wits.

You must think of something before you act,

so everyone can meet Robin,

At the same time, he must be able to escape from that horrible country alive.

"Yeah, to provoke [The Strongest Emperor] who doesn't even look down on the Four Emperors at this time, that idiot Luffy is simply out of his mind!!"

Usopp said tremblingly.

Although after two years of training,

His physique seemed to have grown a great deal,

But in fact,

Still as timid as ever.

Among the weak trio,

There is always a place for him.

"Yo ho ho ho ho, big guy, maybe this time, we will all really die there?!"

While drinking black tea, Brook accurately "makes up the knife".


Chopper, who was sitting next to him, was so frightened that he fell off his chair.

After turning over and getting up,

Chopper rushed to Brook's chair angrily and kicked, "Brook, you bastard, can you stop saying such frustrating words......"

"Even if you guys are afraid, you shouldn't speak so badly!"

Not far away, Zoro, who had been leaning on the mast with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at the crowd, and then said slightly displeased:

"Robin was our former partner after all, and Luffy went to De Reiss Rosa to be important, what's wrong?"

As the first to board the ship,

Zoro can be said to be the one who knows Luffy's character best.

In the current situation,

No one can stop Luffy from moving.

"Hee hee, Suo is right!"

At this moment, Luffy jumped directly from the bow and said:

"Since no matter how hard you think about it, you still can't figure out whether Robin has betrayed us, then just ask her directly!!"

"Bastard, don't you want to rush to Lin Dao directly to ask for someone?"

Usopp was frightened into a cold sweat, and said nervously:

"I remember you once said that your two big brothers were killed by him [you have a deep hatred with Lin Dao!"

"That's right, Ace and Sabo's revenge, I will definitely avenge them!"

Luffy nodded extremely seriously.

"Luffy, don't be impulsive!"

Nami worriedly reminded: "If you don't have a strategy, and don't have enough combat power to compete with it, if you just go there in a daze, I'm afraid you will be killed directly!


Luffy you bastard,

Can you think about it for us people a little bit!

I don't want to die yet!!

"They're right..."

Jinbei also said with a serious face at this time:

"Brother Luffy, don't forget that the other party is comparable to the Four Emperors!!"

"He is a completely different existence from the enemies you have encountered before."

Although Jinbei admires Luffy's spirit of taking risks for his partners,

But it doesn't mean,

He wanted to watch the crowd go to die.

"Since you can't beat it, then sneak over there!"

Luffy said nonchalantly.

In his opinion,

lurk into a country,

It's just a fairly simple and easy thing to do.

"Idiot, do you think... Hey hey, Franky, stop the boat, there seems to be some huge monster coming from the fog opposite!!"

Just as Usopp was about to say something, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Then everyone turned their heads to look,

The face suddenly showed the same astonishment as the former.

In the mist less than one nautical mile away from the Qianyang,

Suddenly, a huge shadow towering into the sky appeared.

As the shadow draws closer,

An elephant, far larger than the giant Sea Kings, appeared in front of everyone.

"Big... Elephant?!"

"My God, there are creatures bigger than Sea Kings in this world?"

"If you accidentally hit it, even the Thousand Suns will fall apart!!"

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was shocked by the Elephant Lord in front of them.

"But... such a monster, why did it appear in the waters near De Reiss Rosa?! 460"

The navigator Nami was the first to react, turned to look at Jinbei, and asked with a puzzled expression.

"I don't know about that, but...

Jinbei shook his head slightly, the shock and fear of the subject could not be concealed in his eyes,

After thinking for a while, he said: "If I remember correctly, this is actually the territorial waters of De Reiss Rosa!"

"I once read in the newspaper that there is an ancient giant beast in this area..."

"If you enter without informing De Reiss Rosa, you will be dealt a fatal blow!"

"Originally I thought it was just an exaggeration, but now it seems...


Jinbei explained the general meaning of "territorial sea" to everyone.


Except for Luffy, the rest of the Straw Hats suddenly gasped.

Even if World Government and Marine enter without reason,

will be attacked indiscriminately...

What a powerful backing this must be,

How can such shocking rules be established!

until this moment,

The Straw Hats,

Only then did they truly realize what kind of terrifying existence they were about to face.

"Hee hee, great, we finally arrived!"

Luffy ignored the people standing behind him, jumped onto the bow of the boat, made trumpet-like hands with both hands, and shouted in the direction of the elephant owner:

"Robin...I'm coming to pick you up!!".

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