I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 219 A Great Gift To Your Door! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

“Luffy………you bastard!!”

The members of the Straw Hats first petrified collectively,

Then one by one rushed forward angrily,

Facing Luffy, he shuddered.

Even Zoro couldn't hold back,

Follow the crowd together.

Ding bang ding bang——!!

Luffy was praised as a pig's head by everyone in the blink of an eye.

"Why did you hit me..."

Luffy, who spoke with a little wind, asked with an aggrieved face.

He didn't realize at all,

What an idiot I was just now.

"Idiot, you clearly said before that you would sneak in!"

Nami put his hands on his waist and said angrily: "The opponent is a [Four Emperors] level powerhouse. If you are so willful, Luffy, you will put everyone in danger!"

"That's right, maybe we've been discovered now..."

"Usopp, will we be eaten by that colossus!

Usopp and Chopper reported together in tears, as frightened as they could be.

"Enough, if you cowards are afraid to go, then I'll go alone!"

"Anyway........No matter what, this time I have to meet Robin in person!!"

Luffy seemed to be irritated by everyone's attitude, and got up from the armor angrily.

I'm obviously going to save Robin from suffering,

you timid fellows,

Why doesn't everyone understand my original intention?

Luffy said he was wronged.

And when he had finished speaking,

There was a sudden silence on the deck.

"Everyone calm down first!"

a moment later,

It was Jinbei who spoke first to break the deadlock.

"Luffy, now that we have identified the goal of this operation, it is to successfully rescue Nico Robin......."

"Then there is one thing, you must promise us in advance!"

"Say it!"

When Luffy heard this, the expression on his face softened a little.

"No matter what, you are not allowed to attack Lin Xiao privately!"

Jinbei reminded earnestly: "It is already extremely difficult just to rescue people successfully...!"

"We only have 9 people, but in this country, under Lin Xiao's command, there are many terrifying and terrifying existences!"

"If you want to leave De Reiss Rosa alive, you must follow the instructions..."

at the same time.

Just when the Straw Hat Pirates were making an urgent battle plan,

Lin Dao in the palace,

We have already received news that they have appeared on the outskirts of territorial waters.

"Straw Hat Pirates?!"

Lin Xiao suddenly became interested when he heard the words, picked up the phone and asked:

"Purple Roland, have all the other members arrived except Straw Hat Luffy?"

"Well, except [Historian] Nico Robin who has joined our side, the other 8 members of the Straw Hat Pirates are all on board!"

After Zi Roland paused for a while, he continued to add:

"Your Majesty, in addition to these people, I also found the former member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, [Sea Man] Jinbei on board!

"Oh, did that guy join the Straw Hats so early?"

Lin Xiao was actually not surprised by this.

After all, in the original work,

Jinbei dared to join the Straw Hat Pirates,

And go alone to the nations,

Openly announced to BIG MOM to quit.

So now let's "die" with Luffy

Nothing unexpected either.

"Notify the fur tribe outpost on Zou, let them pretend that they didn't find the enemy, and let this group of guys come in!"

Lin Xiaoqi had a trademark smirk from the corner of his face.


He has already guessed the real purpose of Luffy and his party coming to De Reiss Rosa this time.

Want Nico Robin back?

What a pity Luffy,

After all, you still underestimated that woman's persistence and hope in interpreting the [History Text].

Now even if you kneel down and mourn for her,

It is absolutely impossible for her to leave with you again!


After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao glanced at a certain shadow in the hall, and said meaningfully:

"Do you still remember the 'big gift' I told you before?!"

"of course I remember!"

Redfield's figure slowly stepped out of the shadows.

Fujitora, who was leaning on the steps, frowned slightly,

before that,

Even if Observation Haki is as powerful as him,

But still failed to perceive the existence of Redfield in advance.

Fujitora couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

Although both belong to the Lin Xiao camp.

But he is the captain of the guard after all,

If you can't even perceive when the enemy will appear in advance,

Wouldn't that be too remiss?

Redfield didn't know,

Fujitora already regarded him as an imaginary enemy.

out of the shadows,

Redfield knelt down on one knee towards Lin Xiao, and said with burning eyes:

"Your Excellency, Captain, I have been looking forward to that day all the time!

"Hahaha, no, [the gift has already been delivered to your door!"

Lin Xiao laughed heartily.

"Hey, Big Jaw, do you know what [gift] the captain is going to give that old bat?"

Bullet leaned over to Shiryu with a curious expression on his face, and muttered in a low voice.

".. How does Laozi know, but...it seems that it should be related to the straw hat boy!"

Shiryu was also in a daze, unable to guess what the "big gift" Lin Xiao said he was going to give to Redfield.

But what is certain is that,

Something that Captain Lin Xiao can call a "big gift",

Must be extraordinary.

"Okay, let's go to the port together... welcome the guests from afar!"

Lin Xiao patted the Empress who was resting on her lap, and then led everyone away from the palace, heading towards the direction where the Straw Hat Pirates were about to land.

After more than half an hour.

With the help of Qianyang's [Wind Spray], the Straw Hat Pirates passed through the Elephant Lord and finally "successfully" landed at the port of De Reiss Rosa.

"Wow, here... is the most prosperous country I have ever seen!"

"There are so many tall buildings, and the streets are so clean..."

"Look, everyone, there are actually several islands suspended in mid-air over there... Aren't those special ladders unique to Sky Island?!"

"That island looks like Sky Island..." (Nuo Hao Zhao)

"That's right, aren't those patrol members on the pier with little wings growing on their backs the same Angel Island residents we saw on Sky Island?"

"But......... shouldn't these people live in the first half of the Grand Line? Why are they here?"

When the members of the Straw Hat Pirates saw the true face of De Reiss Rosa with their own eyes,

He was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

look around,

The streets are filled with civilians of all different races.


Angel family,

Or the extremely rare little people,

Without exception, these people

everyone's face,

All of them were filled with happy and cheerful smiles.

It gives people a feeling that they are in paradise on earth at the moment.

such a scene,

The heart of Straw Hat Crew is extremely shocking.

this country………

Unlike any they've ever seen before.

The word "powerful" alone makes,

There are not enough words to describe its existence. .

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