I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 229 Continue To Kill, Belong To The Fruit Of The Underworld! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Hey, Brook, that guy...doesn't seem to be in any serious trouble?!"

Nami exclaimed in a trembling voice.

The serious injuries expected by everyone did not appear,

Except for the Bloodline splashed out at the beginning, Redfield,

Still standing there straight.

"Huh? How is this possible... You just hit him?!"

Now Brook was also a little dumbfounded.

Since his debut till now,

No one has ever been able to use this trick after him,

When the sword is sheathed,

Still standing intact.

What went wrong?

at this time,

Redfield on the opposite side spoke slowly.

"[Nose Song] Brook, maybe you can't remember who I am anymore!"

"But back then, when I was an ignorant teenager, it was precisely because I met you and [Rumba Pirates] that I finally decided to go to sea to become a pirate.

There was a look of reminiscence on Redfield's face,


Soon he returned to his previous indifferent appearance.

As Lin Xiao guessed,

Redfield's childhood admiration for Brook,

By the sword that was just deliberately struck,

It has been completely liquidated.

"It's just that now, you followed the wrong captain and chose the wrong enemy!!"

While the voice fell,

Redfield's figure seemed to teleport,

in an instant,

It appeared in front of Brook.


The specially made Purple umbrella like a spear swept out in his hand,

It hit Brook's waist hard.

The huge force directly blasted him away in the shape of "".

"So strong!"

Brook let out an exclamation in his heart, but his body had no time to react at all.

However, just as he smashed into a building across the street,

Redfield's figure appeared again.

Even at a speed far exceeding his inverted flight,

Blocked there in advance.


Purple's umbrella fell down again.

A huge crescent-shaped sword energy soared into the sky.


The bones below Brook's waist instantly turned to ashes.

Only the upper body was left and fell heavily to the ground.

And the sword in his hand,

After flipping several times in the air,

Insert (into) obliquely into the ground.


The members of the Straw Hats screamed again.

Luffy even broke free from Jinbei's arm,

like a jet plane,

Murderously rushed to Redfield.

"Yo ho ho ho ho, it looks like I'm going to die..."

Brook seemed to have a premonition of something, with a miserable smile on his face and a tear streaming from his dark eyes, he said to Luffy and the others:

"Big guys, it seems that I can't reach the end of the world with you, I am really happy to meet you!"

"I really want to play [Binks' Wine] for you one last time, but I don't think I'll have the chance...Crack!!"

His words were not yet finished,

The skull was directly crushed by Redfield.

In order to prevent Brook from being resurrected again by using the ability of [Yellow Spring Fruit].

Redfield also deliberately used the high-level Armament Haki.

And threw the remaining body directly into the sea.


Even if the ability of [Yellow Spring Fruit] is heaven-defying,

Brook this time,

It must also be completely dead.

"Hey hey, that's great!"

Seeing this, Shiryu's eyes flashed with excitement.

like a shy dog,

With an extremely obsequious expression, he moved to Lin Dao's side, and begged in a low voice:

"Master Captain, the younger one often wakes up in a dream recently, blaming himself for being ineffective and unable to do more for the adults..."

"What... If the lord can give the [Hell Spring Fruit] from that skeleton man to the little one, Shiryu will repay the lord's kindness by smearing his brains on the ground!"

"Hey, big chin, can you fucking show some face?"

Before Lin Xiao could speak, Bullet on the side quit.

Stretch out the fingers as thick as a baby's arm,

Pointing at Shiryu's nose, he cursed mercilessly:

"You fucking want a knife and a Devil Fruit. This battle, Captain Love, is just for you?!"

"You know what, Laozi, this is to serve the captain better in the future!"

Even if it is ruthlessly dismantled,

Shiryu still kept a proud look on his face.


If Laozi is thin-skinned,

I am afraid that in front of you grandchildren,

Can't even drink soup.

As long as the captain doesn't dislike me,

You birdmen BB are useless for nothing.

fit jerk,

You wait for the day when Laozi recovers,

I'll be the first to beat you!

"Why don't you just make excuses there, Xiao Fan, what did you say that sentence... It's what you ask for and what you pay for?"

After Bullet turned around and whispered a few words to Van Oka, he cleared his throat seriously and said:

"The best way to love the captain is not to take blindly, but to give everything!"

"Idiot, if you are uneducated, just close your mouth quietly, can you stop being disgusting here?!"

Shiryu immediately put on an arrogant posture of a cultured person.

Although Laozi is not your opponent in fighting,

But if you want to talk about shooting rainbow farts,

One of you counts as one,

Let Laozi crush everything!

"..you fucking dare to..."

Bullet wanted to say something, but suddenly felt a hostile cold gaze cast on him from the front.

"Er...My lord empress, I will close my scorpion, so I will close my scorpion..."

Seeing the cannibalistic eyes of the empress, Bullet immediately reacted.

In front of these girls,

Regardless of gender,

As long as anyone dares to mention "interesting" to the captain.

Then wait to meet her wrath!

Can't afford it, can't afford it!

The steadfast Bullet finally obediently chose to compromise.

no way,

That is the master of the harem appointed by his own captain.

big chin you bastard,

Waiting to go back.

Laozi must punch you hard!

"Okay, I'll let [Momousagi] offer a high price for this [Yellow Spring Fruit]!"

Lin Xiao frowned with a smile, and said thoughtfully:

"However, what Shiryu said just now reminded me that it's time for you to choose some Devil Fruits that match the corresponding fighting style!"

For Shiryu's request,

Lin Xiao didn't feel disgusted. (Good Zhao) After all, these people are capable men who are 100% loyal to themselves.

The stronger they are,

Lin Dao's power became more stable.

He can't just meet a cat or a dog and he has to do it himself.

That would be too cheap.

And【Huangquan Fruit】,

It really fits Shiryu's fighting style better.

Imagine the majestic slayer,

Comes with the cold air of the underworld that can frostbite the soul,

It was a match made in heaven.

more importantly,

[Yellow Spring Fruit] can suppress the Homiz Legion created by BIG·MOM with [Soul Soul Fruit] to the greatest extent.

Even the three [Napoleon], [Zeus], ​​and [Prometheus],

The strongest Homiz created with the soul of BIG MOM is no exception.

It is naturally impossible for Lin Xiao to let this Devil Fruit,

fell into the hands of others.

"Thank you, Captain Sheng En, we will serve you to the death!!"

Shiryu and Fan Oka suddenly fell to their knees with grateful faces. .

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