I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 230 Countdown To The Destruction Of The Straw Hats! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Rubber Rubber Ape King Crow Cannon!!"

Luffy's figure flew towards him as fast as a jet plane,

With eyes full of anger,

The iron fist after extreme compression,

Wrapped around the pitch-black Armament Haki,

It fell like a gust of wind.


Smoke and dust suddenly shot up into the sky.

Even the grounds of the port,

Then trembled slightly.

After two years of hard work,

Luffy's strength has made a qualitative leap.

Possesses the basis for advanced higher level.


"Is this the strength you can use with all your strength?!"

Redfield's cold voice came faintly from the smoke.

Immediately afterwards,

Everyone saw a lone figure,

From the rain of fists falling all over the sky,

He walked out leisurely.

Even if Luffy's attack in the [Fourth gear] state,

It has almost reached the point where it is difficult for ordinary people's naked eyes to catch,

But before Redfield,

But it's still at the pediatric level.

This man, with his elegant figure,

while marching,

Easily dodged all the attacks.

the huge gap between the two,

410 goes without saying.

breath of despair,

It began to hang over the minds of every remaining member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Nami even covered her head in pain,

His eyes were full of despair and helplessness.

it's useless.

no matter how hard they try,

It is absolutely impossible to defeat a monster of this level.

why not surrender...

Luffy, why can't you choose to bow your head and surrender to that man?

Isn't it good to be alive?!

How many people do you want to watch helplessly?

Because of your waywardness,

And die here to give up?

Nami's tear-filled eyes slowly looked at Luffy,

Do not know why,

At this moment, the opponent's figure fighting with all his might,

In Nami's eyes,

It became extremely dazzling and disgusting.

"Nami, forget about the fight, let's... run away!!"

"If you stay here, you will really be killed!!"

Usopp crawled over trembling,

His face was full of horror.

He knew Luffy's reckless nature all too well.

That guy is absolutely impossible to surrender.

However, the enemy in front of us,

But it is an existence that they can't compete with at all.

stay here,

There is only one dead end.

Thinking of the tragic death of Sanji, Franky and Brook,

Usopp was terrified.

"It's useless, from the moment that man appeared, our life and death... have been doomed!!"

Nami shook his head sadly.

Opposite Lin Xiao's figure,

It has been infinitely enlarged in her sight.

It's not that she doesn't want to escape,


she can feel,

If you choose to escape now,

no matter who,

It will only be worse.

Only by following the rules set by that man,

It is possible to get a chance of survival.

Since they set foot on this land,


It should be said that when they entered the territorial waters of De Reiss Rosa,

their life and death,

It is no longer under his control.

The reality is so cruel.

The weak........ never have the right to speak!


Usopp wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a loud noise not far away.


Luffy in the [Fourth Gear] state was blown out again.

It smashed heavily into an unmanned warehouse in the distance.

There was a loud bang.

The huge warehouse made of stone piled up keeps shaking,

It seems that there is a possibility of collapse at any time.

For Luffy,

Redfield did not treat Sanji et al.

Choose One Hit Kill.

But like a cat playing with a mouse,

Just whipped Armament Haki out with the umbrella wrapped around him.

he can feel,

The captain of his own family hated this brat who was overwhelmed.


Naturally, Redfield wants to let (bbbf) Luffy taste the bad consequences of pretending to be B,

Then there will be the final judgment on him.

"Murloc Karate · Profound Art · Wu Lai Kan!!"

Almost at the moment when Luffy was sent flying, Jinbei's figure appeared behind Redfield.

A punch containing turbulent water fluctuations hit his back heavily.

In the original work,

Jinbei once used this trick,

BIG MOM in the craving state was sent flying.

Although no substantial damage was done to it,

But it is enough to see the ferocity of this move.


Redfield's figure exploded into a group of little fishy red bats,

While blocking Jinbei's vision,

Re-condensed in front of him.

"[Sea Man] Jinbei, as early as the [Summit War] period, you were against my captain, Your Excellency!

A strong murderous intent flickered in Redfield's red eyes,

The umbrella in his hand turned into a spear, while stabbing forward,

He said coldly: "Now, you have come to De Reiss Rosa to make trouble together with this group of brats who are overwhelmed."

"New grudges, old ones, let's settle it together today!!"

"Not good.... plum skin!!"

Jinbei's complexion changed instantly, and the horror in his eyes was inexplicable.

no time to think too much,

Arms quickly crossed in front of him,

Putting on a special gesture of "ten" cross,

Cooperate with the dark armed color bully to defend together.


next second.

Blood splattered.

After a Blue's thick arm spun a few times in mid-air,

It hit the ground heavily.

And Jinbei was thrown back more than ten meters,

leaving a deep ditch in the ground,

Almost directly along the edge of the pier,

Rolled directly into the sea.


Jinbei clutched his broken left arm at the elbow and wailed in pain.

The intense labor pain stimulated his nerves all the time.

Regardless of power, or Armament Haki,

Neither was Redfield's match.

"That murloc blue fat guy was once a member of Seven Warlords of the Sea, how could he be so weak like this bird?!"

Seeing that Jinbei's move was defeated, Shiryu immediately sneered and snorted coldly.

I knew they were so good,

This uncle should have applied to the captain to join the battle.

Such a good opportunity to pretend to be B was missed.

What a crime!!


Lin Xiao's expression sank when he heard this, and he said in an extremely majestic tone: "Then do you want to compete with him in the sea?!"

Although the strength of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is not as good as that of the Four Emperors.

But each has its own strengths.

Like Hawkeye's Kendo Ultimate,

The perfect combination of the Empress's [Advanced Body Technique] + [Sweet Fruit] + [Advanced Armament Haki] is average.

Jinbei strong,

Not reflected in land warfare.

His main battlefield is in the sea.

As long as the surrounding water source is sufficient,

In a short time, he

It is completely possible to burst out the strength of entry-level generals to the limit. .

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