I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 234 Old Luffy, Lonely Red Regains Her Youth! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


Lin Xiao sneered with a sneer of disdain, and said lightly:

"Shouldn't you forget so quickly, you brought this group of trash to De Reiss Rosa to provoke me first?!"

"Straw hat boy, speaking of it, you really don't have a long memory!"

"It's only been two years, have you forgotten who your elder brother Ace and Sabo, as well as so many members of the g-hungry army under your father Long, died tragically because of?"

"If it weren't for your recklessness and weakness, Ace wouldn't have been captured by Blackbeard, and Sabo wouldn't have been killed by me......

"People always have to pay the price for their reckless behavior.

"And this time, you used your willfulness and wanton behavior to kill these crew members under you..."

"That woman was right, you...are actually one of the culprits who killed them!!"

Lin Xiao's words pierced deeply into Luffy's heart like a sharp dagger, and immediately made him feel like he was struck by lightning.

What kind of shit son of destiny.

What kind of bullshit protagonist halo.

this time,

Laozi just wants to punish you, an ignorant pretender.

The Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa is not for you to strike hard【Theatrical Version】!

"It's not me...I didn't kill everyone...."

Luffy tugged at his hair in pain, as if he couldn't bear this fact.

But soon.

His bloodshot red eyes,

Then he stared at Lindao on the opposite side.

Just like finding a gap to vent your emotions,

Luffy stood up suddenly, and roared viciously: "You lied! It was you, yes, that's right, you killed them..."

"Lin Dao, you despicable and shameless bastard, I will never let you go!"

"Today I will avenge Ace, Sabo, and my friends!!!"

While the voice fell,

Luffy turned on [Fourth gear] again.

The whole person is like a jet plane,

While the arms are constantly accumulating strength,

close to the ground,

Lin Xiao quickly swept forward.

"court death!!"

Bullet, Fujitora and the others behind Lin Xiao suddenly became furious.

You fucking really think that we people don't exist.

Who gave you such courage,

Dare to be so presumptuous in front of the captain.

Even if you Laozi dragon,

Come with Grandpa Garp in person,

It's also a game of death,

you fucking little scum,

Are you still on the stick here?!

However, without waiting for everyone to act,

A swift black shadow has already blocked in front of Luffy.

The big hand grabs forward violently,

Redfield squeezed Luffy's neck with great precision.

"Uh ah ah ․......"

Luffy didn't even fully react.

the whole person,

It has already been lifted high into the air.

"Let go... let go of me, bastard, I'm going to blow that guy away..."

Even if it becomes harder to breathe,

Luffy still didn't forget to struggle and shout.

"You don't know how to live and die, my captain, how can you be such a waste, you can provoke him at will?!"

Redfield was thoroughly offended by Luffy's ignorance.

palm slightly,

Luffy's neck,

Suddenly there was a sound of bones rubbing and dislocating.

"Are you... going to die?"

Luffy's face turned red instantly.

just don't know why,


He actually kind of looked forward to the arrival of death.

It seems only that,

To be able to get relief.

However, just when Luffy felt that he must die,

Lin Xiao's playful and cold voice,

But it floated slowly from behind.

"Don't kill him, give him a few years to live, and let him enjoy the rest of his life here!"

After all,

Lin Xiao took the empress and left first.


Bullet, Shiryu and others felt chills when they heard the words.

Lord Captain means,

It's as spicy as ever!

when his enemies,

What a tragedy!

Immediately, several people looked at Luffy with pitiful eyes.

"Bastard... bastard, don't go, come back to me!!"

Feeling the big hands around his neck relax slightly, Luffy first took a few greedy breaths, and then yelled wantonly toward the background of Lin Xiao leaving.


A loud slap.

Luffy's right cheek suddenly swelled like a pig's head.

"Hmph, I said why are you so arrogant, it turns out that you have red hair and Garp backing you!"

After Redfield used Observation Haki to read some of Luffy's memories, a look of snort appeared on his face.

Just this kind of useless stuff,

Do you even dream of becoming the Pirate King?

If Roger knew,

I don't know if I will be so angry that I will jump out of the coffin directly.

"Let go of me, I want revenge on Lin Xiao..."

Luffy waved his fist wildly in the air, but he couldn't hit Redfield at all.

"..Little devil, are you ready to face the price of provoking His Excellency the captain?!"

Redfield smiled grimly, and the sharp bat teeth emitted bursts of chilling light under the sunlight.


Under Luffy's horrified and inexplicable eyes,

It bit directly on his neck.

"Uh ah ah ah..."

Luffy suddenly struggled in pain [The body is actually aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Nami, who had just woken up, rolled her eyes when she saw this, and passed out again.


a moment later,

The gray-haired, emaciated "old version" Luffy, who looked like he was dying, was casually discarded by Redfield on the ground.

"Hey, is it true or not, that brat actually brought the old bat back to youth?!"

"Yeah, before that, he couldn't go any further for a long time..."

Bullet and the others suddenly widened their eyes,

They were all shocked by the sudden (Wang Hao) scene before them.

I saw Redfield standing in front of everyone at this time,

appearance and physical condition,

Already from the previous fifties,

All of a sudden, he returned to his peak state when he was around 30 years old.

To know,

before that,

Even though he has attracted many powerful people of Vice Admiral level on the battlefield,

It was only then that he recovered to the appearance of his fifties.

And then stopped.

but now,

Just the vitality of Luffy alone,

It is stronger than all the previous people combined.

It has brought about such a huge transformation for him.

Even Redfield himself,

I couldn't react for a while.

"No wonder Your Excellency the Captain has always called this kid 'Son of Destiny'! Sure enough...it's not easy!"

Now Laidfield really has the feeling of wanting to rush to Lin Xiao to kneel down and make a pilgrimage. His own captain is simply an omniscient god. .

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