I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 235 Conspiracy Again? Invitation To World Summit! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Bastard, I want..... to blow you away!"

Luffy struggled to get up from the ground, waved his wrinkled fists, and staggered towards Redfield.

However, before taking a few steps,

He was already panting from exhaustion.

After all, he is now a 19-year-old mind with a 70-year-old body!

He was no longer allowed to be as presumptuous as before.

"Your Majesty has an order, send someone to follow him, eat and drink so he won't die so soon!"

After Redfield gave instructions to the staff waiting on the side,

Ignore Luffy who keeps abusing behind her,

Left with Bullet et al.

And Nami who passed out,

He was taken to a nearby hospital by medical staff.

the whole pier,

In addition to the blood and corpses everywhere,

Only the gray-haired Luffy was left,

Standing there alone.

"Grandpa, here is this crutch for you. With it, you will be more stable when you walk in the future!"

A staff member kindly handed Luffy a crutch, but was thrown aside by the latter angrily.

"Asshole, I'm not an old man!"

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy, I'm just 19 years old, and... I don't want this stuff!"

"I...I'm the male 947 who wants to become One Piece, I'm going to fight Feilin...cough cough cough..."

Before Luffy could finish his sentence,

He bent over and coughed violently,

two thin, withered legs,

It dangles like a pendulum.

If it wasn't for the staff member reaching out to support him,

I'm afraid it's already lying on the ground.

"Grandpa, let's go to the rescue station to rest for a while!"

"Get out of here, I've said it all, I'm not an old man, my name is Monkey·D·Lu...coughcoughcough..."

the next day.

After Redfield wakes up with Nami,

First, I used Observation Haki to [read] her memory.

After confirming that there is nothing abnormal,

According to Lin Xiao's order,

Handed her over to De Reiss Rosa Royal Marine [Advanced Staff Officer] Ain.

Lin Xiao is going to let Nami draw a chart for a while.

By the way, let Ain train her well.

Not sure if Nami is loyal to himself,

Lin Xiao is absolutely impossible,

Put the information recorded on the two pieces of Red [road sign text] in your hand,

Leave it to her to draw the charts.


To collect all four pieces of Red [road sign (bbbe) text],

Only through the different [locations] recorded in them,

At their interconnected central point,

Find the exact coordinates leading to Raftel, the final island.

So Lin Dao is not in a hurry now.

And aging Luffy,

Followed by a professional nursing staff every day,

In the territory of De Reiss Rosa,

Wandering aimlessly.

Luffy now says three sentences to everyone.

"I am the man who will become the One Piece!"

"I want to fly Lin Xiao!"

"My companion is not dead..."


For those who know Luffy's identity as a pirate.

Although no drastic action was taken,

But except for children who don't know what's wrong,

But no one wants to talk to him at all.

over time,

The elderly Luffy has instead become a unique landscape on the streets of De Reiss Rosa.

Whenever parents teach their disobedient children,

would say harshly:

"If you don't study hard, when you grow up, you will be like that idiot named Luffy, daydreaming about being the Pirate King all day long, depraving yourself, deceiving yourself...

And the children who heard such "vicious" curses,

no matter how brave you are,

would suddenly cry out in fright,

Then make amends.

three days later.

King's Heights.

"Your Majesty, the [Anbu] members stationed in the Sabaody Archipelago have just received news!"

"The badly injured [Sea Man] Jinbei appeared on Peninsula 13, and rushed directly to a bar called [Shakky's Ripped-off BAR]!"

Betty, who voluntarily acted as a secretary during non-wartime, hurried in to report.

And the so-called [Anbu] in her mouth,

It is Lin Xiao who, in the past two years,

Women who use geishas and some Grandmaster assassinations,

The name of a special espionage agency formed.

The person in charge is naturally the long-legged Gion of the Grandmaster's "peachy" method and assassination.

"Oh? Did you go to [Pluton] Rayleigh first?"

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows in surprise.

well known,

Shakky, the hostess of this bar,

It's Rayleigh's old friend.

So Jinbei goes there,

Definitely going to Rayleigh.

But after a little thought,

Lin Xiao felt relieved.

Rayleigh was Luffy's mentor after all.

Jinbei went to him first,

It's not too difficult to understand.

just don't know,

This once defeated general,

After hearing the news that his apprentice was dismissed,

Do you have the guts to come to De Reiss Rosa to avenge Luffy.

To know that the last time I was in Sabaody,

If it wasn't for Lin Xiao's consideration that the money might not be enough,

Rayleigh would have hung up already then.

"Besides, we have also received an invitation from the World government, and I hope you can go to the [Holy Land] Mariejois to participate in the [World Summit] held every four years!"

Betty went on to report.

"Invite me to participate in [World Summit]?!"

A look of surprise appeared on Lin Xiao's face.

After pondering for a while,

Looking sideways at the blind warrior leaning on the pillar under the steps, he asked:

"Fujitora, what do you think?!"

"Those dogs in Five Elders must have no good intentions!"

Fujitora said cautiously: "Otherwise, based on the blood feud of His Majesty who killed their 200,000 coalition troops before, even if the World government has to recognize your Wang Quan, it will definitely not allow you to go to Mariejois to participate in the [World Summit]!"

"Master Konoe is right!"

Betty followed with a worried expression: "Your Majesty, this should be a trap deliberately set for you by the World Government!"

"If you go to Mariejois to participate in [World Summit], you will definitely not be able to follow too many guards by your side.

"If they want to do something then you will be in great danger

Lin Xiao nodded slightly upon hearing this.

As the two said,

He also sensed the evil intentions of the Five Elders.

Although De Reiss Rosa is a "legitimate country" recognized by the World government.

But it did not hand in 【Heavenly Gold】.

So it stands to reason,

Lin Xiao is not "qualified" to participate in [World Summit].

after all

He has always been a thorn in the side of the World Government and Naval Headquarters, a thorn in the flesh.


If he doesn't go this time,

I'm afraid the World government will take the opportunity to discredit his reputation.

Five Elders,

You guys are really good at calculating!

Lin Xiao smiled confidently and powerfully from the corner of his face,

Although I don't know what the Five Elders are doing again,

For this sordid plot,

He has absolutely no fear at all.

Immediately wave your hand,

Haki calmly said: "Reply to the World government, the king will go as promised!!".

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