I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 240 She Wants To Show Your Majesty Duan's Talent! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

two days later.

The first half of the Grand Line.

Dark Isle, Krajgana.

inside the huge castle,

One with long pink hair,

top hat,

Beautiful girl in a gothic style dress,

Reporting a patched bear doll,

Bored and lying on the window sill, complaining about something.

And not far behind her,

【World's No. 1 Swordsman】 Dracule Mihawk,

He was eating his lunch gracefully.

He seems to have gotten used to this, except for idle food and pranks,

Like a girl who complains all day long,

Even if the other party mentions him several times,

Still indifferent.

"Cuckoo N

at this time,

A news bird flew from the sky and landed in front of the window.

The girl skillfully took a newspaper,

Then very naughty,

with a negative ghost,

The newsbirds who will reach out for money,

Become an autistic bird.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey.....This princess never pays for reading newspapers, didn't your peers tell you?!"

The girl thrust her waist, and let out a series of smirks like electric silver bells.


News Bird, who had returned to normal, was immediately frightened and fled.

The incessant chirping of birds seemed to say:

Although I am not human,

But you are a real dog!

No report money of 100 yuan will be given!

Laozi won't come here the next time he is killed...

Looking at the news bird in the distance,

A mischievous smile appeared on the girl's face.

Open the newspaper at 220...


The girl's gaze immediately fixed on a piece of news about the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Shocked!! This is the end of provoking [The World's Strongest Emperor], the Straw Hat Pirates were wiped out in De Reiss Rosa!!》

"The first supernova to fall, [The Worst Generation] will end up in the New World?!"

"Repeating the same mistakes, the son of the leader of the Ming army, still unable to escape the curse of destruction?!"

"Hey hey hey hey hey...Hawkeye, your apprentice seems to have been slaughtered by that great emperor named Lin Dao?!"

The girl flew to the dining table and threw the newspaper up, with a look of gloating on her face.

Mihawk froze when he heard the words,

The wine glass I just picked up,

Freeze directly in mid-air.

His sharp eyes like a knife's edge swept to the newspaper on the table.

a moment later,

Mihawk muttered to himself with a look of forgetfulness:

"Did you just die there? Noah Zoro? It seems that my evaluation of you seems too high..."

"Hey, Hawkeye, aren't you going to avenge that guy?"

The girl said bewitchingly: "He is your only disciple!"

"Ghost girl, even if you don't tell me, I will definitely go to De Reiss Rosa!"

Mihawk's piercing eyes fell on the newspaper again,

He said solemnly: "This time it involves the life of the Straw Hat kid, I think that guy Shanks will definitely not stand idly by!"

"However, even if he does it himself, I'm afraid he might not be able to defeat a man......

Lin Dao's figure suddenly appeared in Hawkeye's mind.

Compared to Redfield,

In fact, he was even more afraid of this young man.


This time whether it is for the apprentice Zoro,

Still for old friend Shanks,

Mihawk felt compelled to make a trip to De Reiss Rosa.


During these two years,

While he was guiding Zoro,

I did not slack off in the slightest,

In order to surpass the Ultimate of Kendo,

shame on you,

Mihawk practiced extremely hard.

Needless to say the purpose.

All shame!!

"Bastard Hawkeye, how many times have I warned you by this princess, don't call her a ghost girl, she's called Perona..."

The girl flew to the dining table angrily, pointed at Mihawk's nose and said:

"You must take me with you this time, people have long wanted to leave this ghostly place that doesn't even have servants and plush toys!!"

New World.

On a route to the Holy Land of Mariejois.

A large ship flying the Black dragon banner,

Riding the wind and waves on the blue sea.

Lin Xiao was lying on the deck basking in the sun comfortably.

not far behind him,

Standing Bullet, Fujitora, Death Song, Rain Shiryu, and Katakuri respectively.

They were chatting about something (bbag) or something.

Although Lin Xiao repeatedly emphasized,

With his current strength,

There is no need to bring so many cadres with you,

But under the repeated insistence of the Empress and Zephyr,

In the end, he had no choice but to compromise.


There was a sudden wave of fluctuations in the [Portal] hanging on the side of the cabin.

Then I saw a heaven-defying long leg with [Black Widow] on it,

Walk out of [Mirror World].

Surprisingly, it is Gion, the person in charge of 【Anbu】.

"Oh, why did you come here in person this time?!"

Lin Xiao asked in surprise.

"Return to Your Majesty, there is important information that needs to be reported separately!"

Gion gouged out Lin Xiao angrily.

My old lady has been working hard outside all day to collect information for you,

You are so lucky,

There was not even a single word to say when we met.

How dare you even have the face to ask my old lady why she came here in person?

Son of a bitch!

Have you forgotten,

Today is the day when my mother collects public food!!


Mad lady!

I will kill you in a while!!

Gion finished speaking,

He pushed the door angrily and walked into the cabin.

"Woman, are you angry?!"

Lin Xiao followed up in the cabin, asking questions knowingly.


Gion pouted and turned around, leaving only the beautiful back.

"Hey, what a pity, this king specially prepared a good knife for someone!!"

Lin Xiaoqi had a trademark smirk from the corner of his face.

Immediately step your right foot forward slightly,

A simple White long knife slowly rises from the quicksand on the ground.


[He Dao Yi Wen] Suddenly out of the sheath,

The sharp cold light and the trembling sound like a dragon's chant instantly filled the entire room.

"Ah, this is... [He Daoyi Character] from the Twenty-one Works of the Big Quick Sword?!"

Gion suddenly turned around, her beautiful eyes widened.

As former Naval Headquarters,

The only female great swordsman.

Gion is naturally no stranger to the two series of "Big Fast Knife" and "Supreme Big Knife".

A look of joy and sweetness instantly appeared on her pretty face.

"Your Majesty, how good are you? Is this knife...... is it for someone else?!"

Gion moaned in a sweet and greasy voice that would make people suffer from diabetes if he listened to it more than once, and then threw himself into Lin Dao's arms with enthusiasm.

She wasn't really angry at first,

He just wanted to take the opportunity to show his presence in front of Lin Xiao.

after all

by this man's side,

Surrounded by a group of extremely beautiful women all the time.

If Gion doesn't use some tricks,

I don't feel safe!

But after seeing Lin Xiao take out 【He Dao Yi Characters】,

She realized with a sweet face,

in the heart of this man,

Still have her.

know this,

She is very satisfied!

"Hey, I remember someone was angry just now?!"

Lin Xiao said with a straight face and a pretentious gesture.

"No no.…………"

Gion said coquettishly: "I just want to show His Majesty a new talent!!"


Heaven-defying long legs hooked back,

Then close the door.

"Your Majesty, are you thinking of a folk dance? Without clothes...

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