I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 241 Important Information, Pre-War Preparations! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

two hours later!!!

Although Gion has long been physically and mentally exhausted,

But still like a good wife and mother,

Gently tidying Lin Xiao's clothes~.

"This kind of thing can be done by the maid, you'd better lie back and rest for a while!"

Lin Xiao caressed Gion's smooth hair, and said with a doting look on his face.

"People don't want it!"

Gion shook his head a little waywardly,

Then put her delicate cheeks on Lin Dao's mouth,

She said very gently: "Helping my man dress with my own hands is the patent of being a wife!"

"This is absolutely not allowed to be done by anyone, you know?!"

Lin Xiao didn't answer, but stretched out his hand to pinch Gion's white chin, slowly approached his dark eyes, and asked with a smirk:

"Hey, woman, what about the important information you mentioned earlier? Could it be..."


Seeing the wicked smirk on Lin Xiao's face, Gion seemed to hear the sound of [Gentleness] being shattered.

Shit you!!

Lindau, you bastard,

Do you have to play tricks on my mother when it's sunny?!

When taxpayers were just taxed,

Why didn't I see you ask?!

See if I don't bite you to death...

After imagining the R-rated scenario of "torturing" this man with horse fleas,

Gion is like a docile little sheep,

The delicate and charming girl leaned into Lin Dao's arms, and said slowly: "I just received a report this morning that the Red Hair Pirates have changed..."

"After two days of full assembly, they have now left their sphere of influence. It's just that when they crossed the foggy area, the surveillance personnel lost them, and they are now missing!"

"But it's not hard to guess that the purpose of their trip is probably to visit De Reiss Rosa!!"

Speaking of which.

There was a worried look on Gion's pretty face,

Wen Sheng reminded: "Your Majesty, it seems that it should be the Red Hair Pirates that Murloc Jinbei contacted through [Pluton] Rayleigh!"

"In this way, if the Blackbeard Pirates come to fight as you expected, we may face the unfavorable situation of fighting two Four Emperors at the same time..."

The reason why Gion is so worried,

entirely because,

The Four Emperors regiment can be said to represent the ceiling of the highest combat power of New World pirates.

Even if the total number of Blackbeard Pirates and Red Hair Pirates combined,

Only about 50,000 people.

But overall strength,

But it far exceeds the 200,000 coalition forces of the World government in "The Battle of De Reiss Rosa".

Even that time,

Marine Three Admiral was also present at the same time...

And even Naval Headquarters,

Never dare to fight two Four Emperors regiments in the same war at the same time.

[Summit War] is the best example.

Although Gion has no doubts about his man's strength and means,

But in such a situation,

It was really dangerous.

"Oh? That guy with the red hair got involved too?!"

A look of surprise appeared on Lin Xiao's face.

He also did not expect,

The redhead would actually do it for a straw hat Luffy,

Just come here to openly provoke De Reiss Rosa who has at least three [general level] masters?!

Even with the face bonus of that old guy Rayleigh,

But with red hair and the cautious character of Benn Beckman,

This seemingly reckless move,

How much can't be justified!


When Lin Xiao thinks a little bit forward,

Then he felt relieved immediately.

Why did the redhead come here for Luffy?

He obviously did it for his own sake!!

To know,

Lin Xiao used to be on the world's top stage like 【Summit War】,

Put the redhead in disgrace.

This is for the redhead who really cares about face,

It is comparable to [The Vengeance of Killing the Father] and [The Vengeance of Seizing the Wife].

Presumably in the past two years,

The redhead must have been holding back her energy and wanting to make amends back.

so now,

Naturally, he would not miss such a good opportunity.

It's just that Lin Xiao can't tell yet,

Redhead and Blackbeard, old enemies,

Be it or not for your own reasons,

Already joined forces for the time being.

If so,

Then the situation will become a little trickier.

Well, that's right!

Just a little!

And this all comes from the natural disadvantages of local combat.


Just the big trick newly developed by Fujitora [Accompany you to watch the meteor shower],

before the start of the fight,

Directly halve their combat power.

"Don't worry, today's De Reiss Rosa is no longer the [Nation Without War] that was slaughtered by others!!"

Lin Xiao flicked her fingers gently on Gion's fair forehead,

He said in a domineering tone: "Nowadays, even if two Four Emperors groups come together?"

"This king would like to take a look, his red hair and Blackbeard... what can I do?!!"

Lin Xiao's voice was actually not loud.

But to the ears of Gion,

But it is as deafening as Hong Zhong Da Lu.

‥Ask for flowers--0

She stared blankly at the other party's resolute cheek with sharp corners,

The look of worship and love in the beautiful eyes,

Almost like a flood.


in this world,

Is there anything else that could make this Haki man nervous and scared?!

this attitude,

this courage,

this confidence,

And this heaven-defying appearance, physique and durability......

For Gion,

Lin Xiao is simply the deadliest "poison"!

so that she could give up everything for it,

And addicted to it can not extricate themselves.

"Your Majesty, I actually still have a set of talents that I haven't shown..."

The sweet and seductive voice sounded again.

Lin Xiao frowned suddenly,

It's not easy to find out.

Spring is here!


Hormones filled the air again!

It's time for the animals again...


After Lin Xiao saw off Gion.

Then directly through the [Portal], the Empress, Zephyr, and Redfield and other core cadres were all called together.

After breaking the news that the Red Hair Pirates may join the war,

Except for Bullet and Redfield,

The faces of the others all showed a deep worry look.

After all, those are two Four Emperors regiments!

Lin Xiao is not afraid,

But it doesn't mean that these people won't be afraid.

"Your Majesty, if it is true as you said just now, the Red Hair Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates have the means to successfully avoid the Elephant Lord..."

Zephyr is worthy of being a Marine Admiral for decades,

At the first time, I came up with the basic plan to deal with it,

After stretching out his hand and drawing a circle around the De Reiss Rosa map spread out on the table,

He continued: "In this way, the landing battle is inevitable. If we want to minimize the loss, we need to move the residents of the outer towns inward first!"

"At the same time, at least two defensive fronts should be set up in secondary towns to quickly respond to enemy sneak attacks from different directions."


Lin Xiao nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Redfield and said, "I will leave the early warning to you!"

"I believe that in this world, no one should be able to escape your Observation Haki!"

"I...will not disgrace my life!!"

Redfield immediately stood up straight, while raising his proud head.

What Lin Xiao just said,

to him,

It is simply the highest honor. .

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