I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 242 The Focus Of The Audience, The Iron Fist Strikes! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

They continued to discuss for more than an hour.

In the end, Lin Xiao made the final decision,

Decided to appoint Zephyr as the first commander of the "Four Emperors Regiment Defense Counterattack",

before the war,

Replacing Lin Xiao at De Reiss Rosa,

Command and dispatch the overall situation.

and himself,

Then continue to the Holy Land Mariejois to participate in 【World Summit】.

For a safe period,

Lin Xiao also specially invited the accompanying Bullet, Death Song, Shiryu of the Rain, and Katakuri,

De Reiss Rosa was reassigned.

Only Fujitora was left alone.

"Master Lin Xiao, you must be careful..."

The empress said reluctantly before parting.

Lin Xiao didn't say much,

stepped forward,

With a deep wěn that dazzles the empress,

Farewell to this infatuated woman.

When all the participants returned to De Reiss Rosa through the [Portal],

In the conference room of "Four Five Zero",

Only Lin Xiao and Fujitora remained, a master and a servant.

"Your Majesty, apart from the two known Four Emperors this time..."

Fujitora said hesitantly, "I think there may be other forces involved."

"I know!"

Lin Xiao heard Fujitora's implication, a confident smile appeared on his face, and he said calmly:

"It's nothing more than the mentors behind the members of the Straw Hats!"

"Although apart from Hawkeye and Rayleigh, the others are almost no threat to De Reiss Rosa."

"But I still asked [Momousagi] to send someone to pay attention to the movements of these guys. After all, we are about to face an Epic-level war, so we must be prepared!"


Fujitora gasped when he heard that.

While lamenting Lin Xiao's thoughtfulness,

Instinctively, I felt a chill down my spine.

The young emperor's calmness was terrifying.

Originally Fujitora thought,

When such a great war is approaching,

Lin Xiao would ignore this tiny, imperceptible force.

But who would have thought,

Not only did people think of

And it sent someone to monitor it early.

this man,

Possess a vision of the big picture far beyond ordinary people.

Even before the war is approaching,

The more calm and meticulous.

Even some "little people" will not let go.

be his enemy,

It is really an extremely sad and terrifying thing.

And the ridiculous thing is,

Whether it's the redheads, or Blackbeard, or Rayleigh,

But still want to use despicable means to defeat this man.

Fujitora really wants to "see"

When the raiders found themselves completely in Lindau's trap,

What kind of expression will appear on the face.

But before that,

Fujitora just wants to shout out: Your Majesty Lin Xiao, yyds!!

"Red-haired Shanks, I didn't take the initiative to trouble you, you jumped out first..."

Lin Xiao sneered with a bloodthirsty sneer, and murderous intent flashed in his dark eyes,

He murmured: "This time, if Laozi doesn't spare you some blood, I'm sorry for pretending to be a criminal!"

as a traverser.

Lin Xiao understands the importance of the intelligence system better than anyone in this world.

So during these two years,

In order for [Anbu] to quickly grow into an intelligence system capable of competing with the BIG MOM pirate group and the CP organization of the World government.

It can be said that it took pains.

The Berry spent on it is like flowing water.

That is De Reiss Rosa rich and powerful,

In addition, Lin Xiao would grab a wave of World government's wool from time to time,

That was the quick fix.

if not,

Not ten or eight years,

There is simply no way to be world class.

And this time,

It is precisely because of the existence of 【Anbu】,

Lin Xiao was able to detect the abnormal movements of the Red Hair Pirates in advance.

The criticality of the intelligence system is instantly apparent.

In a word,

The money was not wasted!!

The so-called 【World Summit】,

That is, the monarchs of 50 countries joined by the World government,

Come to the Holy Land Mariejois every 4 years,

An important parliament that convenes together to deal with security and order worldwide.


On the edge of the huge harbor below the Red Line,

The berths are full of luxury ships that come here from all over the world.

It was also surrounded by reporters and civilians.

"Look, there's a port again!!"

"Everyone, get out of the way quickly, the royal families of all countries will pass by here soon!!"

"Wow, it's King Bill VI of the Luo Xiuwang Kingdom...and lovely matryoshka princesses!!"

"That is...King Han Borg of the Kingdom of Barllywood!!"

"There is also Queen Mololo of the Tarqin Kingdom, she is really beautiful..."

"That is King Tacos of the Kingdom of Sissiano who claims that it is better to die standing than to live on his knees...

"Hey, hey, that big ship with the Black Dragon flag flying, could it be the Emperor Lin Xiao who is known by the world as [the strongest emperor]...... Your Majesty?!"

"No way, isn't it rumored that the Great Emperor killed hundreds of thousands of World Government coalition forces in a naval battle? The World Government shouldn't invite him to such an important meeting?!"

"That's just an unconfirmed rumor. If that's the case, it's impossible for the World Government and Naval Headquarters to swallow their anger like this..."

While everyone was discussing...

The figures of Lin Xiao and Fujitora slowly stepped down from the big boat.

Nuoda's port suddenly fell silent,

Everyone was fascinated by Lin Xiao's noble temperament,

And the strong aura of "stay away from strangers" was awe-inspiring.

But soon,

Accompanied by the screams of girls Sichun,

The port suddenly became boiling.

"Wow, it's really that great emperor... so handsome!!"

"That's right, His Majesty Lin Xiao is really handsome. If I can be lucky enough to spend a spring night with him, even if I lose ten years of life, I would be willing."

"Come on, I intend to live twenty years less......"

"Shut everything up for me, if such a good thing really happens, even if I die the next day, I will have no complaints.

Not just women,

Even the men and reporters present,

They were all attracted by Lin Xiao's unparalleled unique temperament.

"The great emperor's face is so handsome, even more handsome than the one in Legendary. I must apply for a special issue with the president when I go back this time." 3.0 will definitely be popular all over the world!

"However, why did His Majesty Lin Xiao bring a blind man to such an important meeting? Could it be his relative?!"

"Who knows, but you guys keep your voices down, that guy who killed [World's Strongest Man] Whitebeard, you guys want to die... don't implicate us!!"

In contrast,

Those dignitaries from other countries who were still eye-catching just now,

All were left out in the cold.

It's just that they dare not speak out.

focus of the scene,

It has already gathered on Lin Dao alone.

"Da da da... da da da..."

However at this moment,

A burly figure completely covered by a huge umbrella,


Walking towards Lin Xiao with heavy steps.

"Hey, everyone, take a look, that person seems to be..."

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