I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 250 One Rider Is Worth A Thousand, And Those Who Cross The Line Will Die! [Kneeling To Subsc

"Your Majesty, this is not good!"

Fujitora's face turned dark immediately, and he shook his head a little aggrieved, "If you act like this, we might all be played to death..."


Kill crazy!

This man really went crazy.

Your Majesty, is that what you just said human?!

If the old man really has a meteor shower,

Sink the Marine's Grand Fleet.

Then we De Reiss Rosa don't just have to face the Double Royals.

Rather World government+ Naval Headquarters+ Red Hair Pirates+ Blackbeard Pirates...

Maybe add BIG MOM Pirates and Beasts Pirates......

All the top forces in the entire world,

It is estimated that they will fight together to wipe us out.


I beg you,

don't mess around,

The old man...... I'm scared!

You can't let us as subordinates,

Do you want to experience the ordinary life without war for two days?

Since the old man followed you,

to truly realize,

【Peace】How precious is the Donima!!

"Hmph! Didn't expect you to be like this, Fujitora..."

Lin Xiao didn't think of going against Naval Headquarters at this time, the reason why he said that was just to tease Fujitora on purpose.

Seeing that he was really fooled now, he pretended to be unhappy and said:

"Then you should find a way to delay them for a while, I haven't settled with this old guy yet!"


Garp, who couldn't bear it any longer, responded to Lin Xiao with a heavy hammer.

The battle between the two started again.


Fujitora's expression froze, and the black lines on his forehead became more numerous.

His Majesty,

Is that arrogant expression on your face just now serious?

Obviously I was the one who got angry!!


at this moment.

A huge channel formed by venom suddenly came from a large ship that hadn't landed in the distance.

Immediately afterwards,

The incumbent Marine Admiral Magellan, who exudes terrible Purple gas,

Take a step out of this [poison passage].

"Get out of the way, I'm here to end this senseless fight!"

Magellan just ignored Fujitora,

In his opinion,

That's just a blind man with "a little bit of strength".

Immediately raised his eyes to gaze at the battle in the distance,

After finding out that Garp was fine,

Magellan breathed a sigh of relief.

In such tense times,

Whether it is Garp who is a [Marine Hero],

Or Lindau as King de Reiss Rosa,

Nothing will happen.

Just to his great surprise,

The emperor named Lindau,

During the battle with Vice Admiral Garp,

Turned out to be the one with the advantage?

Is Marine Legendary getting old?

Obviously not!

From the aftermath of the two people's collision alone,

Magellan would suffice to see that,

Garp still maintains the strong strength he had in Legendary back then.

Even as Admiral,

Also somewhat ashamed.

But Lindau, who fought against Garp,

It seems to be stronger!

If Naval Headquarters' reinforcements don't arrive in time,

So the outcome of this battle,

It's really hard to say...

Counting from the old days when the Rocks ruled,

More than forty years have passed.

The old man has won countless battles,

Send yourself to the altar of the Marine apex.

but today,

Oh no!

It should be said that since Vice Admiral Garp met Lin Dao's 【Summit War】,

He was taken by this young man,

Pull down the altar abruptly.

Presumably today,

These two people are fighting with the heart of "must kill"!

What a pity.

With such thoughts in mind, Magellan shook his head regretfully, and then loudly ordered everyone who successfully landed in the rear:

"Evacuate the Marine family members outside, and others will stop those two monsters with me!!"

Facing Lin Xiao and Garp,

Even a strong man like Magellan,

Have to say a monster.

Cranes, flying squirrels and other Vice Admirals immediately gathered in the direction of Magellan.

However at this moment,

Fujitora, who has been reduced to (bbaa) as a background board, moved.


With the stick knife out of its sheath slightly,

A Purple gravitational wave spread from beneath his feet.


In the direction where cranes, flying squirrels and others are heading,

A crack as thick as an arm suddenly appeared on the ground.

Like Chu He Hanjie,

blocked the way of the people.

"Before the battle of my majesty is officially over, those who cross the line will die!!"

Fujitora imitated Lin Xiao's usual appearance, and said coolly.

He now understands why Lin Dao hates Marines so much.

Isn't it a little too arrogant for each of them?

You actually treat me like air?

Admiral and Vice Admiral is great, isn't it?

At least the old man is also panting,

just ignore me,

Really good?!

"The heavy fluctuation just now was..."

"Demon fruit power that can manipulate gravity?"

Marine generals including Magellan,

It was astonishing to discover that,

Opposite this old blind man,

It seems a little simple!

"If this farce continues, it will have an extremely bad impact on both Naval Headquarters and the Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa..."

Magellan frowned, and said slightly annoyed: "If you are sensible, get out of the way...otherwise I don't mind burying you here!"


While the voice fell,

Magellan's body is like a chimney,

Continuously rising bursts of poisonous gas,

even his breath,

They have all become warm and poisonous.

"Hey, Magellan Admiral, don't mess around, we're not here to fight..."

"That's right, we're here to persuade you to fight..."

A group of Marine Vice Admirals covered their mouths and noses one after another, and kept backing away.

This **** is clearly killing thousands of enemies and harming oneself by eight hundred.

You do such a thing,

Who can still go!

"I am the head of the guard of the Kingdom of De Reissrosa, and I only obey the orders of my Majesty..."

Fujitora grinned, and said in an extremely cold voice: "Your Majesty told me to stay here. Even if I die, others will never want to pass here."

"Smile, Fujitora, and please Magellan Admiral..... enlighten me!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

A Purple gravitational wave emanated from Fujitora again.


Magellan only felt the gravity on his body suddenly increase, and the ground under his feet was too broken.

"It's the same as your master...you can't control yourself!!"

Magellan snorted coldly, this gravity is nothing to him as Admiral.


The poisonous gas on his body soared into the sky, and finally liquefied into a ferocious Purple 【Poisonous Dragon】.

dripping venom,

There was a sizzling sound on the ground,

And bursts of blue smoke.

highly toxic,

There is no doubt that people will die if they touch it. .

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