I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 251: A Blind Man Who Can Recruit Meteorites! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"I heard that Lin Xiao slaughtered all the prisoners in the [Impel down] after I was seriously injured and unconscious..."

"Although I am no longer the director there, this is a stain and shame in my life after all!"

Magellan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he roared with a ferocious expression: "He is the king of a country now, I can't rush to him."

"Since you are his capable subordinate, as long as I kill you, it will be regarded as a blood shame!"

Fujitora was stunned after hearing this.


What are you talking about?

My Majesty made a mistake,

Shame on you for killing me??

Damn it's been a long time since I've lived......

The old man almost couldn't turn this corner-!


You Marine one by one,

What a shame!


I will send you to hell first!

"Hell Brigade!!"

Purple-colored gravitational fluctuations erupted around Fujitora again,

Before Magellan could make a move,

Instantly raised to the limit of gravity,

He directly pressed his tall figure to the ground.


Magellan's body suddenly burst into a pool of Purple venom,

Then continue on the ground,

in the blink of an eye,

A human form was re-condensed in front of Fujitora.

"Venom Fist!!"

Magellan's fist wrapped around Armament Haki and Venom hit Fujitora directly on the head.

Sensing the danger, Fujitora parried the attack with his sword,

The figure quickly took two steps back.

"Another [Special Paramecia] like Katakuri?!"

A surprised look appeared on Fujitora's face,

Obviously did not expect [Paramecia] Magellan,

It can even be elementalized.

"Now that you know my secret, can you die now?!"

Magellan's figure did not stop, while rushing towards Fujitora, three ferocious Purple poisonous dragons appeared from behind again, like living creatures, they rushed up together with him.

"It's really an annoying and tricky ability."

Fujitora shook his head helplessly.

If he hadn't covered the Armament Haki in time just now,

I'm afraid it has been corroded by the venom by now.

Magellan's Venom,

It was more ferocious than he expected.

"Gravity Knife Tiger!!"

Fujitora accumulated Purple's gravity wave on the stick knife, and before Magellan and the three poisonous dragons pounced, he slashed out.


The surrounding space suddenly became distorted,

Magellan was stunned to find,

His figure was unable to take a step forward.

Immediately afterwards,

A huge horizontal force of gravity swept past like a torrent and tsunami.

caught off guard,

Magellan was blown away directly.

Flying nearly 100 meters away in the air,

after falling to the ground,

After another ten rounds of rolling backwards in a state of embarrassment,

It just stopped.

"Hey, are you kidding me, that blind follower of Lindau actually knocked Magellan Admiral away?!"

Marine around was stunned by the sudden scene in front of him.

None of them thought,

Admiral of Naval Headquarters,

To be beaten so embarrassingly by a blind man.

The saying that spreads in the sea is indeed true,

De Reiss Rosa is rich in monsters and madmen.

This guy must be too strong, right?

"Damn it, it seems that I underestimated you too much before!"

Magellan slowly got up from the ground, and after brushing off the dust on his body, he passed through again (the poison tunnel appeared in front of Fujitora.

"As I said, no one can pass through me until His Majesty is happy."

Fujitora said lightly.


A savage look flashed in Magellan's eyes, and the anger in his heart had reached its peak.

I am clearly here to brush up on the wave of military exploits,

how is it now,

If you pretend to be B, you will be returned to C...

Not only failed to stop the battle between Lin Xiao and Garp,

Instead, he was beaten up by an old follower under him.

Isn't Nima a bit too suffocated?

If Fujitora can't be put down this time,

Then his face would be really embarrassing.

in rage,

Magellan no longer retains strength,

A huge venom in the form of a skeleton is released from the body.

Unlike the previous Purple Poison,

This time the venom is the more dangerous Dark Red.

and highly toxic,

any substance that comes into contact with it,

All will be infected and corroded!

Even if people only come into contact with a little bit,

It will gradually spread until death.

"Poison Giants Judgment of Hell!!!"

"Damn blind man, go to hell!!"

Magellan let out a growl,

Controlling the Poison Giant Soldier and punching down,

Blast to the opposite Fujitora.


Sensing the imminent danger, Fujitora stepped forward with his right foot,

Purple gravity waves emerge,

The ground in front of him suddenly rose rumblingly,

ask for flowers......

Form a thick earth wall.


Although the earth wall successfully blocked the physical attack of the poison giant,

but fierce venom,

But in the blink of an eye,

They corroded large holes one by one in the earth wall.

Venom and gas gushed out frantically.

"The toxicity has actually increased again?!"

A look of surprise appeared on Fujitora's face,

As he steps back,

The five or six meter thick earth wall in front of him was completely corroded and collapsed.


fiercely toxic,

Far beyond everyone's imagination.

"Gravity Knife Tiger!!"

A knife enough to distort the space cut down again,

But he didn't want the Poison Giant Soldier on the opposite side to collapse into a pool of venom in an instant,

After dodging the attack,

Re-condense out again.

"Blind man, do you really think that the same move can hit me twice?"

Magellan, whose body was completely integrated into the Poison Giant, sneered triumphantly: "I have figured out all your moves, now... just kneel down obediently and wait for death!!"

"All tricks?!"

There was a sneer on Fujitora's face, and then he turned his head to look at Lin Dao who was beating Garp violently: "Your Majesty, this old man wants to play big......"

"Fuck him!!"

Lin Xiao's voice came, simple and clear.


Fujitora responded with a cheerful face, and then pretended to be deep and said: "It's a blessing not to see things, there are too many dirty and dirty people in the world that people can't bear to look at!

"The reason why the old man chooses to close his eyes is because he doesn't want to see the evils in this world, but things always go against his wishes..."

"Blind man, stop talking to yourself!"

Magellan yelled,

Immediately, he controlled the Poison Giant to pounce on Fujitora,

Just the next second,

As if I noticed something,

He stopped suddenly.

Then mechanically turned his head to look at the sky.

In the dark night sky,

A ball of light rapidly enlarged in everyone's field of vision.

"Is that... a shooting star?"

"It should be a meteorite, right?"

"But... why is it here?"

"Hey, hey, the target of that meteorite seems to be here..."

At this moment, whether it is the Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters,

Or the family members of Marine who are urgently evacuating at the port,

All were stunned by the sudden scene before them.


Just kidding.

That blind man can actually recruit meteorites? Eight!.

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