I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 253 Garp Broke His Arm, World Summit Was Forced To Stop! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


A slash wave as beautiful as a gold moon, magnified infinitely in Garp's astonished pupils.


When Garp wants to dodge,

was surprised to find,

His body does not know when,

It turned out to be extremely stiff.

It was like being locked in mid-air by a certain force.

emotion of fear,

Life grew out of Garp's heart for the first time.

And instantly permeates every corner of the body.

I can't die here!!

Watching the approaching Gold Slash Wave,

The look on Garp's face changed wildly.

Unwillingness, anger, humiliation, and a sense of relief...

this time,

Garp really smelled death.

the world in his eyes,

As if suddenly slowed down,

I can only silently watch that Slash Wave approaching, approaching, approaching again...

The bright Gold light completely obscured Garp's sight,

He couldn't look at it at all.

"Garp, get out of the way..."

Just at this critical moment.

A familiar exclamation came from a distance.

It's Crane!!

Kap, who had been stunned, broke out in a cold sweat.

Lin Dao's slash is too powerful, isn't it?

Just now even his mind,

They were all affected by this attack.

no time to think about it,

At the moment Garp came back to his senses,

The body instinctively made an evasive movement.


Because of the previous moment of trance,

It is absolutely impossible to dodge completely.

"Strengthen Armament!!"

Garp let out a ferocious growl.

Under threat of death,

The potential in his body exploded once again.

Armament Haki, which is almost as hard as Ultimate, covers both arms in an instant,

and with the oncoming,

Gold Slash Wave that distorts even space,

They collided heavily.


Blood splattered.

Garp's right arm was thrown high in an instant, and he himself was bounced to the ground with a whoosh under the huge recoil force.


In the collision just now,

Lindau's Slash Wave won without a doubt.

If not at the cost of an arm,

I'm afraid Garp is doomed.


At this moment, whether it is Lin Dao,

Or the surrounding cranes and others,

None were paying attention to whether Garp survived.

because of their gaze,

All focus has been on the Gold Slash Wave that continues to attack the Red Line.


Lin Xiao you crazy!!

Is this probably your real purpose?!

The crane was the first to react,

The old eyes were full of fear and horror.

Opposite this young man,

It's just too scary.

No matter what kind of emergency,

It can be grasped and used by him in reverse.

Such brain power and calculation,

Is it really possible for humans?!


in a flash,

That slash that shines like a bright moon of Gold,

Finally bombarded on the Red Line.

in an instant.

Time seemed to stand still.

The dazzling golden glow shattered in everyone's sight.

A terrifying bang that tore the eardrums reverberated in the dark night sky.

The entire [Red Port] is under the influence of the aftermath,

Then trembled violently.

The ground is cracked inch by inch,

A port city in Nuoda,

in the blink of an eye,

Cracked in two.

And the towns on the side of the Red Line,

Even in the aftermath that swept down,

Instantly razed to the ground.

It looks as if it was directly wiped away by a big hand covering the sky.

the surrounding sea,

Even under the influence of the aftermath,

It directly aroused huge waves of hundreds of meters high.

Even the clouds that hang over the Red Line,

It was also swept away in such a terrifying attack.

"This this……………"

"This monster..."

At this moment, whether it is Garp, or Crane and Magellan and others,

All eyes widened,

Looking at Lin Dao with shock + horror on his face.

It's only been two years!

Lin Xiao has turned out to be... like a monster.

Was that really just a slash just now?

I'm afraid the power of [Pluton] in Legendary is no more than that?!

Although it failed to shake the hard Red Line,

But only the aftermath of the rebound,

Then the entire [Red Port] below was divided into two.

such power,

No one doubts that Lin Xiao possesses the strength of [Destroying the Island].

Panic began to spread in the hearts of all the Marines.

This is what a terrifying power you need to have,

Only then can it be achieved!

Even Vice Admiral Garp, whose Armament Haki hardness ranks first in the world,

Before this slash,

They are all so small and vulnerable.

If it were someone else....

There is no chance at all.

Many sailors on the outskirts,

He was already so frightened that he fell to the ground trembling.

Even Magellan and He and others,

for a while,

I don't know if it should be so good.

They all stared blankly at the proudly standing figure in the distance.

at the same time.

[Holy Land] Mariejois above 10,000 meters.

The Five Elders in the 【Hall of Power】,

When you are feeling complacent about the successful completion of [the issue of abolishing the Seven Warlords of the Sea system],

The whole hall suddenly trembled violently.

The magnitude of the vibration is large,

Caught off guard, Five Elders nearly fell with a crash.

"not good!!"

The faces of the five people changed drastically in an instant.

Is someone attacking Mariejois?!


Who would have the guts?


Holding a sword, Five Elders jumped out of the window with lightning speed.

Returned after a while.

:"How about it?"

: "No intruders were found..."

: "Could it be that the earthquake hit 310?"

: "Impossible, the Red Line is the hardest land in the world, even if a disaster-level earthquake occurs in the lower realm, it will definitely not affect Mariejois!"

: "That's right, with the level of violence just now, even ordinary shelling can't do it, something must have happened!"

: "The person called CP will investigate immediately."

: "Before that, let's send someone to confirm the safety of the kings participating in [World Summit]!"

: "It would be a disgrace to the World government if anyone was injured during this period..."

Immediately Five Elders sent people to the venue where [World Summit] was located.

And at this time,

It was already a mess.

"Ah, my foot was broken by the table, who can help me..."

"Come on, my king's arm seems to be broken..."

"Is [Pan Gu City] about to collapse?"

"What happened just now, shouldn't it be that the commanding army is attacking the Holy Land?!"

"How is it possible, those guys have already been wiped out by Marine...

"What is going on, the World government must give us an explanation..."

The kings of various countries who were arguing about a [issue] before,

At this moment, everyone was so frightened that they got under the table.

everyone's face,

They all had a look of surprise and uncertainty.

many of them,

Xia was accidentally injured in the shock just now.

There was an endless stream of wailing, cursing, shouting, and calls for help.

The solemn [World Summit] was also interrupted because of this. .

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