I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 254 Let Me Tell You A Secret, Your Son Is Going To Die! ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"How hard is it?!"

Lin Xiao looked at Red Line in surprise.

Just now with his full blow,

It turned out that there was only a white mark left on it.

It is indeed the hardest land in the world.

The hardness is even harder than that old Garp guy's Armament Haki.


Lin Xiao confirmed the rumors circulating in the sea.

Red Line is indestructible,

only to be overrun.

No wonder World government and Celestial Dragons,

It can rule the entire sea unscrupulously for 800 years.

among other things,

This alone is as high as 10,000 meters,

Indestructible Red Line,

How many people will be left behind.


Lin Xiao stepped in front of the seriously injured Garp, stepped on his head directly, and said with a playful smile:

"I suddenly changed my mind... It would be too cheap to kill you now!"

"Bastard, what else do you want to do?!"

Garp gritted his teeth and growled,

His body and mind have been completely dominated by anger,

If not seriously injured,

At this moment, I'm afraid they will attack Lin Xiao again.

"Vice Admiral Garp, I remember your nickname when you were young, it seems to be [Iron Fist], right?!"

Lin Xiaoqi made a smirk at the corner of his face, and said that he didn't answer the question.


A look of doubt flashed in Garp's eyes, and before he could speak again, a piercing pain came from his remaining left arm.

Lin Xiao's entire arm was tightly grasped by Lin Xiao.

"You... what do you want to do?!"

"Bastard, let go of my hand...

Garp couldn't keep his composure any longer.

Fear was written in the old pupils.


He already guessed what Lin Xiao wanted to do.

This madman..………….

Oh no,

the devil,

He actually wanted to destroy his left arm as well.

"Crane...Little Crane, hurry up and save...Pfft!!~!"

Garp panicked and called for help,

But the words are not finished yet,

The left arm was directly torn off by Lin Xiao.

Blood spurted out from the severed arm in an instant.

The sound of howling and screaming resounded through the sky.

"That bastard, dared to put Vice Admiral Garp's hand in our face

Magellan and the others were immediately stunned by the sight in front of them.

no one can imagine,

Lin Xiao would make such a crazy move.

this madman,

Isn't he afraid of facing retaliation from the entire Naval Headquarters?!

That's right.

He is not afraid.

Since the Battle of De Reiss Rosa,

This country has been listed as a taboo place by the World government and Naval Headquarters.

If it can be eradicated,

They will definitely not leave this scourge until now.

Strong strength is Lin Dao's confidence.

after all,

In this twisted world,

What they pursue is the survival rule of "whoever has the bigger fist speaks".

Even as strong as Naval Headquarters,

In front of Lin Xiao,

in the end,

Isn't it just reduced to an existence that bullies the weak and fears the hard?!

This is even more so now.

Even if Magellan, He and others wished to crush Lin Xiao,

To relieve the hatred in my heart.

But he had to watch Garp's arm being torn off by him.

No one dared to act rashly.

"Your Majesty, do you want to play so big......

Although Fujitora still maintained a calm and alert look on his face, he was already panicking in his heart.

Don't say that those people in Marine couldn't think of it,

Even if he,

I also failed to guess that His Majesty would be so "rampant"!

To know,

[Red Port] is less than half a day away from the new Naval Headquarters,

If you play too hard,

People are out in force,

The consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

No matter how strong Lin Xiao is,

It is absolutely impossible to face all the high-end combat power headed by [Marine No. 1 Gangster] Akainu at the same time.

But fortunately, these Marine wastes in front of me,

They were all overwhelmed by Lin Dao's aura.

But Rao is so,

Fujitora still sweated secretly.


This [Chief of Guards] is really getting harder and harder to do.

It's not that the old man's strength is not enough,

But your Majesty, you have endless means of "becoming a demon",

It's really hard to guard against!!

Lin Xiao naturally couldn't know what everyone was thinking at this moment, and he didn't want to know.

Looking at Garp who is still crying in pain at his feet,

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled again with his signature smirk, and said with a heartfelt sentence:

"Garp, now that your iron fist is gone, let me see if you can still be as arrogant as before?!"

"Lin Xiao...I'm going to kill you!!!"

Garp roared at the top of his lungs, regardless of the injury on his broken arm, he struggled desperately, trying to get away from Lin Xiao's feet.

but no matter how hard you try,

In the end all ended in failure.

"..Hehe, I can't tell, you still seem to be very motivated?!"

"As expected of [Marine Hero]!"

The smile on Lin Xiao's face became more and more evil. He slowly bent down, lowered his voice, and said with a playful look:

"Because you are so strong, this king will reveal a secret to you in advance!"

"The grievances between this king and your son Long will soon be completely settled. This time...he must die!!"

Garp's pupils shrank sharply when he heard the words, and with a look of horror on his face, he struggled more violently and roared: "Bastard, I don't allow you to attack him..."

"Oh, right!"

Lin Xiao directly ignored Garp's roar, and continued to whisper with a smile as if remembering something: "It's a pity, I can't let you see the current situation of Straw Hat Luffy with your own eyes!

"That idiot, naively thought that after practicing for two years, he would be able to run amok in the world... He even took the initiative to come to my king's De Reiss Rosa (Qian Nuohao) to make trouble."

"For this kind of 'reward' that comes to your door, it is naturally impossible for me to miss it.

"Didn't you always want to know what the king did to Luffy in the straw hat?"

"Okay, this king will tell you now!!"

Having said that,

Lin Xiao's words paused slightly, and then said word by word:

"I let Redfield suck his life force, and now... your precious grandson, Straw Hat Luffy, has become an old man your age! Tool!"

"Lin Xiao!!!"

Garp's roar went straight to Yunxiao, his eyes were spitting fire and he roared: "He's still a child...I'm going to kill you!!"


Lin Xiao snorted coldly with disdain: "Garp, whether it's Fire Fist Ace, Straw Hat Luffy, or your son who is about to die, the reason why they all end up in such a tragic end..."

"All caused by you!!!".

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