I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 255 Trampling On Justice, I Would Like To Call You The Strongest! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"If it weren't for your indulgence and ignorance, they would have had the opportunity to go on another path!"

"You are not only a failed father, but also a failed grandpa."

Killing people, Lin Xiao's cold voice pierced Garp's heart like a sharp dagger.

"You...you fart, not me..."

Garp seemed to have aged decades in an instant.

With a dejected look, he gave up struggling.

Although Qili still denies it in every possible way,

But the two lines of old tears flowed down unstoppably like a spring.

He really regrets it now.

If he had been able to save Long who left home and made a move.


The words that stopped Luffy when he went out to sea.

Even if they will be reduced to "ordinary" people because of this,

But at least he can survive without worrying about food and clothing.

Although very sad,

But Garp had to admit,

Lindau was right.

It was indeed his indulgence that harmed his family.

Thinking of the "dying" son,

And the grandson who has been sucked out of life and turned into old age,

Garp knows now,

Why didn't Lin Xiao just kill himself?

Just ask,

What could be better than for an old man to see his son killed,

Is it crueler for a grandson to become older than oneself?

"Lin Xiao420, you are so vicious!!"

In a panic, Garp spat out a mouthful of blood, then rolled his eyes, and fainted from the anger.


Lin Xiao sneered with a sneer of disdain, and said to Garp who had fainted: "It's ridiculous, you deserve to say that?!"

Shameless old dog,

Because you hid Roger's son Ace,

And the number of pregnant women and babies who have been mutilated is countless,

Have they ever had a chance to say "vicious" to you?

not to mention,

Lin Xiao never said that he was a kind person.

treat the enemy,

He has always done everything he can.



If you are not cruel to your enemies,

Do you still have to sacrifice your life with a smile on your face?

no matter which world,

Now that you want to be a villain,

Then do it to the end!


It's better than being bullied.

The law of the jungle is the eternal law of survival.

"This is dizzy?!"

Lin Xiao raised her foot in a lack of interest,

is about to speak,

The phone bug in his arms suddenly rang.

"Blu, blu, blu...."

Take it out and have a look,

It was (bbfe) Redfield calling.

A light flashed in Lin Xiao's dark eyes.

Needless to say,

The "prey" must have taken the bait.


Whether it's Red Hair Pirates,

Or the more insidious Blackbeard Pirates,

These Four Emperors, who have been disgraced by the world,

In Lin Xiao's eyes,

It's all just "prey".

"Your Excellency, Captain, the Red Hair Pirates have successfully crossed the territorial waters protected by the Elephant Master using coating technology, and have just landed at the outer port!"

When the phone was picked up, Redfield's slightly excited voice came out.

Sure enough, it was hit by His Excellency the Captain again,

Redhead Shanks the guy,

He actually found a way to sneak in successfully.

If you are not well prepared in advance,

I am afraid that at this moment they,

You will definitely be caught off guard by the red group.

Although it is commonplace,

But Redfield still had to shout proudly: Your Excellency, Captain, yyds!!

not only him,

Owner of Lin Xiao Group,

They have long been subdued by their co-lords.

this man,

It is like a god.

"You can send the [gift] you prepared, let them talk about the old days first!"

Looking at the red sun gradually rising from the sky, Lin Dao's corners once again raised a sinister and confident arc.

The fun is just beginning!!


Redfield responded very respectfully, and then continued to report:

"Also, just as His Majesty expected, Zi Roland discovered the Blackbeard pirates at a height of a thousand kilometers away."

"They have been using Monkey D Dragon's Devil Fruit ability to hide their whereabouts, and it is estimated that they intend to launch a sneak attack when we fight the Red Hair Pirates to the death.

Speaking of which.

Redfield on the other end of the phone bug couldn't help shouting in his heart again: Your Excellency, Captain, yyds!!

Had it not been for Lin Xiao's reminder,

Who would have thought the Blackbeard gang would come all the way from the sky,

Just to wait for an opportunity to intervene in the battlefield and carry out sneak attacks?

I'm afraid even Blackbeard himself,

It is absolutely impossible to imagine,

Such a "perfect" plan,

Lin Xiao had already figured it out early.

"Leave him alone."

There was a sneer on Lin Xiao's face, and he said lightly:

"The reason why Blackbeard hides his head and show his tail is probably at the instigation of the dragon, planning to take advantage of the fire and attack Nico Robin, the only one who can interpret the [historical text].

"It's just that, with that guy's timid and cautious character, he probably won't dare to do anything easily, and I will deal with him personally when the time comes!!"

Lin Xiao almost instantly,

Then the real intention of the Blackbeard gang,

Analyze it accurately.

Whether Blackbeard,

Or Monkey·D·Dragon,

The grievances and grievances with Lin Xiao have always been a long time.

this time,

It's time to make a clean slate with the two of them.

hang up the phone.

Lin Xiao glanced at the fainted Garp, and said with a smirk, "I didn't expect your son to come so soon..."

"But don't worry, I will definitely return the dragon's head. After all, I want you to see each other for the last time!"

After all,

Lin Xiao called Fujitora,

Walked over to meet Magellan and other high-ranking generals of Naval Headquarters.

Da da da...………

Da da da...………

The clearer footsteps are for every Marine,

It's all so harsh and humiliating.


Including Magellan,

But no one dared to act rashly.

And Lin Dao didn't know if it was intentional,

on the way to walk,

He also deliberately stepped on the [Cloak of Justice] that Garp took off.

On the huge word 【Justice】,

Immediately left two bloody shoe prints.

This scene fell in the eyes of all the Marines,

It is simply extremely humiliating.

Lin Xiao,

Are you being a bit of a bully?!

We are all out,

Why are you humiliating us?!

If I can't beat you,

I have to peel off your skin today.

Up to Admiral,

down to the Marines,

At this moment, everyone is clenching their teeth,

His face was full of complex expressions of anger and fear.


I'm afraid Marine will pay more lives.

It is precisely because of knowing this,

Magellan and the others were all trying to suppress the anger in their hearts.

"Your Majesty, can you say goodbye?!"

Fujitora was suddenly frightened by Lin Dao's actions, and broke out in a cold sweat,

Isn’t this too damn exciting?!

I thought His Majesty's horse flea operation was over.

did not expect....…

This time it was sloppy.

The old man would like to call your Majesty the most frivolous...uh, the strongest pretender king!!.

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