I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 256 Kaido, You Go Steal Another Wave! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

Lin Xiao and Fujitora master and servant,

just one after the other,

Calmly walking through the crowd of Marines.

The atmosphere at the scene became very strange for a while.

The eyes of all Marine generals,

All were fixed on Lin Xiao in front of him.

Although they all look bad,

But deep in the eyes,

But it was full of unconcealable fear and panic.

Everyone was deeply shocked by the powerful aura emanating from Lin Xiao.

Even if it's just swept by - his eyes,

Will produce a kind of creepy, scalp tingling feeling.

Until Lin Xiao and the two came to the big boat,

These talents let out a long sigh of relief.

They all secretly rejoiced in their hearts that they escaped unharmed.


In the distance, with both arms broken, Garp fell unconscious on the ground,

And [Red Port] that was broken into two halves,

There is also the shocking slash that is still vivid in my eyes.

All are deeply imprinted into their memory.

I'm afraid this life will never be forgotten.

After this battle,

For Lin Dao's true strength, these people

There is already a very deep understanding.

This young man who looks to be about twenty years old,

After two years of transformation,

It has fully grown into a scary monster.

in the minds of many,

They all subconsciously came up with the idea of ​​"absolutely not to provoke this guy".

"Wait a moment!!"

Just when Lin Xiao was about to board the ship,

Suddenly, Staff Officer He's cold voice came from behind him.

Lin Xiao's corners arced slightly without a trace,

then turned around,

Looking at Staff Officer Crane coming out from the crowd behind,

He asked blankly: "Why, there is still a son?"

"Gion she... ok?!"

Although the two are now strangers,

But in the bottom of Crane's heart,

I still feel very owed to Gion.

after all,

If she hadn't persuaded the other party back then,

Go undercover at De Reiss Rosa.

There will be no scene where Gion betrays Marine and joins Lin Xiao's group.


Crane does not blame Gion for making such a "wrong" choice.

Because in that situation that is almost equivalent to "sending death",

There are very few people who do not feel chilled.

defected to the enemy,

Naturally, it is not too incomprehensible.


Lin Xiao smiled evilly, with a knowing expression on his face, and deliberately elongated his voice: "Tsk tsk, those long legs are so comfortable to sleep on!!"

I wipe!

Fujitora, who was boarding the ship, heard that,

a staggering step,

Almost fell directly into the sea.

His Majesty,

I beg you to quickly accept the supernatural powers.

This flea operates,

It's simply unstoppable!

"Lin Xiao, I fought you so hard today......!!

Staff Crane was furious instantly.

The originally kind face,

All became distorted and deformed by anger.

"Crane Vice Admiral, don't get angry!"

"That's right, that guy's current status is the king of De Reiss Rosa, we can't openly attack him......

The flying squirrel and the others were suddenly stunned.

It was the first time they saw such an annoyed gesture from Marine's first think tank, Staff Officer Crane.

Lin Xiao, this monster,

Do you have to disturb Marine to be at ease?!

Several people rushed over to stop them.

If it is later,

I'm afraid the crane has rushed forward,

It's time to "clean up" for Lin Xiao and the two of them.

"I said... Are you focusing on the wrong person?!"

Lin Xiao continued to walk towards the big boat, while jokingly said:

"If no one cares about that old guy Garp, he...will be turned into ashes!!"

"No, the sun is about to hit Vice Admiral Garp!!"

After being reminded by Lin Xiao,

Only then did the Marines react.

At this time, the rising sun has risen above the sea level.

The sun dispels the darkness little by little,

At the same time, it was getting closer and closer to Garp who fell unconscious.

People can even see,

Where Garp's feet come into contact with the sun,

There are already traces of gray traces.

Whoosh whoosh—!!

Flying Squirrel and others saw this,

Quickly use 【Shave】in Marine Six Styles

Just before the sun shines on Garp,

With a few pieces of 【Cloak of Justice】,

With his body full of Bloodline,

Completely covered up.

"Huh, it's dangerous!!"

It's okay to see Garp,

Magellan and He et al.,

ask for flowers...

All let out a long sigh of relief.

when turning again,

But they found that the big ship where Lin Xiao was on had already set sail.

Magellan's hanging heart,

Only then was it finally let go.

This god of killing......

Finally go!


"Your Majesty, now that the Red Hair Pirates have successfully landed, should we use the [Portal] to rush back directly?!"

After the big ship officially left [Red Port], Fujitora asked respectfully.

"Not in a hurry."

Lin Xiao sat quietly on the bow of the boat, and after admiring the rising sun, he took out a phone bug from his bosom and called it.

After a while.

The phone is connected.

The phone bug immediately imitated Kaido's appearance.

"Lin Dao, what the hell are you doing calling me so early?"

"Could it be that the shipment in a few days later couldn't arrive truthfully?!"

Kaido's rough voice reveals deep anger and impatience,

It seems that getting up is very angry.

"Kaido, I have a business that is sure to make a profit and not lose money, would you do it?!"

Lin Xiao frowned, and said with a smirk.

"Business with no loss?"

There was a suspicious look on Kaido's face, but in the end he couldn't restrain the greed in his heart, and asked, "Then tell me first."

Lin Xiao doesn't hide anything,

He directly said that the Red Hair Pirates were attacking De Reiss Rosa.


The fact that the Blackbeard Pirates also came to sneak attack,

He didn't say it.

Because of his knowledge of Kaido.

If the lure or too much,

Maybe this "big catfish" will take the opportunity to steal him back.

So Lin Xiao had to guard against it.

"Now the Red Hair Pirates' rear area is bound to be unguarded. As long as you take people there in person, we will definitely make a lot of money."

"Damn it, did you ask Laozi to engage in a sneak attack?!"

Kaido was furious when he heard the words, and roared viciously: "Laozi hasn't settled with you for what happened last time!"

"If it weren't for your little son's instigation, how could Laozi go to the world to plunder, and he wouldn't be killed by that old hag of BIG MOM so many of his men."

"Only in the real fight, nearly a hundred people were killed or injured... Laozi has lost a lot!"

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