I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 257 The Magical Effect Of Erwuzi, The Oriole Is Behind! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"How many fucking people did you die, does it have anything to do with me?!"

Facing Kaido's complaint, Lin Xiao swears mercilessly, and reprimands in a deep voice: "You have delayed the time by yourself, and now you are blaming me instead?

"Aside from other things, if you had brought the air force to harvest a wave first, you would have suffered such a big loss now?!"


Kaido was not angry when he was scolded, but scratched his head with a sudden realization: "Yes...then tell me what to do this time!"

"We're still playing by the old rules."

The smile on Lin Xiao's face became more and more evil, and he said with a little bewilderment: "I will try my best to help you keep the red hair, you just need to go to his territory to harvest it.

"Then how to divide the account?"

A greedy look flashed across Kaido's huge pupils, obviously extremely excited, so he couldn't wait to ask.

"May 5th and September 47th" split accounts!"

Lin Xiao looked at Kaidō with sly eyes.

"How can that work, absolutely not!!"

With a cock in his neck, Kaido immediately refused sharply: "Our brothers will settle accounts, this time is a war between Hongfa and you, Laozi is helping you, and he has taken a huge risk."

"It's absolutely impossible to divide the account by fifty or five... Let's see, since the two of us are close alliances, let's divide it between six and four, six for me and four for you."

"Oh, and, when it's done, I'll give you your share in the form of seastone products, how about it?!"

Kaido, who thinks he has made a big deal,

At this moment, there was already a look of gloating and complacency on his face.

hum boy,

Although others say you are a monkey spirit,

Never suffer.

But in front of my Kaido,

You can only be a brother after all.


Lin Xiao nodded in agreement without hesitation.

He didn't care about how much of the treasure he could get.

Even if Kaido swallows it all,

There is no loss for him either.

his purpose,

Just to make the redhead lose a lot,

Just bear the serious consequences of making trouble for him.

"My good brother, I just like a bold person like you, so it's settled.

Kaido immediately beamed with joy, waved his big hand and said, "I'll call my men right away and steal the fuck!"

After hanging up the phone.

Kaido immediately sent someone to call all the [Three Disasters].

"Little ones, it's time for our Beasts Pirates to reach the top of New World!!"

Kaido said happily.

Then he told about the war between Lin Xiao and the Red Hair Pirates.

this time,

If the Beasts Pirates manage to rob the redheads,

The overall strength is bound to skyrocket.

The pattern of New World [Four Emperors] side by side is likely to be broken by him.

Thinking that the Beasts Pirates will become the successor to the Rocks Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates,

A new generation of【The World's Strongest Pirates】


The smile on Kaido's face widened.

This is his dream all along.

"Brother Kaido is awesome!!"

"One Piece is none other than Brother Kaido!!"

"Laozi has long been annoyed by the red-haired meddling grandson..."

"That's right, you dared to stop us from robbing Whitebeard's territory during [Summit War], this time you must teach him a painful lesson!!"

[Plague] Quinn and [Drought] Jack instantly turned into a shy dog,

There was a wave of mindless praise for Kaido.

Only Jhin, who is responsible for the intelligence of the Beasts Pirates, seemed to sense something was wrong, and reminded with a frown:

"Brother Kaido, for some reason, I always feel..."

"Lin Xiao seems to be cheating?!"

"Your Majesty, with that guy Kaido's despicable personality..."

Fujitora said with some concern: "Will he also take the opportunity to get involved with De Reiss Rosa?!"

"Will not."

Lin Xiao shook his head confidently and said: "As long as there is [artificial Devil FruitSMILE] checks and balances, Kaido will not dare to break with me for the time being."

"But Your Majesty..."

Fujitora showed some hesitation on his face, stared at Lin Xiao's face, and carefully reminded:

"If Kaido succeeds in this plunder, his power will definitely increase dramatically, and by then..."

"You said this."

A mysterious smile appeared on Lin Xiao's face.


He has already considered this problem.

Immediately under Fujitora's puzzled eyes,

Lin Xiao took out another phone bug from his bosom and pulled it out.

"Master Lin Xiao, are you coming to Wanokuni again?"

As soon as the phone was connected,

Yamato's voice full of expectation and surprise can't wait to come out.

As Kaido's biological daughter,

Yamato and her old father called a "father resigned daughter laugh"!

This girl with horns on her head,

I can't wait for Lin Xiao to chop off her father's head with a knife tomorrow..

It really is "filial piety is dead".

"Yamato, I have a mission for you."

Lin Xiao first briefly talked about the upcoming battle between him and the Red Hair Pirates, and Kaido's going out to rob.

Then he gave a straightforward order: "After Kaido and the top cadres of the Beasts Pirates leave, go to Jiuli to find a dog fur tribe named Inulan and a cat fur tribe named Cat Viper.

"Both of them are Kozuki Oden's retainers, and they are lurking in Kuri at this time looking for opportunities to win more."

"After you told them about Kaido's disappearance, you took the two of them to the [Rabbit Bowl]'s prison quarry to contact a man named Hana no Leopard Goro..."

"Tell them that the bloodline of the Kozuki clan was not completely severed by Kaido, the daughter of Kozuki Oden, Princess 'Kozuki Hiyori', is still alive!"


Yamato exclaimed when he heard the words, and asked in disbelief: "Master Lin Xiao, are you joking?"

"Kozuki Hiyori has been safely taken away from Wanokuni by me."

Lin Xiao's corners raised a meaningful arc, and he said lightly: "Inulan and Maomushi will confirm this news."

It is naturally impossible for Lin Dao to let the Kaido family dominate.

Having plundered the redhead's territory,

Kaido will become very rich in no time.

If you do not rely on 【Man-made Devil FruitSMILE】,

Canceled his 1.6 exclusive channel for selling seastone products,

In Lin Xiao's hand,

Isn't it missing an important hole card that can check and balance the World government.

no matter what,

He couldn't allow this to happen.


at such times,

Those twenty-five-year-old warriors from Wanokuni,

It came in handy.

Just let them know that Kozuki Oden still has blood alive,

These loyal fools,

will be at his beck and call,

Wait for an opportunity to launch an attack on Kaido's regime.

Lin Xiao then asked Yamato a few more words,

Let her not reveal her identity for now,

After all, such an "internal response" is absolutely impossible to find a second one even with a lantern.

After hanging up the phone.

Fujitora on the side directly put up a thumbs up and came up, and admired sincerely:

"Your Majesty, bull B!!".

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