I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 258 Luffy Is Crazy, Have You Seen My Crew? ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa.

The largest port in the south.

Red Hair Pirates gang using coating technology,

Successfully avoided the elephant master,

Dive all the way from the bottom of the sea,

Appeared quietly on the pier.

Rayleigh and Jinbei are also among them.

Although I have heard it before,

But when Shanks and others saw the kingdom in Legendary with their own eyes,

Still can't help but be blinded by the image in front of me,

I was deeply shocked.

city ​​with tall buildings,

wide flat streets,

And the Sky Islands dotted in mid-air like stars in the distance.

The splendor and splendor of De Reiss Rosa,

It's like the members of Red Hair Pirates,

Brand new version never seen before.

Even Shanks and Beckman,

They all have to be amazed at Lin Xiao's ability to govern the country.

No wonder De Reiss Rosa is called "Xanadu".

Only the outer port cities,

It is more prosperous than the capitals of many countries.


The faces of Shanks and the others soon became serious.


Whether on the docks of the port,

Or in a roadside restaurant,

Or the streets in towns that are wide enough for five carriages to pass side by side.

11 of them couldn't even see a pedestrian.

the whole city,

like a dead city,

The silence makes people feel a little flustered.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon"

Rayleigh subconsciously pressed his hand on the hilt of his waist,

He said with a somewhat complicated expression: "That guy Lin Dao, shouldn't he have guessed that we are going to come here to seek revenge on him?!"


Beckman shook his head resolutely and said: "In order to hide our whereabouts, we specially spent a lot of money to coat and sail all the way from the bottom of the sea this time.

"Even if Lin Dao's news network is well-connected, it is absolutely impossible to predict when and where we will land in advance!"


Having said that,

Beckman seemed to think of something suddenly,

face suddenly changed,

Looking at Jinbei, he exclaimed, "Unless that guy Lin Xiao... let Jinbei go on purpose!!"


As soon as this remark came out,

Whether Shanks,

Or Rayleigh,

Or Jinbei and other pirates,

There was a look of horror on the face.

I fuck!

Lin Xiao shouldn't be that poisonous, right?!

But how to explain the current situation?

Shanks' face began to darken more and more.

He suddenly regrets now,

I actually made such a rash decision at that time.

If there is any dangerous smell,

It began to pervade every pirate's heart.

Even members of the Red Hair Pirates,

All are strong and experienced veterans.

At this moment, I can't help but feel a little nervous.

Leaving aside Lin Xiao's reputation as the 【World's Strongest Emperor】,

Ledfield and Bullet alone,

It is enough to make people frightened.

Facing De Reiss Rosa, who has many strong guards.

Even the Red Hair Pirates,

If something goes wrong,

It could also be destroyed.

is it in?

Is it refund?

Members of the Red Group clenched their arms tightly,

He looked nervously at the redhead.

Waiting for further orders from their own captain.

"Shanks, Lin Xiao has probably set a trap waiting for us to jump in."

There was an extremely serious look on Beckman's face, and the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense. After a moment of pondering, he said:

"If we continue with the previous plan, it is very likely that the entire army..."

"Attention everyone, someone is coming!!"

Beckman has not finished speaking,

He was directly interrupted by Yasopp's sharp voice.

As the ace sniper of the Red Hair Pirates,

Yasopp has extremely keen insight.

Almost at the same time as the voice fell,

musket in his hand,

Already aiming at a dimly lit alley in the distance.

"Is it an enemy?"

Lagi Lu and the others stood up with vigilant expressions.

Only Rayleigh whispered puzzledly: "Why is there only one person?!"

Da da da..………

Da da da.......

The sound of chaotic footsteps was getting closer.


A crumbling old figure,

Emerging from a dark alley.

Appeared in front of the Red Hair Pirates.

"Nami Usopp.....Chopper..."

"Where did you all go and why haven't you come back?"

"I...I am the man who is going to be the One Piece..."

"No, they're not dead, they're not dead..."

"Lin Dao, you bastard, I will never forgive you..."

white hair,

Haggard Straw Hat Luffy,

on crutches,

like an old madman,

Wandering back and forth between the streets and alleys.

And the look on his face,

sometimes happy,

sometimes sad,

sometimes angry,

sometimes hopeless...

Apparently the spirit has completely broken down.


Jinbei's eye sockets became moist immediately,

With a face filled with shame and shame, he lowered his head,

He didn't dare to look at that figure again.

If he had been able to persuade Luffy,

Members of the Straw Hats,

Presumably it will not end up in such a miserable end.

"You said it was... Luffy?!"

Even if you are prepared,

But when Shanks actually saw Luffy's horror with his own eyes,

Still can't help but feel sad.

The scarlet eyes fixed on the familiar straw hat on the old Luffy's head,

In Shanks' mind,

As if reappearing Ruo Gan years ago,

That snotty, snotty brat.

and in front of his group,

that said,

Passionate rhetoric.

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy, the man who will become One Piece!!"

At this moment in Shanks' mind,

It hurts like being stabbed suddenly.

at the same time,

Endless anger surged in his heart.

Lin Xiao, 893

You bastard.

Luffy, he's just a kid.

You have used such vicious means against a child.

Laozi will make you pay with blood today!!

Shanks has never hated anyone so much.

The same goes for Rayleigh.

Although he blamed Luffy for not listening to persuasion,

Insist on going to De Reiss Rosa.

But that was his apprentice after all.

And Luffy is not even twenty years old this year,

But ended up looking older than him,

Rayleigh was on the verge of going berserk right now.

Only blood and carnage,

In order to release the rage in his heart.

Other members of the Red Hair Pirates,

They also turned their heads with red eyes,

Can not bear to look.

A sad atmosphere began to spread.

"Uncle Rayleigh, Shanks?!"

The elderly Luffy turned his head slowly,

After seeing the people on the opposite side clearly,

in a trance,

A sliver of clarity returned to the cloudy pupils,

With a look of joy on his face,

Cut asked: "Have you seen my crew?"


He began to recite the names of Jiazhen one by one.

“Nami, Usopp, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Chopper, Brook, Robin………….”

"Shanks, Uncle Rayleigh, did any of you see a few of them?"

"People here are bad guys. They lied to me that my crew is all dead..."

"How is this possible? I haven't become One Piece yet, how could they die!!".

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