I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 275: Red League Cadres Fall! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


Lagi Lu's furious voice came from the big pit in the distance.

As the core cadre of Red Hair Pirates,

Lagi Lu was not so easy to kill.


His state at the moment,

But it can only be described as embarrassing.

in the center of the pit,

Lagi Lu, covered in blood and scars,

Struggling to stand up.

The glasses on the bridge of the nose have long been shattered,

The peas eyes full of resentment and anger are exposed below.

Since joining Red Hair Pirates,

Lackey Road accompanied the red hair in the north and south,

from nameless,

Then to the summit of the Four Emperors group.

It can be said,

During these years,

He has been involved in countless battles.

Among them is the war with the other three Four Emperors regiments alone,

No less than a dozen games.

but today,

It was the first time he lost so tragically.


Still lost in the hands of a second-rate character like Shiryu of the Rain.

This makes Lackey Road's heart,

Immediately there was endless unwillingness.

"Shiryu of the Rain, Laozi will kill you today!!"

"Hmph, you fat bastard, you are already dead to 573, yet you still dare to yell in front of Laozi?!"

Shiryu carried the two knives on his shoulders, and walked forward with a proud face,

Looking at Lagi Lu, who was in an extremely miserable state in the pit, he snorted coldly:

"I advise you, if you have any tricks, use them as soon as possible."

"Otherwise......... Wait until Laozi makes another move, you will have no chance!!"


Laki Lu was almost pissed off by Shiryu's pretending to be B,

Regardless of the bleeding wounds on his body,

try my best,

Put the last bit of Armament Haki in your body,

All covered the body surface.

the whole person,

It was as if it had transformed into a pitch-black iron ball in an instant.

"I admit that I did underestimate your strength before."

"I didn't expect that after two years of absence, you would grow to the point where you could break through my armed forces.

"As the tail of the crane in the Lin Xiao Group, it's not easy for you to be able to do this..."

"But then, you can go to hell."

"Laozi will show you the strength of the real Four Emperors regiment..."

"I will crush every bone and every inch of flesh and blood in your body!!"

Laki (bbdh) Lou gritted his teeth and said the last word.

The killing intent surged out of his body.

The majestic momentum is rising steadily.

Even if you are seriously injured,

Or you have to pay with your life for it,

He also wants to defend the reputation of the Red Hair Pirates.


Lackey Lou pressed his limbs tightly against his body,

The whole person instantly turns into a sphere,

It spun rapidly in place.

The ground shattered,

Countless rubble shot out in all directions.

"Steel Cannonball!!"

The sound of violent drinking fell.

Lagi Lu, who had already accelerated to Ultimate, swept across the ground like a cannonball, crushing towards Shiryu's direction.

"Is this your last killer move?!"

A look of anger flashed in Shiryu's eyes.

The figure does not dodge or evade,

The two knives in his hands are wrapped around the jet-black Armament Haki again.

the whole person's momentum,

It is as sharp as a sharp sword drawn from its sheath.

"Rain 2 Swordsmanship · Flash · Rashomon!!"


The violent collision that everyone imagined did not appear.

Shiryu's figure disappeared in a strange flash.

It disappeared directly in front of Lagi Lu.

when he appears again,

The figure is already behind the opponent.


[Second Generation Ghost Toru] and [Black Sword·Autumn Water] are back in their sheaths.

Shiryu continued walking forward without looking back.

He didn't care about the life and death of Lagi Lu behind him.

"Asshole you..."

Lagi Lu was instantly furious, feeling that he had been greatly insulted.


His words were not yet finished,

Before Yuexiong sprayed out a long and narrow blood arrow.


When Lackey Road bowed his head,

When looking at the position of the Yuexiong mouth.

It was discovered that,

I don't know when,

A deep visible bone,

And the huge wound across the left and right,

It has already torn his entire chest.

The blood flowed out unstoppably.

He can even directly see the inside of Yuexiong's cavity through the wound,

His own heart that gradually stopped beating.

"how come……………"

Lagi Lu's pupils suddenly shrank.

There was an expression of disbelief on his face.

He didn't even see how Shiryu made the knife.

But when he opened his mouth to say something,

but found out,

Even if he has the strength to speak out,

There is no way to mobilize.

The whole person seemed to be overwhelmed by Mount Tai,

Limbs and torso have become abnormally heavy.

Even breathing is too heavy.

"Boss Shanks.....help me.....I don't want to die..."

Laki Lu's fat body collapsed heavily to the ground,

He looked at the red hair in the distance in horror.

But until the moment he stops breathing,

There was not even the slightest sound in the scorpion.


The pirates around stared blankly at Lagi Lu's body.

Then the pupils rolled,

He looked at Shiryu of the Rain who was slowly walking towards them with horror on his face.

My heart was inexplicably terrified.

"Brother Lagi Lu was actually killed?!"

"It's a joke, that's the existence in the regiment second only to Captain Shanks and Vice-Captain Beckman, how could it be..."

"That big chin's knife is too fast, my eyes can't keep up with his speed at all, and I didn't even see Lagi Lu how he cut it!!"

"Hey, can someone explain, didn't you say that this big chin is the bottom of Lin Xiao's group? Why is it so powerful now..."

"Lin Xiao has not officially made a move, and we have already lost a core cadre. Can we really win this battle?!"

Before this sudden and tragic scene,

Greatly exceeded the expectations of the members of Red Hair Pirates.

no one can imagine,

Not long after the war started,

The first cadres to die,

It turned out to be their Red Hair Pirates side.

"Laki Road..."

Shanks' eyes became extremely red,

Grief, rage, hatred and other emotions kept pounding his nerves.

That's an old brother who followed him to the Northern War, a good partner.

Now with that tragic attitude,

Died in this foreign country.

How can red hair accept this.

"Asshole, Laozi must kill you today...

Shanks' roar instantly resounded throughout the battlefield.

He made a gesture and was ready to rush towards Shiryu.

However, Fujitora on the opposite side did not give him such a chance.

"Mr. Shanks, I will be angry if you always ignore my words like this...Gravity Knife Tiger!!".

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