I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 276 If You Do This, You Will Be Killed By The Captain! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

the slaughter at the port,

As a result of Lackey Lou's death,

In an instant, it was upgraded to another level.

Executives of Red Hair Pirates,

All of them are like wild beasts,

widening red eyes,

I wish I could swallow Shiryu of the Rain right away.

It's just that the other members of Lin Xiao's group,

Don't give them a chance to distract him at all.

Often these people only need a little distraction,

will face a very deadly attack.


They can only be very angry,

Watching Shiryu of the rain pretending to be B unscrupulously.

"Hey, you little bastards, get the hell out of Laozi."

"Trash like you.....doesn't deserve Laozi to draw his sword at all!!"

Shiryu shook his figure proudly,

Swaggering past members of the Red Hair Pirates.

Although the pirates around are full of anger,

But no one dared to step forward.

Even a powerful core cadre like Lagi Lu,

They all died tragically under the knife of this human slayer.

These peripheral members,

How could it be someone else's opponent.

Looking at the people who are cowering around,

Shiryu's heart was about to explode at this moment.


Bullet Did you see it, you bastard.

Laozi is alone now,

It can scare a group of Four Emperors from making a move.


I have to do a pose for a while.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it,

I, Shiryu of the Rain, also had such a day.

Although the current situation,

According to Lin Xiao's famous scene of one person intimidating thousands of troops, it is much inferior.

But for Shiryu,

This battle was rewarding.


Just in the life-and-death battle with Lagi Lu.

He actually broke through the kendo bottleneck that he couldn't cross for a long time before.

honed out,

Belonging to his own exclusive [Sword Intent].

And this is why he can take such a relaxed posture,

The main reason for defeating Lagi Lu.

It can be said,

With the blessing of 【Sword Intent】,

Shiryu's strength,

There will be a qualitative leap in the future.

before that,

Although he has already crossed the threshold of [Great Swordsman].

But compared to the top level like Laidfield and Hawkeye,

But always far apart.

It can even be said to be beyond reach.

At its heart the question,

It is because he has never been able to comprehend his own [Sword Intent].

Just look at this,

Shiryu is even "gifted",

Zoro, who understood "Iron Cutting" and "Ghost Qi" [Sword Intent] early on, is not as good as Zoro.

it's good now.

He Rain Shiryu finally stood up!!

But Shiryu also knew in his heart,

The reason why we were lucky enough to break through the bottleneck today,

Comprehend the exclusive [Sword Intent].

It's all because of [Second Generation Guiche] and [Black Sword·Autumn Water] that Lin Xiao rewarded him.

Without the blessing of these two [big fast knives],

Presumably a breakthrough is still far away.

Thinking of this,

Shiryu felt tears welling up in his eyes.

I wish I could give my heart to Lin Dao,

To express his loyalty and gratitude.

Join Lin Xiao's command,

It can be said that it was the most correct choice he made in his life.

Wa hahaha!

Laozi will take a look this time,

Bullet those bastards,

Do you still dare to say that I am weak and that I am at the end of the crane?

"Hey, Big Chin, it's just a fluke to kill a fat man, what the hell are you pulling around?!"

Bullet punched Beckman away, turned his head and scolded in displeasure, "Why don't you go to the back to help?"

"Fit bastard, are you as blind as Fujitora?!"

Shiryu retorted viciously: "That fat man is the core cadre of the Red Hair Pirates [he is obviously very strong, okay!"

Fujitora, who was fighting Shanks fiercely, suddenly had a black line on his forehead.


What's the matter with the old man if you two are fighting with each other?

I just got offended!!


Before Bullet could speak, Shiryu seemed to remember something,

Suddenly raised his head proudly,

B said angrily: "I, Shiryu of the Rain, have acted all my life, so why do I need to explain to you!"

After all,

He continued to swagger to the other side.


Shiryu has already chosen his next target.

In the Red Hair Pirates,

Another swordsman besides Shanks.

At the moment this man is wearing a Black jacket,

With a samurai head pierced on his head,

A man with a long and narrow scar on his left eyebrow,

Commanding a large number of pirates,

They kept attacking the solid defense line of the Royal Marine soldiers stationed with flesh and blood.

"Hey hey, just use your head as Laozi's filial piety gift to the captain!!"

Ask for flowers... 0

Shiryu had a wicked smile on his face.

next second,

The cold light suddenly appeared.

【Second Generation Ghost Toru】Suddenly got out of the sheath.

Shiryu's whole body suddenly turned into a blue lightning,

With that red regiment cadre,

They collided heavily.

"I can see that you hate that big chin..."

Beckman, who had just been blown away by a punch, slowly walked out of the ruins.

Raise your hand to pat the dust off your body,

Looking at Bullet with sly eyes, he said, "Why don't you let me go now, and come back to continue fighting with you after I kill him?!"

The reason why Beckman would say this,

It's because from the eyes of Bullet and Shiryu before,

They all saw the expressions of mutual dislike for each other.


He can tell,

This was definitely not something the two deliberately pretended to show him.

Presumably between these two guys,

There must be some irreconcilable contradiction.

With such thoughts,

Beckman decided to see the needle,

try it,

Can you convince Bullet to let him go and avenge Lackey Road first.


"Are you thinking of farting?!"

Bullet looked at Beckman with strange eyes, as if looking at a mentally handicapped person.


He really hates Shiryu.


It should be said so.

The entire Kingdom of Reiss Rosa,

Except for Lin Xiao who is the person he admires and "likes" the most,

other people,

One counts as one,

There's no one Bullet can look up to without him.


So what?

As long as Lin Xiao is in one day,

He Bullet will die loyal to this group and his country one day.

And the rules set by Lin Xiao,

For him, it is an iron law that can never be violated.

if not,

Like Shiryu, who "has no skills, but always likes to pretend to be B", the tail of the crane,

He was pinched to death a long time ago.

Is it still up to today?!

"Even if Laozi and that big-jaw fight no matter how hard they fight, it's still our internal matter. How can you allow these dogs to sow discord?!"

Bullet twisted his neck and made a "crack bla bla blah" sound,

He grinned ferociously and said: "Besides, if I really dare to do this, I'm afraid I will be killed by my captain directly! And!"

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