I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 277: The Talker Bullet! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

Benn Beckman stared at Bullet in disbelief, eyes wide.

From the pupils of the opponent's eyes, he

He clearly sensed a look of fear.

In Beckman's way,

It's easy to tell if it's real or fake.

And the result...

Naturally it is true.

Otherwise, he would definitely not be as shocked as he is now.

Beckman couldn't believe it,

The majestic [Devil's Descendant],

that is like a beast,

A rebellious man who made the whole world tremble.

How could he openly say such "demeaning" words like just now.

Admitting to being afraid of a young man in his twenties.

What the hell is going on with this motherfucker?!

Even when [One Piece] Roger was alive,

He, Bullet, doesn't seem to have given in, has he?!


After learning that Roger was suffering from an incurable disease,

Bullet "Six Five Three" resolutely left.

like him,

A guy who only pursues peak power,

To be so loyal to Lin Xiao?

This is really hell.

Beckman is deeply skeptical.

He even felt at one point,

This Bullet standing in front of him right now,

Possibly a counterfeit.


Even if Lin Xiao possesses various Devil Fruit abilities,

Nor can it be fully tamed,

This warlike and bloodthirsty monster.

"I can't imagine that I can hear such words from your mouth..."

"It's really incredible!!"

Beckman deserves to be the wise person in Red Hair Pirates,

Rolling his eyes, he immediately sneered,

The provocative words said: "It's just that the majestic [Devil Descendant], a peerless powerhouse comparable to [Four Emperors], would be afraid of a young man who is less than twenty years old..."

"Bullet, don't you think, this is embarrassing?!"

"Huh?! Shame??"

Bullet looks like a fool,

He glanced at Beckman with a strange expression,

He snorted coldly with disdain: "That's right, Laozi is afraid of my captain, what's wrong?!"


Beckman's expression froze suddenly,

I didn't expect the other party to admit it so frankly.

This guy doesn't even have the dignity of a strong man,

Absolutely B is a counterfeit.

Beckman became convinced of this.


Before he could speak,

Bullet on the opposite side continued to say: "My captain is a man who is destined to rule the whole world, so... there is no shame in being afraid of him!!"

"Besides, if you have actually fought against him in person, you will understand how terrifying he is..."

Speaking of which,

Bullet seems to have suddenly remembered something,

imitating the tone of Shiryu's usual fashion B,

Pretending to be suddenly enlightened, he said: "Oh, look, I almost forgot, with your three-legged cat ability, you are not worthy of fighting my captain at all!!"

It is not big in life, but it is extremely humiliating every time.

Beckman's face darkened instantly.

Isn't this grandson a battle madman?

When did you become a cannon master?

"Bastard, stop looking down on people there!"

Beckman yelled angrily,

While blatantly rushing towards Bullet,

Roaring: "The title of Laozi [New World's Strongest Vice-President] cannot be slandered by trash like you!!"

"Help the evildoers?"

Bullet grinned, and retorted mercilessly: "Speaking this word from the mouths of you pirates is even more ridiculous than Marine saying that they represent justice!"

"Hmph, don't forget, you're a pirate too!!"

Beckman snapped angrily.

However, Bullet's answer almost made him suffocate to death.

"Laozi has been a good man since he joined the captain!!"

Bullet growled proudly.

Since Lin Xiao became the great emperor of the Kingdom of Reissrosa,

Bullet et al.,

In terms of self-awareness,

Everything has changed dramatically.

all of them,

All of them agreed very tacitly that they no longer regarded themselves as pirates.

Just ask,

Who would let the founding of the country [God General] be inappropriate,

But clinging to the past as a pirate who was despised?


Bullet now mocks Beckman's pirate status,

Naturally, there is no pressure at all.

On the contrary, it was very comfortable.

It's cool to hate people for a while, and it's cool to hate people all the time!

Beckman: Bah, what a fucking shame!!


next second,

The figures of the two collided again and again.

the other side.

The battle between Hawkeye and Laidfield has also entered a heated stage.

the area where the two are located,

on a hard stone floor,

Already full of deep ravines.

These are all the traces left by the slashing blows made by the two with their swords.

Whether it's the pirates of the Red Hair Pirates,

Still a soldier of the Royal Marine,

all hid far away,

Don't dare to approach at all.

Because of the sword energy emitted by the two when they fought,

It's just too scary.

Before, there were several pirates who did not know whether to live or die,

Attempt to attack Redfield from behind.

As a result, I haven't waited to get close,

The body was chopped into pieces by the aftermath of the slashing attack.


The umbrella in Redfield's hand was like a sharp spear. While piercing the cyan sword energy released by Hawkeye, it pierced his mouth with lightning speed.


[Black Knife·Ye] The generous blade directly blocked the attack.

"Senior, don't underestimate me!"

Hawkeye said with burning eyes: "I will never fail twice in a row at the same place!!"

"Well, that's true."

Redfield made no secret of his admiration for Hawkeye, nodded and praised:

"It can be seen that your strength, especially [Sword Intent], has improved in the past two years, which is really rare!"


Although the scorpion is full of praise.

but the next second,

Redfield used an umbrella wrapped around Armament Haki,

Hawkeye was directly sent flying horizontally.

Although the two seem to be very similar in strength.

But after Redfield fully regained the strength of his youth,

Hawkeye was destined to be unable to defeat him.

For no matter from the time of immersion in silver kendo,

or in any other way,

The gap between the two 0.1 people is huge.

Even if Hawkeye already belongs to the existence of Tianjiao level in terms of kendo talent.

but in the old days,

In front of Ledfield, who can be equal to Roger and Whitebeard with only one person,

How much is still a little immature.

But Redfield apparently had no intention of killing Hawkeye.

on the contrary,

He admired this young man very much.


He seems to be still moving,

The idea of ​​recruiting another elite soldier for Lin Xiao.

Such talent,

It would be such a pity to kill him.

"Thank you for the compliment...... Come again!!"

Hawkeye said something neither humble nor overbearing.

While the sound fell,

His figure has already appeared in front of Redfield.

Swish Swish Swish ——!!!

[Black Knife·Ye] in his hand slashed down like a gust of wind and rain. .

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