I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 278 Katakuri: This Is My Home! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

at the same time.

Another corner of the pier.

In the figure of Shiryu of the Rain from Pirates of Red Hair Pirates,

After a gorgeous walk through.

The two red regiment cadres who were fighting with Katakuri immediately retreated,

Pulled a certain safe distance with it.

"Damn it, Lagi Lu was killed by that bastard Shiryu of the Rain?!"

"Pike, if Katakuri is here, leave it to me to deal with it alone... You hurry over there and help Bordeaux kill that bastard Shiryu of the Rain."

Holding two daggers in both hands and wearing sunglasses on his face,

A burly man with a very dazzling Red dragon tattoo printed on his right neck,

With a face full of grief and indignation, he shouted at his companions beside him: "We must not let Lagi Lu's blood be spilled here in vain!!"

"But, Reisman, that guy's Observation Haki has reached Ultimate..."

A man wearing a hat with the Red Hair Pirates logo on his head,

He responded with a worried face: "Can you really handle it alone?!"

To know,

Even if the two of them shot with all their strength just now,

But still failed to hurt Katakuri on the opposite side several times.

Opponent's Observation Haki,

He has cultivated to the [Awakening] state where he can predict the future for a short time.

Even if the attack of two 11 people is impenetrable,

but the vast majority,

But Katakuri dodged all of them calmly.

Instead, the two of them,

His body was already full of scars.

If it is not compatible with each other,

I am afraid that there have been casualties long ago.

so alone,

How could it be Katakuri's opponent.

Peak didn't want to see the scene where his companion was killed repeated.

"it does not matter."

Reisman's eyes were red, and he roared through gritted teeth:

"Although I can't beat him, it's definitely not that easy for him to kill me. Hurry up..."

"Hey, I said you two trash, what have you been agitating for since just now?!"

Katakuri hit the trident [Earth Dragon] heavily on the ground,

He snorted coldly with disdain on his face: "As long as I am here, you will never pass here alive."

What a joke.

Even that Shiryu guy has managed to kill a red regiment cadre.

If Laozi doesn't kill you two,

Not only will I have no face to see His Majesty in the future,

at the same time,

And maybe Shiryu, that shameless guy,

as an object of ridicule.

With Katakuri's proud temper,

How could it be easy to be ridiculed by the tail of the crane?


The two guys in front of him must die today!!

"Bastard, stop being so arrogant, Laozi is..."

Reisman, who was more irritable, suddenly flew into a rage,

The dagger in his hand is wrapped around the jet-black Armament Haki again,

He made a gesture and prepared to charge towards Katakuri.

But he didn't want to be stopped by Pique who was beside him.

"Don't be impulsive."

A cunning light flashed in Pique's eyes, and then he said with a half-smile:

"The enmity between Katakuri, BIG MOM and Lin Dao is known to everyone in the whole New World, and everyone knows it."

"Aren't you really stupid enough to think that a cunning guy like Lin Xiao will treat you, the son of the enemy, with sincerity?!"

"Hmph, don't you two talk a lot of nonsense?"

Katakuri was unmoved at all, looking at the two with a blank expression,

He said lightly: "I think the Red Hair Pirates might as well change their name to the Zapao Pirates in the future.


The smile on Pique's face froze suddenly, and a look of hostility flashed in his eyes,

Some shouted angrily: "Shameless, have you forgotten your identity so quickly?"

"Whether you admit it or not, you have the blood of BIG MOM flowing on your body. You betrayed your mother and brother for a stranger..."

"And you also put yourself under the enemy's command, Katakuri, I didn't expect you to be such an ungrateful guy!!"

"That's right."

Reisman also chimed in with disdain at this time: "I think back then you were the majestic [Emperor's Deputy] of the Four Emperors regiment, under one person, above ten thousand, and powerful in the New World."

"But now?"

"But reduced to the point where he can only serve as a second-rate thug under Lin Xiao!"

"Don't you think this is ridiculous?"

"You guys know shit!"

Katakuri's face suddenly became gloomy,

The voice was extremely cold and said: "Although we, the children of the Charlotte family, all have mother's blood flowing through them.

"But in her eyes, we are all tool people who can be abandoned or killed for profit at any time."

"It was only after joining His Majesty Lin Xiao's command that I truly realized what it means to be alive...to live for myself."

"So, here, the Kingdom of Reiss Rosa...is my real home!!"

During the past two years, the

Katakuri has already adapted to everything in the Kingdom of De Reissrosa.

As he said before,

it's here,

He really felt the joy of "living".

He can lay down his burden,

No need to grit your teeth and play that "perfect man who won't be underestimated" image anymore.

He can show off his somewhat "ugly" fangs and beaks to his heart's content.

And because of his extreme craving for sweets,

And the appearance of rude eating.

In this country full of freedom and joy,

He can finally live like a "human".

so he is satisfied,

at the same time,

My heart is also full of gratitude and respect for Lin Dao.

"Mobile glutinous rice balls!!"

Just as the voice fell,

Katakuri pressed his right hand heavily to the ground.


in the blink of an eye,

With Katakuri as the center point,

Within the range of 287 meters from Fang Yuan,

The original hard stone floor,

All the glutinous dough turned into a sea of ​​rice cakes as sticky as a swamp.

"Ah, what's going on, why did the ground suddenly turn into rice cakes?!"

"No, my foot is stuck in it, and I can't pull it out..."

"Help, my body is about to be pulled in, who will save me...

"I don't want to die, Captain Shanks come and save me..."

Surrounded by hundreds of Red Hair Pirates members caught off guard,

The body suddenly seemed to be plunged into a swamp.

It began to sink continuously.

no matter how they struggle,

But he couldn't resist it at all.

Only in despair and howling,

Seeing myself being pulled into the bottomless "rice cake ocean" little by little,

Eventually he died of suffocation.

Only a very small number of pirates,

Using【Moonwalk】or similar ability,

Fortunately, he escaped the fate of being "buried alive".


Then what awaits them,

It is the sharp blades and guns of the Royal Marine soldiers.

"Damn it, his Devil Fruit ability has [awakened]!!"

The expressions of Pique and Reisman instantly became extremely solemn.

Katakuri's power is far beyond their imagination,

The two glanced at each other quickly,

Immediately, the jet-black Armament Haki wrapped around his feet,

one left one right

Attacked Katakuri again. .

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