I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 279 Blackbeard Finally Makes A Move! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"You don't know what's good or bad, let Laozi die!!"

Although Raisman's stature is tall,

But the speed is extremely fast,

Like an Assassin,

in the blink of an eye,

It has already appeared behind Katakuri.

"Death Spike!!"

Armament Haki's daggers wrapped around his hands,

Pierce the opponent's back heart.

The whole action is done in one go,

There is no stagnation at all.

However, Katakuri seemed to have a premonition,

While he was shooting,

The figure jumped to the top of his head in an instant.


A mighty kick came crashing down,

In the middle of Reisman's cheek.

his whole being,

In an instant, it flew backwards like a cannonball,

It smashed heavily into the distant building.

Suddenly aroused the sky full of smoke and dust.


The pupils of Pique, who was slower, shrank suddenly, and his fists were immediately covered with a layer of Armament Haki that flowed like armor.

It hit Katakuri on the head.

His Armament Haki,

It has obviously reached the [Emission] level.

To deal with someone like Katakuri,

Has developed the Devil Fruit ability to Ultimate's formidable enemy,

If you do not use 【Emission】,

There is no possibility of victory at all.

"A high-level Armament Haki?"

Katakuri had a look of disdain on his face, and said with a sneer:

"It seems that you haven't really realized my ability yet."

"Although you Red Hair Pirates are praised by the world as the most balanced 【Four Emperors group】, except for these two people, Red Hair and Benn Beckman..."

"Others, as long as you can do it, I can do the same."

"And, regardless of speed or strength, I will be above you."

"Dare to come to De Reiss Rosa to make trouble, I hope you are ready to be killed... horned rice cakes!!"

While the voice fell,

Katakuri's right arm instantly turned into a bar-shaped rice cake,

High-strength Armament Haki is wound up.

It collided heavily with the oncoming fist.


The turbulent aftermath raged out.

But the stalemate lasted no more than a second,

Pique flew upside down holding his swollen fist.

"Ugh...my hand!"!"

"Hmph, self-righteous guy, didn't the redhead tell you that there are high and low arming colors?!"

Katakuri said with a rebellious face: "I seem to have said it many times before, just relying on your ability, you will definitely not be able to defeat me!!"

Although the cadres of the Red Hair Pirates,

The strength is between Vice Admiral and elite Vice Admiral.

But in front of Katakuri who has the ability to predict the future,

After all, it was still a little bit worse.

If it weren't for the fact that Lin Xiao had too many "monsters",

I am afraid that the person who is facing him now,

At least it should be [Emperor's Deputy] Beckman.

And the [Horned Rice Cake] he just used,

It is in the original work,

It is a powerful skill that can swell Luffy's [Fourth gear] fist in Orochi state with one punch.

"Bastard, although you are very strong, if you say that you are invincible, I am afraid that only my captain in this sea is worthy of such an honor."

Pique and Reisman struggled to stand up,

It is not difficult to see from the resolute look on the faces of the two of them,

They are ready to die at any time.

but even in death,

They are also going to pull Katakuri to back them up.

"Short-sighted, too lazy to tell you more..."

Katakuri turned his back with a look of disdain,

in his heart,

Except for Lin Xiao,

No one is worthy of the words "invincible".

Not redheads.

Neither can his mother BIG·MOM.

"Okay, it's time to end this farce between us, after all..."

Katakuri paused slightly, turned his gaze to Shiryu of the Rain who was fighting with another red swordsman not far away, and murmured:

"I can't let that guy steal all the limelight today."

Although he knew that he would face two Four Emperors regiments at the same time this time.

But for the likes of Katakuri and Shiryu,

For the cadres who can only be regarded as "second-tier" cadres in the Lin Xiao Group,

But it is a good opportunity to be promoted to "First Rank".

after all

The corporate culture within Lin Xiao Group,

It has always been "speaking with strength, and ranking with strength"


It's that simple and rude.

But it is also the method that can best stimulate the fighting spirit of this group of evil parties.

Almost at the same time as the voice fell,

In mid-air behind Katakuri,

Suddenly, nine donuts made of rice cakes appeared out of thin air.


Nine [horn rice cake] giant fists that have been strengthened by high-level armed colors,

Peek out from and out of the donut.


The shadows of fists all over the sky enveloped Pique and Reisman like a torrential rain.

at the same time.

In one of the great, dense clouds over de Reiss Rosa.

The Blackbeard Pirates are living here.

"Boss, those red-haired people are too useless, they were suppressed by Lin Dao's people so quickly!!"

Burgess held the binoculars and observed the battle below, while eagerly saying:

'..If we don't do it again, I'm afraid it won't take long before they will be defeated. "

"That's right, what kind of bullshit [Iron Wall Pirates], I think it's mostly just being touted, otherwise how could ten core cadres be killed by others at the first battle?!"

"That guy with the red hair was stopped by a blind man, it's really useless...... I said Captain Teach, let's do it!!"

"Yeah, the timing is so good now, maybe we can kill Lin Xiao and the red-haired two annoying guys..."

Several other captains also followed suit.

In their view,

Now below the kingdom of De Reiss Rosa,

It's like a lamb waiting for them to be slaughtered at any time.

Full of temptation or.

among the crowd,

Only the dragon's face was gloomy and he didn't say a word.

Although his heart was already full of anger,

but he knew,

With Blackbeard's cunning and suspicious character,

as long as he speaks,

Most of the other party will continue to wait.

(Good for Li) So,

He can only endure.

"Damn it, Lin Xiao hasn't shown up since he just disappeared..."

Blackbeard's cunning eyes rolled back and forth,

anyone can see,

He was very afraid of Lin Dao's existence.

It's just that the other party disappears,

It made him hesitate.


Just like what his team captains said.

The battlefield below is on fire,

The Red Hair Pirates are already on the mend.

If they don't hurry up,

I'm afraid that the "sneak attack" plan formulated before,

It's about to be completely ruined.

"Forget it, leave him alone, even if Lin Xiao's head is broken, he will never guess that we will come here for a sneak attack.

Blackbeard seemed to be cheering himself up, with a ferocious grin reappearing on his face, he waved his big hand and said: "Thief hahahaha, little ones, prepare Laozi for battle.

"Our moment has arrived!!!".

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