I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 281 Confrontation, Perona Appears Again! ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"If you want to kill all the people here, you have to have that ability!!"

A look of disdain appeared on Zephyr's face, and he nodded slightly to Si Ge beside him, "You can let them come out."


Shige raised his hand and tapped lightly on the mirror a few times.

next second.

Under the astonished eyes of Blackbeard and other pirates,

on the huge mirror,

There was a ripple like a wave.

Immediately afterwards,

Thighs stepped out from the mirror.

Tens of thousands of Warriors with different costumes,

Swarm out of mirrors.

Among them is the Amazon female Warrior from the Isle of Daughters.

Fur tribe from Zou.

A mixed army of angels from Sky Island.

An elf Warrior from the little people.

and the seabed behind the Blackbeard Pirates,

The Poseidon army from The fish men island suddenly appeared.

in the blink of an eye,

Behind Zephyr, a special combat army of nearly 20,000 people gathered.

It is not difficult to find out if you observe carefully.

In this army,

Although there is no Devil Fruit ability user.

However, whether it is an Amazon female Warrior who can wrap Armament Haki around her weapon to attack,

He is also a fur tribe born with the power of electric shock and beasts,

or small in stature,

But the little people who have far surpassed the speed and strength of ordinary people,

And a mixed army of angels equipped with a special [shellfish] that is extremely aggressive.

All of these people have extremely good combat power.

The key is,

These abilities in them,

It will not be restrained or affected by Blackbeard's Dark Fruit.

Under the careful arrangement of Zephyr,

It can also learn from each other,

Played far beyond the usual effect.

"Thief hahahaha, I thought that guy Lin Dao had some hole cards in his hand.

"It's been a long time... that's it?!"

Blackbeard first looked around with wary eyes,

Seeing that no other cadres appeared,

The rampant smile from before was immediately restored on his face,

Pointing at the opposite Zephyr, he taunted:

"Zephyr, don't you think you can stop Laozi's footsteps with this group of trash fish?!"

"Did you forget that besides [Dark Fruit], Laozi now has another ability that is not inferior to [Shock Fruit]!!"

While the voice fell,

Blackbeard's body suddenly burst into golden light.

Obviously it is the ability of [Great Buddha Fruit].

"Dog thing, using Sengoku's ability on you is simply wasteful!!"

A stern look flashed in Zephyr's eyes.

Even if he was hunted down and wanted by Sengoku.

But after all, the two are old comrades who have fought side by side for decades.

Seeing Blackbeard use the opponent's ability at this moment,

Bursts of anger suddenly surged in my heart.

"Weihahaha, boss, you don't need to take care of this group of miscellaneous fish yourself, you should leave it to us!!"

Burgess grinned, and then his whole body, except for the right half of his face, turned into a shining diamond in an instant.

Astonishingly, it was Blackbeard for him,

The [Shiny Fruit] ability looted from [Diamond] Joz.

"That's right, Captain Teach, leave this to us!!"

The members of the Blackbeard Pirates had ferocious smiles on their faces.

as if standing before them,

All are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Well, you're right, they really aren't worth letting Laozi do it himself.

Blackbeard enjoys being praised very much,

Immediately recover the ability,

Turning to look at the silent dragon standing behind him, he said:

"Let's catch Nico Robin first. After all, you are the only one who knows her the most... After we get it, I will join you in besieging that guy Lin Xiao."

Blackbeard's tone was very strong,

Obviously not asking for the opinion of the dragon.

Rather, it is giving orders.

The latter seems to have long been used to his despicable and shameless face,

So there was no surprise on his face.

but nodded slightly,

I agree.

In the eyes of the dragon,

As long as it can kill Lin Dao,

No matter how much he endured, it was worth it.

Even at the expense of Luffy's life,

For him now,

It's not something unacceptable anymore.

Rescue Luffy,

It's just that he fooled Blackbeard,

And let it put down its guard and rush to De Reiss Rosa to join the war.

After the commanding army was completely destroyed,

in his heart,

Only the rage of revenge remained.

Of course,

It would be great if I could save Luffy by the way.

"Little ones, treasures, women, prestige... as long as this country is destroyed, all these things will be yours!!"

Excitement and greed flickered in Blackbeard's eyes, he raised his hands high, and said unscrupulously:

"Now, let me go..."

"Let's kill to our heart's content here..."

...ask for flowers...

"Have fun here..."

"Let's loot to your heart's content here..."

"Give Laozi the opportunity to turn Lin Xiao's territory into an endless hell that will turn the world's eyes into astonishment!!"

Lin Xiao,

Those who were in 【Summit War】,

what was stolen from you,

Laozi will take it all back with his own hands today.

Of my Blackbeard's time,

It's finally here!!

Accompanied by the order issued.

The captains of the Blackbeard Pirates led by Burgess,

Scrambling to Zephyr and Death Song.

Apparently had put two heads,

It became a stepping stone for them to become famous in the sea.

After all, since Lin Xiao debuted,

The record is so dazzling that it makes people feel terrible.

And these men under him,

And none of them are famous in the sea.


Just kill one of them,

That's enough to double their existing reputation.

such a good thing,

How could they be left behind?

And Jinguduo, [Buffalo] Atmos, [Fire Sword] Fossa, the three former officials of the White Group,

What's more in his heart is to avenge Lin Xiao.

Whitebeard's feud.

And the hatred for the destruction of the Baituanzi Pirates.

"Come on, brothers, grab, burn, and kill..."

"Hehehe, let them know how powerful the Blackbeard Pirates are...  

"Taping the Kingdom of Reiss Rosa..."

"For the sake of father.....and those brothers who died, kill!!"

A peripheral member of the Blackbeard Pirates,

They also raised their weapons in anger,

Following behind a group of captains,

They rushed up together.

"Weihahaha, that dead ghost with a hole in front of the moon is Laozi's prey, I warn you all not to rob me..."

Burgess sprinted forward like a rampaging tank, roaring, "Otherwise, don't blame Laozi for attacking you!!"

His goal is obviously to inherit the death song of Garp's shadow.

who is his right arm,

In [Summit War], I was interrupted by that old guy.

Father's debt and grandson's repayment!

Laozi can't kill that old monster Garp,

Still can't kill you?!

However, just when Burgess and others were about to rush to Zephyr and Death Song,

A burst of silver bell-like laughter suddenly came from under the ground.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's so lively here, are you the intruders His Majesty mentioned?!"

"Rampage·Multiple Negative Ghosts!! Spoon!".

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