I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 282 Rolling, The Correct Way To Open Zephyr! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"I'm a humble bug..."

"I'm trash..."

"Who kind-hearted man please end my sinful life..."

"I'm worse than a wild dog, kill me..."

The captains including Burgess,

just a face to face,

They all knelt down in a row,

Feeling extremely depressed and fell into a state of extreme low self-esteem.

No one was spared.

"Hey, Brother Burgess, what's the matter with you, why are you kneeling towards the enemy?!"

"It seemed that something passed through the bodies of the captains just now..."

"That's right, I saw it too, it seems to be a puppet-shaped...ghost?!"

"Ghost? How could there be such a thing? But where did that creepy female voice just come from?!"

"It seems to come from the ground?!"

"Could it be a female ghost?"—Three "!"

The strange scene that suddenly appeared in front of me,

Everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates was stunned.

What the hell is going on?

Just now the captains were like a herd of howling animals,

how in the blink of an eye,

Became this bear?

In the end what happened?

The pace of the pirates' charge suddenly faltered.

They all stood there dumbfounded,

Be at a loss.

"Damn it, who is playing tricks?!"

Blackbeard was also dumbfounded at the moment, but he quickly realized,

My subordinates must have acquired some kind of Devil Fruit ability that can cause negative emotions,

If it continues,

I am afraid that it will be seized by Zephyr and others.

So he pointed at a few people with a very angry look on his face, and roared:

"Don't f*cking around there stupidly, hurry up and 'wake up' Burgess and the others, the enemy will attack soon."

as expected.

Almost as soon as Blackbeard spoke,

Opposite Zephyr,

Already seized the opportunity and gave the order to attack

"Do it!!"

Swish Swish Swish ——!!!

The female Amazon warriors in the last row,

They bowed their bows and took arrows.

Countless black arrows entwined with Armament Haki,

On top of the Blackbeard Pirates,

Gathered into a thick rain of arrows.

Then with a beautiful arc,

It poured down like a gust of rain.


In the camp of the Blackbeard Pirates, there was a sound of screams and wailing.

caught off guard,

A large number of pirates were seriously injured and fell to the ground in the arrow rain.

"Bastard, so despicable, brothers go!!"

The pirates who reacted suddenly became fierce, raised their weapons and launched a second attack on Shengfa and others on the opposite side.


What awaited them was a mixed army of angels from Sky Island.




When you can release a strong gust of wind [Spray Shell],

With the [Fire Shell] that can release flames,

And [Hot Shell], which can release super high heat, when the three are combined.

Immediately erupted,

Like members of the [Akatsuki] organization in Hokage Ninja,

Kakuzu's combined ninjutsu [Composite Ninjutsu · Yanfeng Ranbo] has the same effect.

in an instant,

A great sea of ​​fire,

Then he appeared in front of the Blackbeard pirates out of thin air.


"What the hell are these people using..."

There was another wailing and screaming sound from among the pirates.

Nearly a hundred people rushing to the front row,

Not even a chance to scream,

The whole person was directly reduced to ashes.

"Brothers, rush over from both sides and kill these despicable guys!!"

The red-eyed pirates at this moment,

Immediately avoid the sea of ​​fire,

Divide the troops into two groups and attack from both sides.

but what awaits them,

But it was another wave of attacks.

[Shock Shell], [Slash Shell], and [Shock Shell] that can burst out 10 times the power of [Shock Shell].

Solidly taught this group of pirates an ambush lesson.

And the little people and the fur tribe rely on their own quick and sensitive speed,

and unique abilities,

It directly disrupted the pirates' offensive.

at the same time.

On the sea outside the pier behind the Blackbeard Pirates.

Headed by [Great Knight of the Sea] Neptune,

The Poseidon army supplemented by Shirahoshi's three big brothers,

It was also at this time that the coordinated operation was officially launched.

"Mermaid Jiu-Jitsu Super Current!!"

"Murloc Karate·Shuixin·Sea Flow Over Shoulder Throw!!"

"Murloc Karate ‧ Yabuma!!"

Sea currents of different thicknesses soared into the sky,

Then exploded in mid-air into a downpour,

Instantly covering the entire battlefield.

"Ah, my body suddenly became weak."

In the Blackbeard Pirates,

Those Demon fruit powers that are slightly weaker.

In the moment of being bathed in sea water,

Immediately, it was like a paralyzed mud,

Falling helplessly to the ground..

Don't give them a chance to abuse and ask for help at all.

The Warriors of the Little People and the Fur Race,

They directly harvested their lives.

The reason why Zephyr arranged this way,

The purpose is to limit the strength of the Demon fruit powers in the black group to the greatest extent.

Thereby minimizing their threat.

Puff puff--

boom boom boom

Blood mixed with sea water, dripping down from the sky like a rain curtain.

And there was a pool of blood from the people on the ground.

Severed limbs can be seen everywhere.

The corpses of the pirates who died tragically fell to the ground in disorder.

Just a few minutes ago I was flaunting my strength,

Pirates who brazenly claim to destroy the Kingdom of De Reissrosa.

Has long been deployed by Zephyr with superb formations,

and an exquisite combination of abilities,

Hit directly to doubt life.

And at the moment when the two forces met at close quarters,

The battle has already directly entered the most intense and intense level.

Even compared to the other end,

In the case of fighting the Red Hair Pirates,

Not at all inferior.

"Long, you bastard, how long are you going to watch the show there?!"

Blackbeard's bloodshot eyes widened, and he roared viciously at the dragon: "You better not forget who our common enemy is right now..."

"If the situation continues, not only will we not be able to save your son, we will also be unable to avenge Lin Xiao!!"

Looking at the subordinates who fell in pieces,

Blackbeard felt so distressed that he shut himself up.

The fucking 5.8 is all the troops he gathered in the past two years.

If it is all folded here,

Then he would really lose a fortune.

And the person who can solve the predicament perfectly at this moment,

It was the dragon behind him.

The opponent's 【Hurricane Fruit】,

The effect of those sea water falling from the sky can be directly removed.


This 25-year-old boy has not done anything for a long time.

Obviously watching a play.

The angry Blackbeard almost killed him directly.

"All right."

Long said lightly.

Raise your hand and prepare to launch a hurricane to clear the sea,

But at this moment,

The silver bell-like laughter from before reappeared.

And still behind the two of them.

"Hey hey hey hey hey, don't make trouble..... My majesty has specially asked him to let you all be buried here!!!".

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