I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 286 Your Majesty, Have You Had Enough Fun? ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


Zephyr glanced at the sea water falling like raindrops in the sky,

His brows frowned slightly.

it seems that

This level of sea water,

After all, he couldn't restrain Blackbeard's transformation.

"Everyone be careful, Blackbeard is a user with double fruit ability"

Zephyr immediately shouted with a dignified expression:

"The [Big Buddha Fruit] he looted from Sengoku is not inferior to the existence of [Shock Fruit].

"Thief hahahaha, now I finally know-are you scared?!"

Blackbeard spread his hands violently,

A smug grin was on his face.


In his left hand surged endless dark power,

And the right hand is haunted by the impact power of White,

Scanning the Zephyr below with a ferocious gaze,

He bewitched maliciously: "How about it, Zephyr, have you changed your mind now?"

"I can give you one last chance, do you want to choose to join my camp?"

"Lin Xiao, that guy who likes to make enemies everywhere, is destined to be destroyed together with the Kingdom of De Reissrosa sooner or later.

"With your talent, there is no need to stay on this big ship that is about to be destroyed."

"Come on my ship, I can even ask Burgess to give you the captaincy of the First Division. …


Before Blackbeard finished speaking,

He was directly interrupted by Zephyr's sharp voice.

"Stop talking nonsense there, how can this old man get along with garbage like you?!"


In the huge [Smasher] on Zephyr's right arm,

Suddenly released a strong shelling.

On the opposite side, the captain of the 4th squad, Kingudo, who was caught off guard,

It was directly blasted out heavily.


Zephyr didn't care about Kingudo's life and death,

his real goal,

It's Blackbeard!

Instantly activate [Shave] in the six styles.

next second,

Zephyr's figure had already appeared in front of Blackbeard, and at the same time as the [Smasher] made by seastone slammed down, he roared angrily:

"Your Majesty is regarded by the old man as the last hope of 'justice'!"

"Even if it is death, it is absolutely impossible for this old man to betray him and this country!!"

"Besides, even though I have long since betrayed Marine, Sengoku is my old friend who fought side by side in the past.

"His revenge, let me avenge him on your behalf today... smash the tornado!!"

"You old fellows from the old days, all of you really don't know how to be flattered.

Blackbeard's face suddenly turned menacing.


huge palm front,

In an instant, a white and flawless halo like a jade plate appeared.

Blackbeard swung hard,

Facing the oncoming Zephyr, he pressed down heavily.


A terrifying shock wave raged.

The hard ground exploded inch by inch.

Hundreds of pirates who were too late to dodge,

They were all blown away by the aftermath.

Immediately there were countless casualties.

The entire ground of the pier was hit by the two men,

Then it trembled violently.

The terrifying and destructive power that [Big Buddha Fruit] can release,

It is not inferior to Whitebeard's 【Shock Fruit】.


The two just stalemate in mid-air for a few seconds,

Zephyr's figure flew upside down,

If Binz hadn't used [Villing Fruit] to create a large number of vines to catch him,

I'm afraid Zephyr has smashed into the distance.

But Rao is so,

The [Grinder] on his right arm was already in the fierce shock wave just now,

It was directly shocked and exploded.

"Teacher, are you okay?!"

Ain and Binz immediately surrounded him nervously and asked.

"Cough cough cough...... I'm fine, don't worry."

Zephyr shook his head, let out a helpless sigh, and joked to himself: "It seems that people are always dissatisfied, and it really doesn't work!"

"If the old man was young, like Blackbeard, the butcher would beat his shit out of him on the spot. …

"It's good now. Even if I want to avenge my old friend who died, I have more than enough energy."

"Old man, don't brag about yourself there."

The voice of Burgess suddenly came from a distance. Taking advantage of the gap between Bellamy and Death Song, he taunted triumphantly:

"It's your luck that you didn't die at the hands of Big Brother Teach just now."

"If you know the time, you should kneel down and kowtow to my captain right now to confess!"

Burgess' words immediately got echoes from the surrounding pirates.

‥...seeking flowers...0

One by one, they raised their necks and shouted loudly as if they had been injected with chicken blood:

"Brother Burgess is right!"

"Old man, quickly kneel down and kowtow to plead guilty!"

from the beginning of the battle,

These pirates have been in a passive situation.

So morale has already been low to a certain extent.

Now Blackbeard knocks Zephyr away with one blow,

The morale of these pirates suddenly skyrocketed.

Even the counterattack,

All followed with a bit of ferocity.

"Thieves hahahaha, this feeling is really great, the power can't stop gushing out from the body!"

"The gravitational force of darkness that can turn everything into nothing, plus the shock wave that can destroy everything that is comparable to [Shock Fruit]!!"

"Now I am already invincible...

Blackbeard spread his hands proudly, and laughed wantonly with a ferocious face: "Zephyr, I advise you guys to recognize the reality immediately."

"I, Blackbeard, am the strongest man in the sea today!!"

"The future of this world is a foregone conclusion... After I successfully kill that nasty guy Lin Xiao, my reputation will surely resound throughout the sea."

"At that time, the exclusive era that really belongs to me Blackbeard will officially start!!"

"And the first step I have to do today is to completely wipe this country from the sea..."


Zephyr immediately rolled his eyes when he heard the words, ignored Blackbeard who was "talking to himself", and said to the sky with a bitter face:

"Your Majesty, have you had enough fun?"

"If you don't come out again, the current situation will be a bit out of control if you hide.


Suddenly there was a deafening thunder in the sky.

next second,

Lin Xiao's sturdy figure stepped out from a huge lightning that fell from the sky.


now in his arms,

At the same time, an orange-haired girl with an extremely hot figure but a somewhat uneasy expression was also reported.

It is the female navigator of the original Straw Hat Pirates,

【Little Thief】Nami.

"Feel sorry."

Lin Xiao put Nami on the ground, turned his head to look at Zephyr and said in a gentle and gentle manner: "The king just went to deal with some trivial matters above, and there was a little delay.

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