I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 287 The Fifth Sky Island, Perona's Surprise! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


Zephyr was taken aback for a moment,

Then, as if thinking of something,

His face changed suddenly.

Could it be that except for the Blackbeard gang,

Over De Reiss Rosa,

Are there any other enemies hiding?

And Perona on the side,

It was all on Nami's body.

When she saw Lin Xiao reporting that Nami appeared,

The delicate little jaw suddenly deflated,

There was a look of longing and grievance on his face.


Your majesty.

Is it amazing to be handsome?

This princess is here to fight desperately for you,


He even "secretly" went to report another girl.

People have never enjoyed such treatment before!!

I quit,

Go on strike!

However, the fact is as Zephyr guessed before.

De Reiss Lo "May 10" over Sa,

While the people below are fighting fiercely,

Another force has come.

That's right,

In the two years since Nami [Summit War],

I have been concentrating on studying [Meteorology] where [Weather Island Visalia].

Old fellows who have already made Nami their disciple,

After seeing the news about the destruction of the Straw Hat Pirates,

Thought she died here too.

So a group of senior meteorological scientists headed by "Haradar",

driving this "little Sky Island",

He came all the way to De Reiss Rosa to seek revenge.


To their surprise.

Just as they unleashed a mass of thundercumulus clouds,

In an attempt to use severe thunderstorms,

When dealing a devastating blow to the Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa.

It was directly sensed by Lin Xiao below.

After obtaining the ability of 【Thunder Fruit】,

In addition to the [Heart Net] enough to cover an island,

For any form of lightning field, Lin Xiao

All have extremely keen perception fluctuations.


Just after the lightning field over De Reiss Rosa suddenly changed,

He was instantly aware of it.


Almost at the same time.

In addition to Lindau,

In this country,

There was another person,

He also noticed this subtle and imperceptible change in the sky.

That is to have a talent for [weather] far beyond ordinary people,

It can even be said to be "extraordinary talent",

[Navigator] Nami who can sense the weather with only his body.

After sensing a sudden change in the weather in the sky,

She subconsciously thought of the group of old men who had taught her.

In a state of desperation,

She grabbed the 【Weather Stick】, which she hadn't used for a long time,

Regardless of the [foot ban] issued before the war

Hastily ran out.

Attempts to change the climate in the same way,

And to the "masters" above a thousand meters above the sky,

Send the message that she's alive.

because she knows,

If for a second at night,

Those lovely old men,

And the entire [Visalia] island,

They will all be destroyed by that horrible man.

And precisely because of her unusual behavior,

Lin Dao's attention was unexpectedly caught.

Before destroying [Island of Weather] Visalia,

Recalling Nami's situation in the past two years,

thus carrying her,

They appeared together in front of Harida and other senior meteorological scientists.

Lin Xiao has only one purpose in doing this,


join in?

or die!

Nami was frightened when she heard this.

She is well aware of Lin Dao's cruel methods.

'Second Generation' with a deep background like Luffy

He was still merciless.

Not to mention the group of old men on [Visalia].

Immediately without Lin Xiao's order,

She volunteered,

and mediate from it,

In the end, it worked out that Hareda and other meteorological scientists surrendered to Lin Dao.

【Weather Island】Visalia has also become a place besides 【The fish men island】, 【Sky Island】, 【Daughter Island】, 【Punk Hazard No. 1 Research Institute】,

The fifth is the "Sky Island" that surrounds the sky above De Reiss Rosa.

And Nami's pretty face,

He also showed an expression of rejoicing for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

at the same time,

This is also the fundamental reason why Lin Xiao did not appear with Perona.



He is in the meantime.

And conveniently remember the great thunder,

Destroyed "Hercules" who came riding a big bug to avenge Usopp.

"It's okay, it's all done."

Lin Xiao comforted with a smile.

Immediately ignoring Blackbeard and the dragon with fire-breathing eyes,

Instead, he turned his eyes and looked at the puffed cheeks not far away,

pouting lovely red pure,

Angrily, he "drilled" his whole body under the ground,

Perona with only one head left outside..

"Thank you Perona, without your restraint, I'm afraid the situation would not be able to occupy such a big advantage like it is now!!"

A sunny and sincere smile appeared on Lin Xiao's face.

to be honest,

before that,

Even he didn't expect Perona's ability to be in this war,

Such a powerful effect erupted.

a shot,

They directly suppressed all the nine captains of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Although there is a suspicion of "sneak attack".

But war is only about winning or losing,

Don't talk about the process.

Just such a record,

It is enough to win such courtesy from Lin Dao.

"After this war is completely over, I will hold a grand banquet for you."

"Hmph, who cares about your praise...!!"

Although Perona said it was very cold,

But the unconcealable look of surprise on his face,

But she had already betrayed the true thoughts in her heart.

The women from the Appearance Association are really the best to coax.

In front of handsome B Lin Xiao,

Perona's aloofness is simply worthless.

It didn't last a second.

She is like a happy bird,

They circled around Lin Xiao.

At the same time, he said with a happy face: "I have clearly said before, let you call......... Call me Xiaopei, 5.0 please remember well!!"

"Okay, Pete!"

Lin Xiao grinned handsomely.

"Yeah... my cheeks suddenly became so hot, as if they were about to explode!!"

Perona suddenly cupped her cheeks with both hands, and muttered to herself with fascinated eyes: "It's so disgusting, you actually used that handsome face to seduce someone..."

"But people just can't help but want to see it, it's really tangled, hey!!"

After all,

Without Lin Xiao's order at all,

Perona seemed to run away,

Fly directly into the camp of the Blackbeard Pirates,

without complaint,

[Negative Specter] started to be cast automatically.


In the eyes of the Appearance Association,

Appearance is justice.

Looks mean everything.


Blackbeard's roar instantly resounded throughout the pier. .

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