I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 288 One Against Two, Open The Sky With One Punch! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Lin Dao, you've been hiding for so long, and now you're finally willing to show up to see Laozi?!"

Although Blackbeard tried his best to suppress the resentment and rage in his heart,

But the corner of the mouth trembled subconsciously,

facial expressions,

It is also hideous and terrifying like a ghost.

And standing not far from him,

No matter how bad the Blackbeard Pirates are,

The dragon who never made a move.

After seeing Lin Xiao appearing,

His eyes suddenly burst into a burst of monstrous anger.

This is the man in front of me,

It completely destroyed the career he had worked so hard for his whole life.

And now,

Even his son Luffy,

He also failed to escape his murderous hands.

And his father Garp, who has always been shrouded in the "hero halo",

Also two years ago,

Because of the trick set by Lin Xiao,

In front of the people of the world,

In an extremely dishonorable form, he fell from the altar of Marine.

And even his 11 shadow,

They were all taken away by that nasty guy.

It can be said,

The grievances between Long and Lin Dao are "inseparable"!!

"Hide your head and show your tail?!"

Lin Xiao didn't turn his gaze to Blackbeard and the dragon in the distance until then.

Zijiao immediately flashed a trademark smirk,

Said calmly:

"I said you two trash, are you really so impatient to rush over to die?!"

"Do you think that with the Red Hair Pirates on one side to hold you back, this king will be helpless against you guys who don't have it?"

Speaking of which,

The smile on Lin Xiao's face suddenly became more and more disdainful and contemptuous.

In the eyes of Blackbeard and Ryu who are uglier than Sho,

He continued to say word for word:

"I can tell you that you have calculated the wrong person."

"In the eyes of this king.... trash, no matter what time it is, it's just trash!!"

"Son of a bitch!!"


Blackbeard and the dragon cursed almost in unison.

In the eyes of two people,

It was already uncontrollable to spit out monstrous anger.

enemies meet,

Very jealous!

Whether Blackbeard,

or dragon,

There is absolutely irreconcilable hatred between Lin Xiao and Lin Xiao.

It is precisely because of this,

These two guys are completely different regardless of their identities, positions, ideas, and acting styles.

driven by hatred,

finally come together,

Form an alliance for revenge.

And precisely because of Lin Xiao, the insurmountable mountain,

Only Blackbeard can endure the spying on [Hurricane Fruit],

Honestly waiting for the time to avenge Lin Xiao.


The moment has finally arrived.

"Damn, sharp-tongued bastard."

Blackbeard let out a snarl of rage.


The front of the giant palm once again lingers with a white light like a jade plate,

leaping up high,

While pressing the giant palm towards Lin Xiao,

Blackbeard said with a sinister grin:

"Don't get complacent too early. After Laozi kills you, he will erase this huge country built by you from this world together."

"People in this country...don't even want to live!!"

at the same time.

Dragon also officially shot.

"Lin Xiao, let's end the old and new enmity between the two of us today!!"

"Sigh of the Wind God·Wind Piercing Arrow!!"

Suddenly, a huge arrow formed by the sharply rotating airflow suddenly formed in the midair.


The speed of the huge arrow cannot be grasped by the naked eye of ordinary people,

Facing Lin Xiao's position, it traverses out.

And there was a sharp and piercing sound in the air.

"You two really have no progress!"

Facing the attacks of the two, Lin Xiao just sneered with disdain in his eyes.

next second.

His right arm stretched back violently to accumulate power,

The knotted and bulging muscles instantly swelled,

A group of white halos containing shocking power immediately lingered on the center of his fist.

"Shock Wave Shattering Space!!!"

An incomparably violent punch punched down through the air.

The air in front of Lin Xiao suddenly had a series of cobweb-like cracks visible to the naked eye.

And it is still rapidly extending to further distances.

Immediately afterwards,

The majestic shock wave hit Blackbeard's giant palm and the dragon's giant wind arrow heavily.

Even the surrounding space distorted and vibrated accordingly.


A thunderous explosion rose into the sky.

Many pirates caught off guard,

He was directly shocked until his seven orifices bled and fell to the ground.


A terrifying air wave then swept out like a hurricane.

three forces,

Constantly stalemate and collide in mid-air.

However, even with one against two,

The huge energy released by the shock wave,

Not even the slightest bit of disadvantage.


After ten seconds.

The three forces exploded at the same time.


The entire port and outlying towns with an area the size of an ordinary island,

The ground trembled violently.

the sea outside the port,

It even stirred up bursts of shocking waves like a tsunami.

In an instant, several large warships moored the Blackbeard Pirates outside,

330 directly shot into countless powder.

Even the dense sea of ​​clouds gathered above a thousand meters above the sky,

All in this terrifying outburst of energy,

Swept away directly.

The [Weather Island Visalia] hidden above is exposed.

"Oh my God, that man just now was so strong..."

"Fortunately, little Nami just arrived in time, otherwise..."

Hareda and other old foreign meteorologists who are hiding in the main control room of [Weather Island] secretly watching the battle.

In an instant, he was stunned by the strength displayed by Lin Xiao and others.

Several old men were thankful that they "wisely" chose to join.

if not,

I'm afraid they are long gone by now!

"By the way...we have joined this country now, shouldn't we also contribute a lot to it?

An old man wearing a black robe suggested with lingering fear.

"That's right, in order to ease the previous conflict, we have to take action."

"Besides, little Nami is still down below. Thinking about seeing this funny little girl every day in the future, we should have a good relationship with this great emperor!!"



"Then let's use Raiden first?!"

"Let's cheer up, if we hurt our own soldiers, we will probably be executed by that majesty..."

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