I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 294 One Sentence Makes The Black Group Kill Each Other! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


Seeing the sudden scene in front of him, even Long, who has always been good at calculating, was stunned with a look of astonishment.

He really couldn't think of it,

Noda's battle situation,

Because of Lin Dao's appearance alone,

And such a dramatic turning point happened.

at the same time,

He didn't expect it at all,

The fighting spirit and pressure resistance of the Blackbeard Pirates,

It's so bad.

In the past, I am used to the smooth rolling game.

Suddenly a headwind came,

The mentality of these trash,

It collapsed in an instant.

How the fuck is that different from those trash sons of Whitebeard in [Summit War]?!


Blackbeard isn't the kind of "fixed sea god" type of overlord that Whitebeard is.

And this bunch of trash under him,

It is also more timid and useless than the captains of the Baituan.

Long suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

How could he "follow" a useless guy like Blackbeard in the first place?


And the cause of vengeance,

All pinned on him.

Now he really agrees with what Lin Xiao just said.


It's trash no matter what!


It's too late to say anything now.

To defeat Lin Xiao,

It is absolutely not enough to rely on his own strength.

At this moment, he, who is already at the bottom of his boat,

Can't just sit back and watch Blackbeard get killed like this.

"Wind Barrier!!"

The dragon's hands were lifted up violently, and a roaring hurricane rose out of thin air.

in the blink of an eye,

Then a barrier was formed at the outermost edge of the port that the pirates could not break through.

They abruptly stopped their running steps.

And those who were one step ahead,

escape the shield,

The guy who got away with jumping into the air.

The smile on the face has not yet officially bloomed,

The body is covered by countless wind blades,

Instantly shredded.

Leaving only a piece of blood falling with the wind,

into the blue sea.

"Phew! Finally...

Seeing this, Blackbeard let out a long sigh of relief. Immediately afterwards, before he had time to thank the dragon, he turned to Lin Dao furiously, and roared angrily:

"Lin Xiao, you despicable and shameless bastard, Laozi will definitely not let you get what you want..."

"Today, either you die or I die!!"


Lin Xiao didn't show the slightest anger on his face, but he seemed to have lost his fighting spirit, and sat on the [Throne of Sand] with extremely elegant movements.

The dark eyes glanced at the pirate in the distance who was still in shock, and then said with a half-smile:

"Blackbeard, see, this is the nature of you pirates."

"No matter you are [Four Emperors], or how famous a big pirate is, once they find out that you have failed, they will immediately want to escape!"

"Team, discipline, robes, and success or failure, these people don't think about it... This is you pirates!"

"And my Warrior..."

Lin Xiao pointed proudly at the battle not far away, and his fighting-minded subordinates praised:

"Even if they fight to the last, they will never bow to you villains."

"This... is the gap between us!!"

" Lin Xiao, don't put on a pose there!

Long Qian snorted coldly before Blackbeard, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said through gritted teeth:

"It's human nature to be afraid of death, you treacherous guy, you just took advantage of people's inferiority.


When Lin Xiao heard the words, the corners of the mouth immediately raised a curve, and he looked at Longyi with great interest, and continued after a while:

"I almost forgot, you used to be a master of manipulating people's hearts, but..."

"Now you have not only become a bare-bones commander, but also reduced to the point where you have to count on the help of trash like Blackbeard before you dare to come here to avenge me."

"Tsk tsk, Monkey·D·Dragon, you're in such a miserable situation!!"

When Lin Xiao's hurtful but extremely insulting words fell.

Long's face was almost green from anger.

This Nima is Chi Guoguo's skin!

"Hmph, as long as I can kill you, so what if I team up with the most vicious thug in the world?"

Long said viciously.

"Hey, you're really good at defending yourself?!"

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows pretending to be surprised, and then teased with a half-smile: "It seems [Double Standard] is really hereditary!!"

"Needless to say, that's what that old double-standard dog Garp taught you."

"Damn it, shut up, you are not allowed to insult my father!"

The dragon was furious instantly, and his fists rattled.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, Dragon, let's go together!!"

Golden light reappeared behind Blackbeard.

Although an arm is broken,

But [Phantom Beast]'s super recovery ability has already made him adapt to it.

Even with only one hand left,

He would also make Lin Xiao pay the most painful price today.

".. Marshall · D · Teach, the 'mission' given to you by the King in 【Summit War】, you have accomplished very well........."

Lin Xiao seemed to be reading Blackbeard's "eulogy", speaking slowly and gracefully: "So, today you can die here in peace!!"

Immediately afterwards,

He never gave Blackbeard and the dragon a chance to speak again,

Slowly stood up and flew into the air.

He shouted loudly towards the panicked pirates below: "This king, in the name of Emperor De Reissrosa, hereby make a promise..."

"Anyone who can take down the head of any captain or cadre of the Blackbeard Pirates before the official end of the war will be pardoned by the king!"

"Furthermore, there is no limit on the quota or number of people for this task, you can form teams freely, what this king wants is the final result!!"


As soon as Lin Dao said this (by Li Nuo).

Whether it's Blackbeard, or dragons, or Zephyr et al.

Everyone took a deep breath.


This trick is really too vicious.

After just a few seconds,

The situation on the battlefield actually took another major turning point.

Under the persecution of life and death,

The terrified pirates,

As if finding an "exit" to vent the fear in my heart,

One by one with bloodshot eyes,

They stared at Burgess and other captains like wild beasts.

After seeing Lin Xiao's terrifying rear bumper,

These peripheral members of the Blackbeard Pirates,

Already determined in my heart,

Their Teach captain is sure to lose.


Before the choice between life and death.

Loyalty is a thing for them,

It is worth nothing more than dignity.


Naturally, there is no pressure. .

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