I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 295 How Could They Let Them Go! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Damn it, you idiots, don't be fooled by that fellow Lin Dao!!"

Burgess lowered his face, watching the pirates approaching all around,

Roaring viciously: "He just wants us to kill each other."

"That's right."

Jin Gudo seemed to recall something, and he said with a sad and indignant expression:

"Lin Xiao is the best at using intrigue to divide others. If you rebel now, we will eventually... all die here!!"

[Buffalo] Atmos and [Sword of Fire] Fossa also shouted with reddish eyes with the same expression:

"Everyone, don't be stupid, that guy will definitely not abide by the agreement, that's how he cheated the old man back then..."

"That's right, I remember my father said back then that Lin Xiao is undoubtedly the most sinister and cunning villain in the sea, and those who believe in him will not end well!!"

the three of them,

As a former member of the Whitebeard Pirates,

For Lindau means,

It can be said that I am deeply touched.

First in front of the passage below the Red Line,

He was robbed abruptly by Lin Xiao.

Then in 【Summit War】,

Namuel, Marco, Papa Whitebeard,

He was murdered one after another.

It can be said,

957 Members of the Whitebeard Pirates for Lindau,

that is to hate to the bone,

At the same time, there is an almost instinctive fear.

"Bastards, you idiots, quickly back off for Laozi..."

"Believe Lin Dao's nonsense, there is only one dead end..."

The other mid-level cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates also followed suit.


Even if what they say is extravagant and full of hype.

The footsteps of pirates all around,

But he didn't have the slightest intention to stop.

the space around them,

It began to be compressed inward a little bit.

Until a certain knife-wielding pirate rushed to Burgess and the others first,

Immediately it caused a chain reaction.

others with red eyes,

He rushed forward without hesitation.

If you fight alone,

None of them will be the opponent of this group of captains and cadres.

But when 30,000 people surrounded and killed more than a dozen people,

The ending is not certain.

Because even if it is a master who has reached the [General level],

There will also be moments of exhaustion.

not to mention,

Even Burgess, the strongest among them,

(bbba) With the addition of [Shiny Fruit],

It's just reaching the [Elite Vice Admiral] level.

"This this……………"

Ai En and the others were stunned.

What's the situation??

The majestic Four Emperors regiment,

Even with just one word from His Majesty,

Just talk about infighting?!

This betrayal comes,

It's too fast, isn't it?

In front of this sudden change,

All happen in just a few seconds,


Ain and the others had no time to react.

so many of them,

Watching the Blackbeard pirates start to kill each other,

I was stunned for a long time,

Couldn't figure out what happened.


I don't know if it's the cause of my eyesight,

Ain et al feel that,

These pirates attacked their captains,

than when we fought them just now,

Work harder?!

That's outrageous, isn't it?

Could it be our illusion?

Ai En and the others were almost suspicious of life.

"Teacher, if these despicable pirates really succeeded in killing those captains and cadres, wouldn't His Majesty really let them go?!"

In Ain's memory, His Majesty the Great Emperor has always had zero tolerance for villains like pirates.

The most wicked man who died at his hand,

It can be said that there are countless.

but today,

But openly made a promise of "release life" to the guys of the Blackbeard Pirates.

This immediately confused Ain.

"Leave them alone?"

Zephyr's eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous light flickered in the aged pupils,

He asked meaningfully, "Do you think His Majesty might do that?"

"But...Your Majesty, he just made a promise, and he will never go against what he said!"

Ai En replied with a very determined expression.

Lin Xiao's character of promise,

It is well-known throughout De Reiss Rosa.

Precisely because of this,

Ain would be worried.

She doesn't want the "god" in her heart to

Because of these despicable pirates,

And broke his promise.

They don't deserve it!!


A scheming smirk suddenly appeared on Zephyr's face, and he looked at the bewildered Ain and said:

"Did you forget that among the [God Generals] under His Majesty, there is a girl named Granose!"


Suddenly, Ain's pretty face revealed a look of enlightenment,

eyes wide open,

It took a long time to hold back a sentence: "Your Majesty's methods are really clever!!"

"It's not just Gao Ming..."

Zephyr murmured with emotion: "From the timing of the shot, to breaking Blackbeard's arm, and creating a strong sense of oppression, the pirates fought back."

"Regardless of which step, His Majesty has mastered it with perfect proficiency."

"With just a few gestures, a group of Four Emperors can kill each other. This kind of superb method [I am afraid that only a master who can manipulate people's hearts like His Majesty dare to try it."

"And His Majesty's grasp of the timing is so precise that it cannot be improved. This old man has long admired this!"

"Sure enough, His Majesty is the originator of dirty tricks!"

"Teacher, what did you just say?"

Ai En didn't hear the last sentence clearly, so he leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"Ah, nothing.

Zephyr's old face blushed suddenly, and he prevaricated it with a laugh.

"So strong!!"

Nami bit Zi Chun with a complicated expression, and stared blankly at Lin Xiao with her beautiful eyes.

If this man chooses to shoot on the day they land,

What will be the result?

What makes her feel a little ridiculous is that,

That idiot Luffy is still delusional about defeating this man.

Come to the first stop of New World,

He couldn't wait to kill De Reiss Rosa.

The results of it………

both of them,

Strength is not at the same level at all.

Nami is now suddenly a little grateful for his choice at the time.

If you continue to follow that daredevil Luffy,

Even without Lin Xiao,

The group of them,

Sooner or later, they will be killed by Luffy in the dangerous New World.

like now,

Stay in the free and rich kingdom of Reiss Rosa,

Not a bad thing.

it seems that

It's time to find a chance and take Nuo Qigao over. .

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