I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 301 Give Zephyr A New Arm! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Lin Dao, don't get complacent too early!"

At this moment, the expression on the dragon's face can be described as extremely ugly,

Anger, unwillingness, fear, resentment...

Mingming wished that Lin Xiao could be crushed~,

But strength does not allow it.

Even if he joins forces with Blackbeard,

But he still has nothing to do with the man in front of him.


Why is it so hard to kill him?

The dragon kept roaring in his heart,

But it was of no use at all.

Instead, he himself,

If you don't get out of here right now,

Likely to be like Blackbeard,

Ended here by Lin Xiao.

Originally, he was not Lin Xiao's opponent,

Now the opponent has the ability to restrain any Devil Fruit's 【Dark Fruit】,

It's not easy to kill him.


"Lin Dao, your crimes will one day get what you deserve..."

"Save your dog's life today, and I will come back to fetch it sooner or later!!"

Gritting his teeth, Long said a few harsh words,


His figure flew into the sky without hesitation.


To save my life,

In the end, Long temporarily let go of his hatred and dignity,

chose to escape.

at the same time.


[Hurricane Fruit] ability is activated instantly,

Under the control of the dragon,

A huge tornado filled with wind blades appeared on the port out of thin air.


Hundreds of pirates caught off guard,

was sucked in directly.

Blood, minced meat, bones...

The original colorless giant tornado,

in the blink of an eye,

It was dyed a strange fishy red.


Just like the passage connecting the world and hell,



The big tornado directly blocked Lin Xiao and the dragon.


This is the method Long came up with to block Lin Xiao's pursuit.

The reason why I didn't take the opportunity to attack Lin Dao just now,

Maybe he was looking for a way out for himself.

"Are you afraid that I will use [Dark Fruit]'s ability to deal with you?"

Lin Xiao sneered with a sneer of disdain,

dark and deep eyes,

As if it could directly penetrate the fishy red tornado blocking in front of it,

Seeing the sky behind,

Like a dragon fleeing in a hurry, he said lightly:

"Dragon, whether you are running or fighting, you are still so decisive... But, this method is far more dirty than Marine and Pirates...!!

"Your Majesty, are you just letting him escape?!"

Zephyr came to Lin Xiao's side, seeing that the other party didn't intend to stop him at all, he couldn't help showing a little doubt on his face.

He couldn't figure it out,

The most threatening Blackbeard has already been punished,


It doesn't make sense to let the dragon go, does it?

What is His Majesty thinking?

Collecting 【Hurricane Fruit】isn't it delicious?!

"It's okay, he can't run away."

Lin Xiao's face still had that confident look on his face,

As if very sure that the dragon will never escape this time.


He seems to have thought of something suddenly,

He raised his eyebrows and looked at it. Zephyr is wearing the right hand of the 【seastone crusher】,

There was a gleam of light in the dark eyes,

Then he said meaningfully: "Before you go after him..."

"My lord is going to give you a present, Mr. Zephyr first!!"


Zephyr was stunned when he heard that.

I don't know what gift Lin Xiao is talking about.

"That's right, and it's a great gift that you will absolutely love!!"

Lin Xiao didn't say much, and directly pointed his right hand at Burgess who was charging left and right in the distance, and a black mist in the shape of a windmill suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, "Dark water!!"

"Uh... this... why is my body out of control?!"

Bassa's panicked exclamation suddenly came from afar.

His neck was already tightly strangled by a big hand.

"Don't...don't kill me..."

"I surrender, I am willing to saddle up for His Majesty..."


Before Burgess finished speaking,

His neck was directly broken by Lin Xiao.

In the pupils that are gradually losing their brilliance,

Full of doubts and unwillingness.

It seems to be asking: Why did you kill me, I am obviously a very capable fighter...

"Under the king's command, there is no tea that can be added."

Lin Xiao said lightly.

While Burgess is in Taijutsu and Armament Haki,

They all have fairly good achievements,

...ask for flowers...

If you cooperate with the ability of [Shining Fruit],

It has almost reached the level of 【Elite Vice Admiral】.

But the identity of the other party's Blackbeard loyalist,

His fate has already been decided.

not to mention,

Lin Xiao is now going to give the [shiny fruit] on him to the broken-armed Zephyr.


This was the "gift" he had just called Zephyr.


Black Uzumaki reappeared in the shape of a windmill in his palm.

Only this time,

Lin Xiao aimed at the position of Burgess' heart.

"Your Majesty...you

Zephyr also reacted at this time,

Crystal tears flickered in the old pupils,

even the sound,

They all trembled and choked up.


He stretched out his hand and squeezed his crippled right arm,

Zephyr can't think of,

His Majesty the young emperor,

To prepare such a generous "gift" for him.

This is what he dedicated decades of youth in Marine,

The "care" that has never been received!

"It turned out to be [Dark Fruit]'s ability...Your Majesty, could he be thinking..."

Seeing the movements of Lin Xiao's hands, the ice-snow-smart Ai En also reacted, and a look of surprise and surprise appeared on his pretty face.

on the faces of other people around,

They also showed similar expressions one after another.

Although none of them are capable of Devil Fruit,

but know,

Once the original owner of Devil Fruit dies,

In the next period of time, they will

"Rebirth" is somewhere on the ocean.

And attached to a fruit.

But [Dark Fruit] can block this from happening.

"Mr. Zephyr, good!!"

Lin Dao said suddenly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!!"

Zephyr stood up straight with excitement on his face, not daring to shake at all.

Lin Xiao didn't say much,

Directly activate the ability of 【Dark Fruit】,

Pull out a ball of light filled with White in the body of Burgess,

Then he waved his hand to "plug" and entered Zephyr's stretched body.

"Ah, this... this feeling is..."

Sensing the changes in his body, Zephyr hastily removed the bulky [seastone pulverizer] from his right arm.

mind turning,

A sparkling diamond right arm appeared in front of Zephyr. .

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