I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 302 The First Four Emperors Regiment Who Was Destroyed! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"His Majesty.....…"

Zephyr's eyes turned red, and a few tears rolled down his cheeks.

He really didn't expect,

The first thing Lin Xiao did after getting 【Dark Fruit】,

It is to help him "restore" his broken arm.

Zephyr even has some wishful thinking,

The reason why Lin Xiao wants to get 【Dark Fruit】 so much,

Mostly to help him open up his heart knot,

Return to the right arm.

But no matter what the truth is,

From this moment on,

Lin Xiao has become the existence that can never be surpassed in Zephyr's heart.

Even if this man orders him to die now,

Zephyr would also accept with a smile.

"Wow, sir, your arm...that's really nice!!"

Ain cheered in surprise.

"It's all thanks to His Majesty that this old man can regain his right arm!!" "Four Nine Three"

Zephyr gently wiped away the tears,

Right fist clenched,

The jet-black Armament Haki was already covering the crystal right arm.

have to say,

[Shiny Fruit] known as the "Shield of King Kong",

It's almost like it was tailor-made for Zephyr.

Can turn any part of the body into a transparent and pure diamond,


The part that becomes a diamond has the hardest state in the world,

Has extremely high defense and attack power,

Common physical attacks are almost ineffective on it.

If used together with Zephyr's top Armament Haki,

Simply "Unbreakable"!!

It is different from the two previous users, Joz and Burgess.

Zephyr's physical skills are obviously more powerful.

If it is used together with the highly mobile [Moonwalk] and [Shaved],

It can be said to be both offensive and defensive.

It directly returned Zephyr to the peak state of his youth.

Even worse than that.


Lin Xiao's subordinates have added another [general emperor level] strong man.

And he is a "veteran" with rich combat experience.

"Zephyr, it's time for [Black Arm] to resound across the sea again..."

Lin Xiaoqi smiled slightly, and said with deep meaning: "Don't let me live up to my king's expectations of you!!"


Zephyr knelt down without thinking, his old face was full of resoluteness and determination, and he said in a sonorous voice:

"This old man will definitely live up to His Majesty's expectations. He will lead the Royal Marine and spread the reputation of His Majesty and the Kingdom of De Reissrosa across the sea!!"

"Spread the reputation of His Majesty... across the sea!!"

"Spread His Majesty's reputation... across the sea!!"

Ai En and others also spontaneously fell to their knees, roaring over and over again like a wave.


They always believed in their hearts,

this man,

Will eventually climb to the top of the world!


Nearly 10,000 pirates who survived by chance,

Immediately, he was frightened by such a majestic momentum,

One by one tremblingly huddled around the periphery,

I am afraid that I will be killed directly on the spot.

"I'll leave it to you first, I'm going to the other side...to end this war completely!!"

Lin Xiao's eyes once again ignited traces of fighting spirit.

While the sound fell,

The figure has disappeared out of thin air from the original place.

"Ah, hey...the damn guy, he didn't even wait for someone to come down

In mid-air, Perona muttered angrily: "It's in vain that I have been fighting so hard for him..."

"Hmph, all the handsome men are really big pigs!!"


However, within a few seconds, Perona couldn't help stretching out her hand and making a gesture of looking into the distance, as if she had changed her mind a bit.

"I really want to go over and see how he fights..."

"Or... just give him another chance."

"Well, that's right, that's it..."

"Hey hey hey hey...His Majesty Lin Xiao, wait for me!!"

Finally found Perona under the steps for myself,

Holding up a cute little umbrella,

He flew towards the other side of the battlefield.

"Teacher, what should we do with these pirates?!"

It wasn't until Perona's figure completely disappeared into the sky that Ain withdrew his eyes enviously, and asked the pirates gathered not far away.

But in her heart,

In fact, I am very eager to see the grace of Lindao in the past.

But the battle here is not over yet,


She can't leave yet.

"Except for San Juan Wolf who is fighting Death Song, the other peripheral members of the Blackbeard Pirates are escorted to Sugar in batches..."

A look of hostility flashed in Zephyr's eyes, and he ordered in a deep voice: "If anyone dares to resist or disobey the order...kill them on the spot!!"


Ain then conveyed the order.


Those pirates who are huddled in the outermost periphery, with more than 10,000 people,

Then under the command of the soldiers of De Reiss Rosa,

Slowly evacuate in the other direction of the port.

After seeing Lin Xiao's strength,

And after the military discipline of the soldiers of the Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa,

These usually arrogant and domineering pirates,

Already lost the will to fight.

They just want to survive now.

Naturally, no one dared to resist.

And above the great port of promise,

Soon there will be only a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood left,

And Death Song and Dire Wolf who are fighting.

Other captains and executives of the Blackbeard Pirates,

Already in the previous slaughter,

He was dismembered and killed by his former subordinates.

only wolves,

Because of his enormous size,

It is not something the pirates of Common can deal with at all,

So Death Song fought with it.

"Ah, it hurts... Please, don't fight, can I surrender?!"

Although the wolf put on an innocent expression on his face, the attack in his hands did not relax at all.


Means like the evil wolf are futile for Death Song.

Inherited from Garp's mighty Armament Haki,

1.6 hits per punch,

Will leave an indelible scar on the wolf.

"Huh, 蕯?!"

Zephyr, who was watching the battle in the distance, snorted coldly with disdain: "Didn't you hear what my Majesty said before?!"

"The captain and executives of the Blackbeard Pirates...not one left!!"

The guy who can be imprisoned on the 6th floor of Impel down,

Which one is not too cruel for the crime,

And a villainous party that must be erased from history.

How could Zephyr believe such people's nonsense.


a moment later,

With a horrific scream,

The huge figure of the evil wolf hit the ground heavily.

Then he was kicked into the sea by Death Song.

so far.

The notorious Four Emperors group, the Blackbeard pirate group... all wiped out!!!.

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