I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 303 Don't Be Stupid, You Can't Become The One Piece King! [Kneeling To Subscribe!

Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa.

Southern port.

The battle between the Royal Marines and the Red Hair Pirates continues.

The fight between the two sides was extremely brutal.

above the ground,

It has long been covered with corpses and blood.

Severed limbs and broken arms can be seen everywhere.

But whether it is a soldier of the Royal Marine,

Or the pirates of the Red Hair Pirates,

In both camps,

No one chose to back down.

This alone,

The Red Hair Pirates just blow up the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Damn blind man, if you don't want to die, get the hell out of here..."

"God avoids!!"

The long knife in Shanks' hand suddenly slashed down, and a dark Red slash entwined with Conqueror's Haki came out across.

"Sorry, this is the duty of the old man."

Although Fujitora looks a bit embarrassed now, but there is still a determined and persistent look on his face,

Shaking his head slightly, he said: "Even if you have to sacrifice your life for this, I will be obliged..."

"Old man... will never back down half a step!!"

Fujitora has learned from the experience of being beaten up before.

Knowing that [Divine Avoidance] can automatically dodge the 11 stick knife he swung down,

hit yourself unexpectedly,


This time he decided to take it easy,

He directly placed the stick knife in front of his body,

And covered with Armament Haki.

He wanted to fight the red hair head-on.


The powerful slash directly hit the staff knife in Fujitora's hand,

Even if he is well prepared,

But the body was still inevitably pushed back.

After ten seconds of stalemate with [Divine Avoidance],

Fujitora could barely stop his body.

"What a strong Conqueror's.... what a powerful slash!!"

Fujitora shook his slightly numb right hand, and sighed pastorally:

"Among the younger generation, I am afraid that apart from my Majesty, there is no one who can be smarter than you.

"Shanks, your [Four Emperors] name.....is really well deserved!!"

Fujitora is 54 years old this year,

It is the peak period of all aspects of body and spirit.

But Rao is so,

He still can't beat the 39-year-old redhead.

Especially the red-haired Conqueror's Haki,

Quan Ran has cultivated to an extremely astonishing height.

Even though he and Fujitora are on the same level in kendo,

But under the blessing of Conqueror's,

Even with a casual blow,

will become overwhelming.

Let Fujitora, who is fighting against him,

There is an unspeakable feeling.

"Stop talking nonsense there, you are not my opponent at all..."

The red-haired roared furiously: "Hurry up and let that bastard Lin Xiao get out and fight with me!!"

Lin Xiao's sudden disappearance,

It already made him aware of a hint of danger.

Although he didn't believe it,

Lin Xiao and De Reiss Rosa have the strength to stand alone against the two Four Emperors regiments and four [general emperor level] powerhouses,

But the current situation,

To them,

It has become more and more unfavorable.

If Fujitora hadn't desperately held him back,

Shanks is definitely not going to stay here and wait to die.


However, just when the two were about to collide again,

Suddenly there was a strong wind in the sky.

Immediately afterwards,

A slightly panicked figure descended from the sky,

It landed directly in front of Straw Hat Luffy.

Puff puff......!!

Several wind blades appeared out of thin air, directly cutting several soldiers guarding Luffy in two.

"Luffy...I killed you..."

When Long saw Luffy's tragic situation with his own eyes, two lines of hot tears flowed out of his eyes.

Lin Dao, you bastard.

Luffy is only 19 years old this year.

Still a child...

You turned into this seventy-year-old and eighty-year-old ghost.

"Go, Guan Guan will take you out of here..."

"Papa will repay you tenfold for the suffering you have suffered in the future!!"

Although the dragon's revenge plan failed.

But if Luffy can be rescued successfully,

in his heart,

At least it will feel better.


After two years of painstakingly planning a war of revenge,

To be taken lightly by Lin Xiao,

It was crushed directly.

No one can easily let go.


When the dragon is about to pull Luffy's arm,

But he was directly dodged by the other party.

"I'm not leaving...cough coughcough...I still have to wait here for my crew to come back.

"I'm going to wait for them to come back...and then set sail again."

On Luffy's old face, a look of longing and nostalgia suddenly appeared, and he muttered to himself: "I promised them..."

"I will definitely rush ahead of everyone and take them..... the first to arrive at [Island of the End] Raftel, and find [OnePiece]!"

"I.....I am the man who is going to be [One Piece]... Crack!!!"

Luffy's passionate and generous words have not yet finished,

It was directly interrupted by Long Ji's heavy slap in the face.

"Stop daydreaming there Luffy, your crew....is all dead!!"

Long didn't want to see his son continue to be trapped in endless waiting and despair, so he immediately pressed his big hand heavily on Luffy's shoulder, and said earnestly:

"Don't be a fool, you can't become [One Piece]... Besides, that should definitely not be your goal in life.

"Be obedient, let's go with Dad... No matter how late it is, it will be too late!!"

There was a bit of anxiety in Long's eyes.

He was really terrified by Lin Xiao.

If Luffy wasn't his real son, 600 I'm afraid he won't even turn his head now,

Then fly away from here.

"You are lying!!"

A brute force erupted from Luffy's old body, which abruptly shook the dragon's palm away, and roared angrily:

"It's impossible for my crew to die, they...they all have big dreams like me, they all want to achieve."

"Yes, they will never die..."

"Also, even if you are my father, I will never allow you to slander my dream."

"[One Piece] I'm going to be a rubber rubber...cough cough cough!!!"

Luffy immediately put on a posture to knock the dragon into the air, but was interrupted by a violent cough.

His present old body,

He is no longer allowed to use Devil Fruit's ability as wantonly as before.

Now just walk,

and balance,

It was almost exhausting all his physical strength.

"You stupid..."

Long was so angry that he almost burst out with foul language.

what time has it been,

My good-for-nothing son is still fantasizing about becoming a little game of [One Piece].


Just when the dragon is ready to use violence directly,

When taking Luffy away.

A cold voice that chilled his heart and gallbladder,

Suddenly a sound came from behind the two of them.

"I can't tell, the two of you really are fathers and sons!!".

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