I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 304: The Strongest Cheating King Luffy! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Damn... did you come after me so quickly?!"

The dragon's pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression changed instantly, "Luffy, I'm running out of time, hurry up and follow me!!"

Long couldn't help but grab Luffy's collar,

body flashing,

Already towards the other side of the harbor,

That is to say, the red hair and others are galloping away in the direction of the melee.

Now he is really scared of being beaten by Lin Xiao.

If you want to get out of here alive with Luffy right now,

only chance,

Only with the power of the Red Hair Pirates.


The life and death of Shanks et al.,

That's not something he can think about now.

In life and death,

Of course, saving your own life is the most important thing.


When Luffy saw Lin Dao's face, he seemed to wake up suddenly, and while violently trying to break free from the dragon's big hand, he wailed mournfully:

"You bastard, where did you hide my crew?!"

"Robin, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Usopp, Franky, Brook"

"Give them back to me quickly...or I'll punch you in the air!!"

Even if Luffy is panting for a while even if he walks in a hurry,

But still did not change the true nature of "arrogance".

"Luffy, stop being selfish!!"

Long roared angrily: "Now is not the time to care about these things with him. If you stay here, you will only have a dead end."

Seeing that Luffy is in such a critical moment of life and death,

also behaved so capriciously,

Long almost died of anger without coming up.

Laozi has been shrewd all his life,

How did such an incomprehensible thing come into being?

If it weren't for the dragon's right arm,

was beaten into a disability by Lin Xiao a few years ago,

I don't have time to smack him now,

Maybe Luffy has been hammered into a pig's head by now.

dragon heart,

There was even a faint feeling of regret.

If he hadn't chosen to save Luffy, a wayward "rebel" back then,

And participate in [Summit War],

The g-combatant army that he spent decades building with his own hands will not perish because of this.

His disciple……….

His men...

They will not die tragically in front of him.

and his right arm,

He would not have been beaten into a disability by Lin Xiao at that time.

All in all,

The reason is all because of my son who is extremely stubborn...

Thinking of these,

In the eyes of the dragon,

A somewhat ruthless expression appeared.

At the same time, the expression on his face gradually turned ferocious.

this moment,

Long actually faintly wanted to kill his son.

"Let me go, I won't leave, I still have to wait for my crew..."

However, with Luffy's character, even if the dragon is his own Laozi,

He will never change his decision because of this,

He continued to struggle desperately and said: "Put me down quickly, I will knock him away with one punch!!"

"Okay, okay...Nizi, I will try my best to save you..."

The dragon's face was instantly livid with anger, and he immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Since you want to stay here so much..."

"Then I'll do it for you, stay here with your crew of dead ghosts!!"

While the voice fell,

While maintaining the forward posture, the dragon

Actually waved Luffy heavily to the back,

Immediately afterwards, he took the wind and flew into the sky without looking back.

"The drama of father's kindness and son's filial piety is over?!"

Lin Xiao's corners curved slightly.

He wasn't ready to let Luffy die just yet.

Because keeping him is somewhat useful.

At least it can also be used to warn those who have bad intentions against the Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa,

And pin down Garp that got too old.



The sword of the right hand is pointed upwards.

next moment,

Luffy, who had slammed heavily to the ground, had already appeared where Lin Xiao had just stood.

And his figure,

Then it disappeared from the original place in an instant.

"Can you even ruthlessly give up on your own son?"

Lin Xiao's cold and playful voice suddenly came from above Long's head, "Long, are you really cold-blooded?!"

"However...this king really admires your determination."

"From [Summit War] when I gave up without hesitation the many subordinates who have followed me loyally for many years, to now I have given up my own son..."

"Long, you are ruthless, you really don't recognize your relatives!!"

"Oh, isn't this the "family tradition" passed on to you by that old fellow Garp?"


Lin Xiao paused for a while, the corners of the mouth slowly rose, and a cold smile appeared: "Do you think that if you give up the straw hat Luffy, I will let you leave here alive?"

"Lin Xiao, I admit that I did something wrong before..."

The expression on the dragon's face changed several times, but in the end he chose to forbear,

Forcibly suppressing the anger in my heart,

Long lowered his posture, and said slightly flatteringly:

"As long as you can let me go this time, I swear that in my lifetime, I will never step into De Reiss Rosa again.

"I will never take revenge on you again, and... If you need help in the future, I will do my best."

Speaking of which,

Long seemed to be afraid that Lin Xiao would not believe his nonsense,

Pointing at Luffy below, gritted his teeth and continued:

"Luffy took the initiative to provoke you before, it was his fault...I have handed him over to you now, no matter life or death!!"

"Lin Dao, I know that sooner or later you will fight the Marine and the World government head-on.

"At that time, with your current manpower and strength, you will definitely not be able to deal with it calmly..." (Li Qian's) In order to survive,

Long Jing worked hard to analyze the future situation for Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao just wanted to laugh when he saw it.

The mysterious and aloof leader of the g Ming army who is extolled by the outside world,

in the face of life and death,

It's as humble as a licking dog.


it is a pity,

No matter what the dragon says today,

Lin Xiao would not let him leave here alive.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you really deserve to be the leader of the Ming army!"

"In terms of strategic layout, I am afraid that only Zephyr can compare with you."

"It's just that you missed the best time to surrender. If it had been a few years earlier... Maybe I would have let you live."

"But now... what I want more is the [hurricane fruit] on your body!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

above the sky,

A thunderbolt tens of meters wide crashed down,

Directly submerge the figure of the dragon in it. .

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