I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 305: The Dragon Will Not Die With His Eyes Rest! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


Huge pillars of thunder traverse the sky and earth, as if God's punishment from the end of the world is generally terrifying.

in an instant,

The dazzling silver light covered everyone's sight,

Even red hair and others,

All had to cover their eyes with their hands, Eba.


After a few breaths, the light dissipated.

A scorched figure appeared from the sky,

It hit the ground heavily.


"Isn't that Luffy's father... the former leader of the g-Ministry Army, Monkey·D·Dragon?!"

"It turns out that he was the one who snatched Luffy just now, but...with his strength, how could he be defeated by Lin Xiao in such a short period of time?!"

"In the end what happened......"

"Didn't he join the Blackbeard Pirates and become the captain under Blackbeard? Why did he appear here alone?!"

"Could it be that... the Blackbeard Pirates have come here too?!"

Seeing the dragon falling suddenly, the members of Red Hair Pirates immediately talked about it.

Excitement was revealed on the faces of many people.

In their view,

If the Blackbeard Pirates can really join the battle at this time,

Then the Lin Xiao Group will undoubtedly lose.

After all 450...

Even Naval Headquarters,

Nor did he have the guts to face two Four Emperors regiments at the same time.


Shanks, who had already heard the exact news from Rayleigh,

At this moment, his face was indeed sinking like water.

Not happy at all.

the emergence of dragons,

Although it is enough to prove that the Blackbeard Pirates did intervene in this war halfway.

But if combined with Lin Xiao's previous disappearance,

And the miserable state of the dragon at the moment,

Shanks can guess without thinking too hard,

Blackbeard gang,

It should have been defeated.

if not……………

With Lin Xiao's insidious and cunning character,

It is absolutely impossible to reappear here so soon.

That Blackbeard guy...

Was it really defeated?!

The more Shanks thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Though he utterly despises Blackbeard,

But it is undeniable,

After the opponent successfully gets the [Big Buddha Fruit] from Sengoku,

The strength has already stepped into the field of [general emperor level].

Even if Lin Xiao is a multi-fruit ability user,

It is absolutely impossible that in such a short period of time,

Defeat Blackbeard who has both [Dark Fruit] (bbeg) and [Big Buddha Fruit]!!

In the end what happened?!


What secret power does Lin Xiao still have in his hands?

so that,

He can fight two Four Emperors regiments at the same time?!

"Shanks, what to do?"

Beckman was able to force Bullet back with one move, and while he was jumping, he had already come to the red-haired body, reminding him with a very solemn expression:

"The current situation is extremely unfavorable to us...... The Blackbeard Pirates may have been defeated by Lin Dao

"If that's the case, they will soon throw their hands out and use all their strength to deal with us..."

"Shanks, how about...let's take Luffy and get out first!!"

Even in previous battles,

Benn Beckman has been getting beaten by the crazy Bullet,

The situation is very embarrassing.

but his mind,

But he has always maintained an unusually calm state.

The situation continues to escalate,

Beckman already sensed a hint of conspiracy and danger.


He no longer wants to stay here anymore.

"Let's see what the situation is saying..."

From the beginning of the war to the present, Shanks has not even had a chance to fight Lin Xiao head-on,

Right now I'm simmering with anger,

How could I leave here willingly.

The fierce battle in the port,

It stopped briefly because of the appearance of Lin Xiao and the dragon.


public eye,

All transferred to the body of the dragon that suddenly fell to the ground.

The dragon was lying on the ground blackened all over,

shortness of breath,

Evidently severely traumatized and dying.

"You...are you hurt?!"

Luffy's trembling voice came from behind the crowd.


Luffy shook his haggard and thin body,

Struggle towards the dragon.


There was a look of unbearable on Shanks' face,

But Zhang Zhang,

but found,

He didn't know how to comfort the poor child in front of him.

Just now he has already probed with the color of knowledge,

The reason why the dragon didn't die immediately,

She was holding on to her last breath and refused to close her eyes.

The reason is...

One last word with Luffy.

And at this moment, the forest road suspended above the sky,

Presumably for this purpose,

No one stopped Luffy from moving forward.

Come to the dragon,

Luffy squatted down slowly,

He tried hard to help his father up.

But after several attempts,

But all ended in failure.

now he,

I can't even do such a small thing.

Fueled by grief and depression,

In his old eyes,

Slowly shed two lines of unwilling tears.

And after seeing Luffy, the dragon,

Still shining brightly,

Even struggling to get close to his ear,

Said in a weak voice:


"Dad...I... know, you don't have to worry about me... sooner or later, one day, I will definitely report for you..."

Luffy's voice was choked up and he started to sob, his grief beyond words.

he knows,

His father wanted to remind him,

Don't continue to dream of "One Piece".

Even though he is extremely capricious,

but his father,

while dying,

But still worried about his safety and future.

this moment,

Luffy really felt what "fatherly love" is in his heart.

how he hopes,

My own father can not die...

stay by his side,

Sail with him!

Arrive together at [The Last Island] Raftel

Share the joy of finding 【Onepiece】

but all this,

In the end it was just his wishful thinking!!


An unusually crisp slap suddenly sounded.

The dragon does not know where to get the strength,

He raised his hand and slapped Luffy heavily.

Then he scolded with a ferocious expression: "You rebellious son, Laozi really should have let Lin Xiao kill you... Back then, he shouldn't have let you survive..."

The words are not finished yet,

The dragon is already dead.

but his eyes,

But still kept staring round,

Obviously unwilling,

Die with peace in my eyes!!.

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