I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 311 [King] And [Car]! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Even if you don't use the aggressive method, this king will accompany you to the end, but... who do you think you are?!"

"Do you think this king will stop this war that is about to be won with just one word from you like that group of useless Marines?!"

Lin Xiao sneered with a sneer of disdain, and looked at the red hair with cold and playful eyes,

Then he turned to the pirate not far behind him, and said with a sneer: "And... red hair, you bastard actually said they~ are innocent people?"

"Hahaha, I'm really laughing to death, the pirate who kills and steals money is actually an innocent person..."

"This joke is even more comical and ironic than "Celestial Dragons represent justice". "

Lin Xiao was immediately amused and burst out laughing,

And the redhead on the other side,

Then his face was livid and he didn't say a word.

"How about this….……."

Lin Xiao stopped smiling,

Suddenly pointed to the Royal Marine behind him with strict military discipline,

He raised his eyebrows and said: "If the soldiers under this king are willing to let them go, let go of these invaders who trampled on their homes and properties, then the king will pardon them and leave alive."

After all,

Lin Xiao didn't care what the redhead wanted to say with his mouth open,

Said directly with a sacred and majestic voice:

"My people..."

"My soldiers..."

"You tell me now, are you willing to let these pirates go?!"

next second.

All the soldiers of the Royal Marine raised their heads in unison and responded: "We... don't want to!!"

"Defending our homeland, defending our borders, this is the duty and obligation of our Royal Marines. Even if we die because of this, the glory will be with us!!"

Zephyr who walked out of the [Mirror Passage] at some point,

Lifting his proud head high,

The shining right arm is placed at the mouth of the moon,

With a solemn and reverent expression, he shouted:

"Kill those who invade De Reiss Rosa!!"

"Those who disobey His Majesty...Kill them!!"

The soldiers of the Royal Marine roared together again.

"Kill those who invade De Reiss Rosa!!"

"Those who disobey His Majesty.... Kill them!!"

"Invaders of De Reiss Rosa.....Kill them!!"

"Those who disobey His Majesty will be killed!!"

sound like thunder,

Go straight to the sky.

The terrifying momentum is like a sharp sword,

It directly cut off the arrogance of the Red Hair Pirates.

Pirates are silent one by one,

The previous arrogance and domineering has long since disappeared from his face,


It is endless fear and anxiety.

"See, compared to the fear of death, they care more about their own king and country, and...whether they have completely wiped out the invaders!!"

A sharp light flashed in Lin Xiao's dark cold eyes, and he sneered coldly: "Red hair, you crawling dog..."

"Today, this king will let you watch with your own eyes, how these people under him died tragically in front of you one by one!!"

"Asshole, shut up Laozi quickly......!!!"

Shansk couldn't hold back the monstrous anger surging in his heart anymore,

Creepy Horror 【Conqueror's Haki】,

like a flood,

Instantly burst out from the red-haired body.

Immediately frantically gathered on the famous sword [Griffin],


【Griffin】Outside the blade,

Immediately, many crackling dark red thunders formed.

The blade raised by the red hair has not yet been formally cut off,

The astonishing power has already been demonstrated without a doubt.

"Fuck, what are you pulling..."

Bullet murmured: "Conqueror's [Awakened] is amazing, so why not keep showing off here?!"

Bullet, this is obviously a bit sour.

Who made him a member of Roger's ship back then.

Naturally, it is inevitable that in my heart,

Subconsciously compare with red hair.


Although Bullet's [Conqueror's] is not as good as the redhead,

But his massive [Armament Haki],

But it is also an existence that red-haired flattery can't catch up with.

“Redhead Shanks……….”

Zephyr also said with emotion on his face: "It's really worthy of a man who can secure the [Four Emperors] throne at a young age, to have such an amazing spirit.

Asking for flowers……………

"It's just a pity that you met His Majesty Lin Xiao, a monster-level genius who hasn't appeared in 800 years!!"

At the age of 17, Red Hair and Yasopp established Red Hair Pirates and officially started sailing.

At the age of 33, the red hair successfully ranked among the 【Four Emperors】in New World.

If Lin Xiao did not appear,

The red hair will undoubtedly be the most amazing genius in this sea.

Luffy, who was even dubbed the "Fifth Emperor" by later generations,

They are not worthy of comparison at all.

Somewhere on the outskirts of the port.

"Amazing Conqueror's....."


With a solemn expression, Redfield stopped the attack in his hand,

Gave the other side with scars all over his body,

The [World's No. 1 Swordsman] Hawkeye, who seemed to be in a state of distress, took a breath.

However, after Hawkeye sensed the terrifying power emanating from the red hair,

With a helpless smile on his face,

Shaking his head and muttering to himself: "Shanks, you bastard..."

"It seems that you didn't take it seriously when you fought against me before!!"


"Come on, use what you learned from Roger to please me to your heart's content!!"

Lin Xiao's dark eyes were full of fighting intent, and while slowly pulling out 【Yan Mo】, he laughed madly and said:

"This time, let us decide the winner on [Conqueror's Haki], which you are best at...."

"Let the world see, among the two of us, who is the real [king], and who is the [car] that is only worthy of being ridden!!"

While the voice fell,

The upgraded Conqueror's containing the holy golden light soared into the sky.

that terrible power,

Immediately, the pirates in the distance had an urge to kneel down and worship.

"Lin Dao, you bastard...to die for Laozi!!"

Shanks let out a roar like a beast, and at the same time his body exploded, a knife containing endless Conqueror's slashed towards Lin Xiao's head.

"Haki · Falling God Kill!!!"

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